Thursday, November 22, 2007 

The American Diet

The nutritional value in the American diet is poor, the soil is diminished of minerals and vitamins. Eating organically and taking organic supplements will replenish the nutrients. Food labeled naturally grown is not the same as organically grown and by law are not required to list the additives, it is possible chemicals are present.

Improve your health by supplying the body with vitamins and minerals. Increasing leafy vegetables in the diet adds calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, and vitamin A, and vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K. Fiber is one of the many benefits of leafy vegetables.

Enhance health and lifestyle with longstanding strategies of good health through education, and addressing the body needs with vitamins, minerals and enzymes, keeping it healthy and disease free. Choose an organic product when a supplement is desired, the body disease resistant when a balance of vegetables is eaten.

Vitamins, enzymes, and minerals are essential to life regulating the metabolism, the foundation of human bodily functions, and proper composition of body fluids, and other body processes. Vitamin C an antioxidant, aids in tissue growth and repair, and has shown to aid the body to absorb iron, Calcium a mineral is vital for strong bone and teeth has shown to decrease the body's ability to absorb iron. The body absorbs calcium better, when vitamin D is present. When taking iron and calcium do not take together.

Knowing if the body is acidic or alkali is inside knowledge of health improvement. Keeping the body PH balanced is an indicator of good health. The body's PH balanced 7.0 will resist diseases and the entire body will function at the optimal level. The wear and tear of every day living causes the cells to become acid rather than alkaline making the body prone to disease, the PH balance body alternatively will, restore the cells.

The U. S. Food and Drug Administration approve prescription drugs, yet they have terrible side effects even fatal. In many cases, supplements are not curses but is a preventive measure that should be taken to aid the body 's defense against invading infections, and when taking organic supplements properly there is no side effects.

Carolyn Bell Smith, committed to helping others improve their health, lifestyle, fight sickness, disease, and building a strong immune system. Author and creator, Healthy LifeStyle and More, and LifeStyle Tips Newsletter

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How To Calculate Loan Payments and Amortization on the Back of an Envelope With a Cheap Calculator

There are dozens, maybe even hundreds, of online financial calculators that you can use to figure out the amount of a monthly loan payment on a mortgage or a car loan.

What can you do to figure out a monthly loan payment amount if there is no computer or internet handy? And you have finally lost or tossed out that old HP12c you had in your top drawer since 1982.

The formula is simple but unless you can do logarithms in your head you need a calculator with a power function. That's the key with y^x (superscript x) on it. For example 2 raised to the 3 power = 8, or 2 x 2 x 2 = 8. On the calculator you would enter 2 then y^x then 3 then = to get the answer 8. If you have kids in school you probably have a calculator with a power function lying around the house. Some cell phone calculators will do the trick also.

A compound interest payment calculation is not rocket science but it is not trivial math either. Hence the need for the power function key. If you do the calculation half a dozen times you can probably commit it to memory. Worst case is the formula will fit on a small index card that you can slip into your wallet or purse.

You are watching the Sunday afternoon game and you see an ad from a local mortgage finance company offering 6% mortgage financing. You got your current $50,000 second mortgage 5 years ago at 8%. It is a 20 year loan. Is it worth checking out the mortgage finance company's offer to refinance the remaining balance of your 2nd mortgage for the remaining 15 years at a lower monthly payment? Let's do the math without leaving the couch.

The variables are:

N = loan period in months. i.e. 15 years = 180 months.

I = interest rate in whole numbers. i.e. 6% written as 6.

P = principal amount of the loan. The amount borrowed.

Q = the Q factor. An intermediate calculation.

M = monthly payment amount

Here's the entire formula for the monthly payment amount of a compound interest loan:

M = (P * I * Q) / (1200 * (Q -1))

Easy enough, but first you have to calculate the value of Q. Here is the formula:

Q = (1 + R/1200) ^N. Pretty simple, but you do need the power function key. N can get fairly large.

Your current monthly P + I payment on your second mortgage is $418.22. The pay-off on the remaining balance of the loan at the end of the 60th month is $43,763 (rounded)

The mortgage finance company is offering 6% on $43,763 for 15 years. What is the monthly payment amount?

