Monday, January 28, 2008 

Do It Yourself Bathroom Curtain

Need An Easy Bathroom Curtain Idea?

Ive always had a hard time decorating my bathrooms. You want them to look more cute instead of fancy, after all, it is a bathroom not a bedroom! I wanted to have some type of window treatment over the windows, but the ones I usually picked out were more decorative and elegant and didnt serve as a good shade for those looking in!

Those plain old roller shades were perfect for keeping peepers out, but they were ugly! So plain and not colorful at all. Well, not anymore!

Now all you need is a roller shade for your windows. Buy some paint, stamps, sponges, beads, ribbons or anything else youd like and decorate the roller shade itself. Whether your bathroom is decorated with seashells, fish, ducks or flowers, you can create a roller shade to match perfectly. You can sponge paint the shade with colors that match your bathroom, or you could stamp on images of fish, flowers or ducks that coincide with your current dcor.

Roll out the shade all the way as if it were hanging on the window and covering it completely. Before you start decorating away, start with a plan. Decide what colors youre going to use and how youre going to design it. Then start decorating it!

This is a great crafting project for you and your older kids. If they have their own bathroom, let the kids decorate the shade all by themselves (with your supervision of course). You can also use these shades in bedrooms and let the kids decorate them according to the dcor in their rooms.

For more ideas like this, visit us at

Jennifer is the owner of We have work at home ideas, money saving tips, decorating on a budget, how to make your own gift baskets, and so much more

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Canoe Trip with Nature

A canoe trip is a great way to appreciate Nature!

A well-planned canoe trip is always filled with fun and adventure. If you love cruising the sea or the beautiful lake areas then a canoe trip would be a great choice for you. You can spend hours paddling about on a canoe trip and have plenty of time to enjoy the scenic beauty as it unfolds around you.

There are many such canoe trips available through canoe outfitters and trip coordinators worldwide. Depending on where you are situated, you can plan a canoe trip as part of your family holiday enjoyment or alternatively as part of a group outing.

A canoe trip is a popular choice for many people as it provides all the beauty associated with nature while the canoe itself is not that difficult to maneuver. The canoe used in modern day canoe trips is a relatively small and rigid craft. Depending on the size of the canoe used on your canoe trip, it is paddled along by one or more people sitting and facing the direction of travel.

The craft is propelled through the water by the use of single blade paddles and thus the speed reached while on a canoe trip is controlled and maintained by the paddlers. The canoe that you utilize for a canoe trip will probably be open on top and have a pointed area at each end.

Of course, a canoe trip is not the only way to enjoy a canoe. Competitive canoeing is enjoyed worldwide and features sprint canoeing (racing) and slalom as part of its many aspects. A slalom canoe is closed like a kayak to afford protection from the water and this kind of craft is not generally used for a casual canoe trip. The aim of slalom canoeing, vastly different from a canoe trip, is to navigate a canoe or kayak through a course of gates placed among river rapids, at the fastest possible speed!

Competitors are timed as they complete a descent of the rapids while passing through the different colored gates at an incredibly high speed, a far cry from the peaceful paddling of a Sunday afternoon canoe trip! Still, if excitement is your game, you can still pursue it by enjoying a canoe trip through fast moving waters, as the experience earned by paddling and maneuvering your craft will stand you in good stead should you do it competitively.

There is also another sport that offers excitement to any competitive canoe trip enthusiast. It is the game of canoe polo and is not for any faint-hearted casual canoe trip paddlers. This is a competitive sport played between 2 teams of five players each. Each team is seated in a canoe and must try and get the ball into their opponent's goal area, the winners being the team who score the most goals. The best way to work out in preparation to playing canoe polo is to take part in vigorous canoe trips as often as possible. This canoe trip training will help to increase strength levels while also increasing the paddlers ability to control the craft.

It's always exciting to travel and camp while on a canoe trip. Large distances can easily be covered on a canoe trip and the canoe can transport bulky loads with ease. A canoe trip offers a vastly different experience than does backpacking and allows for observation of aquatic life and wildlife typically found near the shore.

Any fishing you might intend as part of your vacation plan is easily accomplished while on a canoe trip. Remember when planning a canoe trip that the USA and Canada boast the most beautiful lakes and canoe trip vacation areas. Almost one quarter of the worlds freshwater lakes abound in Canada, so you can be sure of a huge available choice for your canoe trip. Not only are day trips available for canoe trip enthusiasts but long excursions of 3 weeks or more are often also available.

There are also weekend courses on the water, which will help you to spruce up your canoe trip skills, an important consideration before embarking on any canoe trip, however short it might be! Safety whilst enjoying a canoe trip should be everyone's top priority and some canoeing skills will go a long way to enhancing your whole canoe trip experience!

Copyright 2005

More on Canoe Trips

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Healthy Eating for Toddlers

If youve ever been around toddlers, chances are youre familiar with the toddler diet otherwise known as chicken nuggets, hot dogs, and French fries. There are ways to help your toddler expand his menu. Try using cookie cutters to cut cheese and sandwiches into fun shapes, make pancake faces with banana slices for eyes, and blueberries for the nose and mouth. Your picky toddler is more likely to eat if theyre hungry at mealtime dont allow them to fill up on juice or snacks between meals.