Q = (1 + 6/1200) ^180 = 2.454

M = (43763 * 6 * 2.454) / (1200 * (2.454 -1)) = $369.31 (rounded).

In this example by refinancing your second mortgage at the lower rate you would pay off your current second mortgage at the same time and have almost $49 more cash per month in your pocket. Let's see. If you invested that $49 per month at a 20% annual return...

(c) 2006 Peter Boston is an attorney, writer, and the editor of the website, a tips and resource site to refinance a second mortgage, get no fax payday loans, or improve your FICO credit score, updated daily on the credit blog.

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They seem to show up at the worst time you can choose. Usually they find their way to the surface just in time to make an appearance at some big event, such as a date or perhaps a wedding, and there they are, bigger than life. It's kind of a universal irony that they show up at these times, and actually there is a good reason for this. The cold sores that you have are the result of carrying the herpes simplex virus, and that virus, for some reason or another, seems to respond to stress. So it makes perfect sense that you have the cold sores surrounding these times. But how do you get rid of cold sores once you have them.

There is the old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and that is very true when it comes to your battle with cold sores. There is really nothing that can be done, from a medical standpoint to deal with the cold sores. Sure there are creams that you can pick up at the drug store, and there are even some prescriptions that you can purchase but these only shorten the length of the cold sores, they do nothing to help to keep them from showing up again. Not to mention that they carry a list of side effects of their own.

The best way to get rid of cold sores is to not get them in the first place. You can do this by controlling your diet and supplementing as well as some other natural methods for treating the cold sores that you have. If the cold sores are already evident and out then you can try putting some Lysine on them topically. This has been shown to reduce the length of time that they are out on a person.

It's time to cure the cause instead of just treating the symptom. If you are tired of dealing with embarrassing and uncomfortable cold sores then try using our natural method of cold sore reversal and healing, in as little as 3 days. Be cold sore free for life. Visit us online for our special report and some free tips at

Natural Cold Sore Treatment has helped many people to be cold sore free for life.

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Teacher Cover Letters - A Powerful Teacher Cover Letter Secret

When searching for a teaching job it goes without saying that a powerful, well-written, teacher cover letter is a critical piece in the process.

I have written several articles on the topic of teacher cover letters and how to make your teacher cover letter stand out.

However, this article is NOT about "how" to write a teacher cover letter, but rather what to do once your teacher cover letter is written.

I know what you're thinking "What to do with it? Just send it in with your resume."

Well, if that's all you're going to do, you are certainly not going to stand out above the competitionwhich can be very tough when it comes to getting a teaching job.

So, what should you do with your teacher cover letter?

Well, first of all, you are not just going to "send" in your teacher cover letter and teacher resume. Instead, you should "walk" in your teacher cover letter/teacher resume.

That's rightyou are going to hand-deliver your cover letter and resume. Doing so will put a face to the name and will most definitely make you stand out from all of those other applicants who only sent theirs in.

However, more important than "standing out" is the fact that an administrator may actually give you an interview on the spot!

The second thing you're going to do is write three versions of your teacher cover letter.

That's right3 versions. You need to stop thinking of your teacher cover letter as just one individual letter and more as a series of three letters.

The first letter is the traditional teacher cover letter. The one we just discussed that you both send in AND hand-deliver that are both accompanied by your resume.

It's the second and third cover letter, however, that are going to really separate yourself from the crowd.

Remember, the old Head & Shoulders commercial slogan? "You only get one chance to make a first impression."

Wellmaybe that's not entirely true. Maybe you get two chances

Your second cover letter is known as a "follow-up teacher cover letter". This cover letter comes AFTER you have landed the interview, but BEFORE the actual interview takes place. In those few days in between is when you send out your "follow-up teacher cover letter".

This cover letter is similar to your original cover letter with some minor changes. Your follow-up teacher cover letter is "slightly" less formal. It is somewhat of a cross between a cover letter and a thank you note.

Start the letter off with a thank you for the upcoming interview at [insert date and time]. Make sure you include the date and time. This will make you stand out even more*they* will be looking forward to *your* interview! Once you have thanked the appropriate person, highlight the key points you made in your original teacher cover letter.

The third in the series of teacher cover letters is the "post-interview teacher cover letter".

This third "cover letter" is much less formal and is leaning more towards a thank you note than a cover letter. In fact, this third letter should actually be presented as a "hand-written" note on nice, professionally monogrammed stationary.

You give this third letter to each and every person that sat on the interview committee. Address each by name and keep it short. Start by thanking the person for their time AND make sure to add something specific from your interview this will again, make YOUR interview stand out. Next, wrap up that letter with something specific about their school and your passion to teach there.

But wait! You're not done!

Make sure youDon't Give Up!

If your "post-interview teacher cover letter" doesn't get you a phone call within a couple of days, then follow-up with an email

If that doesn't work, then follow-up again with a phone call.

Persistence can pay off big time and can be the difference between getting a teaching job or being back to looking for more teacher interviews.

This teacher cover letter process is extremely powerful and will put you light years ahead of the competition.

Here are the steps once again:

1. Original Teacher Cover Letter ~ mail AND hand-deliver along with teacher resume.

2. Follow-Up Teacher Cover Letter ~ mail AFTER you get the interview, but BEFORE the interview takes place.

3. Post-Interview Teacher Cover Letter ~ hand-written thank you, follow-up email, follow-up phone call.

Plain and simpleyou greatly increase your chances of getting a teaching job when you use this approach to writing your teacher cover letter.

Grab the Top 10 Secrets to the Worlds Greatest Cover Letter for free when you order Your Basic Guide to Acing Any Teacher Interview @

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Franchise Regulations and Franchise Churning - You Decide

Franchising in the United States is over regulated and that is a very bad thing for our economy and small businesses, which franchised outlets are. The UK is probably smart for their stance of fewer regulations in franchising in many respects. Instead of over regulation education is much smarter. I am an Ayn Rand fan and a Friedman, Greenspan type economist type. I believe that if there were no regulations that franchise buyers would be much more apt to do more due diligence.

One issue that franchise rights advocates have decided is unfair and needs to be regulated is when franchisors are said to be churning. That is to say failing franchisees who sell quickly to keep from losing more money and the franchisor allows them to transfer and again collecting another large chunk of the franchise fee to allow the transfer. Then there are the third party churning companies or franchise resellers.

The third party churning issues that some Corporate Franchisors engage in, is sometimes questionable and some anti-franchisor groups say they do this to get around disclosures of franchise failures are problematic. Indeed, I suppose damage control to some degree, and well personally, I do not approve of such things, yet I understand the total game.

Often the need to maintain Brand name in the region to prevent "dead zones" for the brand or burning end-customers, as that could become a domino affect and collapse the system. I would not say it is the status quo all the time, but a franchise strategy is for growth, brand and market dominance, as in any business. Think on this.

L. Winslow is an Economic Advisor to the Online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entrepreneur Currently he is planning a bicycle ride across the US to raise money for charity and is sponsored by and all the proceeds will go to various charities who sign up.

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Are you tired of scouting for commercial printing companies to handle your printing jobs? Are you tired of the thought that they will provide you with what you are looking for? Well maybe its time to make a change. Sit back and lean on your chair, face your computer and browse to the net. In this way you seek and search for a printer capable of answering all your printing needs. By means of computers and online services we easily get what we want.

Among the beneficiaries that online services provide are the advertisers. This is because they could easily relay printing jobs to the online printers and let them do the rest of the jobs. The vital function of online services had persuaded commercial printing companies to expand their services online. This had made commercial printers to interact easily with their clients.

Online postcard printing as among the many services offered online, had been capable of dealing with your postcard printing jobs. With just a single click of your mouse you are able to provide your printer with the files and specifications about your printing jobs without any hassles.

As a provider of efficient printing jobs, online postcard printing provides the following benefits:

Easy online access you need not to spend time walking around to look for your local printers, for with just a single click of your mouse you can have your printers right and there in front of you.

Smooth ordering process purchasing your postcard prints is no longer hard to do. This is because, an order page is provided wherein you can choose your product from a dropdown menu. It has an instant pricing feature that will give you a price quote on the product after you have made your selections.

Fast turnaround time this is the number of days that it would take your printer to complete your order. However, because of the printing equipments and printing technology applied your printing jobs can be rapidly done and delivered right after your doorsteps.

Quality prints with the skilled and professional printers that handle the printing job, you are assured that your products are developed and printed the way you had visualized it.

Generally online postcard printing is the most efficient service capable of answering all your postcard printing jobs. With this service you are assured of quality print, brilliant designs and readable contents that will grab your clients attention.

For more printing guides you may visit Postcard Printing Online

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The Theory Of Recognition - How Do Promotional Products Help?


When promotional products are used to recognize things, people, events, etc., everyone gets it..

The Recipients.
The Winner.
The Also Rans.
The Participants.
The Donors & Patients.
The Employers & Corporations.
The Employees & Families.
The Coaches & Trainers.
The Buyers & Promoters.
The Customers & Prospects.

The plan give everyone more than they expect.
Just be nice to them, Recognize their effort. Its an investment.

Recognition must not only be done but it must be seen to be done.
Have you been recognized lately?
Have you recognized anyone lately?
The more recognition you give, the more you receive.
A little recognition goes a long way.
Stand and be recognized.
How many ways to recognize??
How many ways to get recognition??

I think everyone gets the idea about recognition.
Use it wisely but use it. It's a big tool.

Promotional products go hand in hand with recognition.
Recognition doesn't have to cost a lot. The payoff is many fold.

More of My 'THEORY OF RECOGNITION' questions & answers thoughts & ideas

Recognize and be recognized. A little recognition goes a long way. The importance of recognition. Pay attention to the recognition process and it will take care of you.


Recognition causes friendly ripples in the pond of life.

Recognition of an employee or a friend flows in every direction,

as does the imprinted promotional item.

Forward through the recipient to who ever they meet and talk to,

Sideways to all the peers and fellows,

Back up to you, Friendly ripples.


If you put your name on it, you will be recognized.
Our promotional product is recognition..

The Dictionary says about Recognition..
The act of recognizing , or the state of being recognized..
Friendly notice..
Acknowledgment and acceptance on the part of one government of the independence of another..
An obligation of record, with condition to do some particular act, as to appear and answer..
A sum of money deposited as surety for fulfillment of such act or obligation, and foreited by its nonperformance..
To perceive as identical with someone or something previously known..
To identify, as by previous experience: I recognize good work when I see it..
To perceive as true: To recognize the facts in a case..
To acknowledge the independence and validity of, as a newly constituted government..
To indicate appreciation or approval of..
To regard as valid or genuine: To recognize a claim..
To give ( someone ) permission to speak, as in a legislative body..
To admit the aquiantance of ; Greet..

Gratitude (907 Rogets)..Reward (962 Rogets)..
Discovery, Invention, Sensitive, Thoughtful, Take cognizance of, distinguishable, intelligibility.

Well that's a lot about recognition.

Put your name on any item, send it out and be recognized.

Promotional Products are all about recognition. Rod Winning

Rod Winning is the president of Winning Fairways Inc. Promotional Products for Success Rod has a background in the Steel Industry as well many years in the trophies & engraving business. Contact Rod by email or by phone/fax 604-946-0644 CALL ROD WINNING for the promotional products which will help in the success of your event or requirement. see for pictures and supplier links (soon)

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How and Why You Should Remove Your Makeup Before Bed

It is important for you to remove all makeup before going to bed at night, do not be tempted to fall asleep with your makeup on no matter how tired you are. If you sleep with your eye makeup for it can get into your eyes and cause and infection, redness or irritation.

Taking off your makeup before bed gives your skin time to regenerate while you sleep. When shopping for a makeup remover, go for one that is specifically for removing makeup. It is also important to use two different makeup removers; one for the eyes and one for the rest of the face.

The eye area is very delicate and sensitive and so an eye makeup remover is better for removing eye makeup as they are usually mild, all around the home you will find items which can also be used to remove your eye makeup such as olive oil, fresh milk, baby oil or baby shampoo, the most convenient and less messy however are remoistened disposable eye makeup tissues which you can get from most shops which sell cosmetic products. To remove eye makeup gently tap cotton bud or towel around the eye until towel is clean, do not pull or drag as the eye area is very delicate and such an action can cause irritation.

For the rest of the face, it is a very good idea to avoid oily makeup removers if you have oily skin as this can lead to breakouts, a makeup up remover with alcohol as one of the ingredients is usually okay for oily skin but the best removers are water based and can be used by all skin types.

You should never use soap to remove your makeup unless it is designed for that purpose.

To remove your facial makeup, lightly soak a cotton bud in the makeup remover and start cleansing in circular motions towards the hairline. Then repeat the process until the cotton bud starts coming up clean, then rinse your face with cold water and moisturize.

Get the benefits of a smooth flawless skin using Mineral Makeup and Mineral Foundation from Doja at

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An internet marketing affiliate program is either an individual or merchant company that is willing to pay you a commission for selling their product or service for them. Some affiliate programs can be marketed offline, as well as online, however, most are designed to be put in front of internet audiences.

There are, of course, many different methods of marketing affiliate programs. The most popular by far is email marketing. Email can send your marketing message to all four corners of the world in a matter of seconds, providing that it can get by the spam filters employed by most internet service providers.

Another method for promoting an internet marketing affiliate program is by using pay per click advertising. This method of advertising does cost money and it's very important that you test and track everything that you do when using it in order not to waste your advertising budget. There are literally dozens of pay per click advertising companies out there now, but the best three by far, in order, are Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing and MSN Adcenter.

Another method for advertising your internet marketing affiliate program is by using Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This method is done by focusing individual pages on specific keyword phrases in order to rank highly in the search results in Google, Yahoo and MSN. When someone does a search there, there would be a good chance they'd see your offer page or website. This method has become extremely competitive and it's hard to rank for broad terms anymore, but there's still a lot of "long tail" phrases that can add up to a lot of traffic quickly, if you're willing to do the work.

There are several ways that you can market an internet marketing affiliate program online. Hopefully, this will give you enough information to get you started on the right track.

Has Learning Affiliate Marketing Been Tough For You? Are you spending a lot of money and time only to have the same result? Grab my free report "Top 10 Affiliate Mistakes" and save yourself a lot of heartache. Visit Right Now. You'll learn what NOT to do and finally get yourself on the right track. Internet Marketing Affiliate Program. Joe Stewart is an Internet Marketer and Small Business owner that enjoys helping others.

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Effortless Walleye Jigging Method Scores Nets Full of Fish

When you're jigging for walleyes, how big of a role does psychology play? More than a lot of people think at first glance.

A large part of walleye fishing success is being in tune with both your mindset and the mindset of the walleye. You see, it isnt enough to have a well thought out plan of action without taking into consideration the psychology of the walleye itself.

When youre versatile and have the ability to change your approach, you can have the most success in walleye fishing. The walleye species is nomadic. It moves around a lot. To be able to catch the most walleye, it is necessary to understand why the walleye is behaving in the way it is.

When jigging, it is so important to match the action of your jig to the current mood of the walleye. Most people will lift it, and drop it. This is an acceptable method, but if it doesnt happen to be working it is important to rotate with different approaches.

There is a tendency of many walleye anglers to overcompensate on their jigging. When jigging, it is best to use subtle actions at all times.

Think effortless.

Jig so one motion flows naturally into the next.

Next time youre out on the lake, try dragging the jig along the bottom, popping it up and then letting it fall until it almost reaches bottom. If youre casting into a shallow reef, let the jig fall just until it hits bottom. Then lift the tip of the rod a few inches up. Pause and leave it there for a few moments.

Drop the rod tip and let the jig touch the bottom.

Keep repeating this process.

Remember the action you were taking when you get your first hit.

Repeat for success.

Andrew Martinsen is a walleye fishing fanatic. Sign up now at his website to download your free copy of the exclusive report called Secret Sauce: The Bait Recipe for a Freezer Full of Walleye plus more walleye fishing tips.

To get your copy of this free, limited-time report, click below:

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