Another way to make sure your toddler is getting enough nutritious food is to be creative when preparing meals. Adding some thawed frozen spinach into tomato sauce, placing veggies on top of a slice of pizza, or adding shredded zucchini to apple muffins are great ways to sneak healthy food into your child.

Toddlers are prone to food jags sometimes theyll go weeks or months eating the same food day after day. If your toddler is gaining weight well, theres probably nothing to worry about. Whats most important is that you not turn it into a battle if your toddler realizes that they can use food as a method of control, youve lost the war. Consult with your pediatrician if youre concerned he may suggest adding a multivitamin to your childs diet.

As your child gets older, it can still be a struggle to make sure he or she is eating right. Make an effort to have a family mealtime not only does it give you an opportunity to catch up with your kids; it also helps you control the menu. Make sure that there is always a healthy selection of ready-made snacks available, such as fruits and veggies with dip. Offer your kids juice or water and limit sugary drinks like soda and drink mixes.

Its important that the parent set a good example. Practice what you preach and realize that your kids will take their cues from you. Making choices like eating whole grains, avoiding fried foods, and eating more fruits and veggies will send the right message and increase the chances that your child will adopt a healthy lifestyle later on in their lives.

Need help with your childs fitness? Grab your kid fitness tips, nutrition articles and fun kid exercise ideas Free Kid Fitness Tips

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10 Useful Tips To Attract People To Your Web Site And Keep Them Coming Back

Combinations of two or more of the tips below are being used by many successful sites today. Use your imagination and see what you can do with them. Because there are so many web sites on the internet today visitors are spread quite thinly and web traffic is one of the scarcest commodities on the internet today. Without it your online business does not exist.

1.You could give people a free subscription to your newsletter. Almost everyone is publishing a newsletter nowadays so it is important to give something extra with the free subscription. You need to set yourself apart from the other internet marketers out there. This might be done by offering a gift or free advertising when people subscribe.

2.Provide your visitors with new and original content. Your content will be more attractive to your visitors if it is up-to-date or original. You could also offer people the option to reprint the content in their newsletter or web site. You will need to change your content frequently if you do this. But the benefits are worth the effort. The search engines will love your site and keep coming back. Your site will rank highly in their results and your visitors will keep coming back for the latest updates.

3.Use PPC directories. You can advertise in pay per click directories. With PPC you only pay when some one clicks on your link. If no one clicks you pay nothing. This method is very good if you are selling a product at your site. It is easy to assess the cost of each sale and measure you success.

There are lots of PPC sites out there now. Google and Yahoo! are not the only ones. You can often get a better deal at these other sites depending on the competition for the keyword you are using. Shop around. There is probably a site out there with your keyword going cheap. But, Make sure that it can deliver the traffic. You can do this by checking its Alexa rank. If it is not getting much traffic itself, how is it going to direct traffic to you?

4.Give your visitors a free ebook. You could write your own and include an ad in the ebook linking to your site and allow other people to sell it or give it away. If you don't want to take the time to write one, you could ask other writers permission to use their articles and assemble an article eBook. Or commission an eBook. There are plenty of writers around willing to write a fresh eBook for you at a fair price.

5.Hold free online classes or seminars. They could be held in your web site's chat room. The idea of "live" information will entice people to visit your web site. You will become known as an expert on the topic.

6.If you have expertise in a certain area you could offer free consulting to people who visit your web site. You could do this via e-mail or by telephone. People will consider this a huge value because consulting fees can be very expensive. Use a separate business line if you use the phone or you will have calls coming in to your home phone around the clock as the world turns. If your site becomes known for this service you may need to employ people to help keep up. If this happens you can bring in a two tier system whereby you have a free service and a paid service offering something extra.

7.Give visitors a free entry into a contest you are running. The prizes should be something of interest or value to your visitors or relevant to your site's topics. Most people who enter will continually revisit your web site to get the results. Do not be discouraged if the first one or two contests do not set the world on fire. The word has to get out. People will talk to their friends about this site that is running this great contest, and before too long your site will have a name for running contests. There are people out there who really go for that sort of thing and will visit your site regularly.

8.Let visitors download free software. It could be freeware, shareware, demos etc. You could even turn part of your site into a free software area and let other people sell it or give it away from this area. You do not need to produce the free software yourself. There are plenty of sources on the web. All you have to do is link to them. If you gather a significant amount of software of a type relevant to the topic of your site you will make your site a valuable resource for your visitors and they will keep coming back to get more.

9.Offer free online services or utilities from your web site. They could be search engine submitting, copy writing proofreading etc. The service or utility should be helpful to your target audience.

10.Give your visitors a free membership to your online club. People like to feel that they belong to something, why not your online club. You could also give away a free newsletter for club members only. The members will very likely want to contribute a large part of its content making it easy to source articles. If you offer them a link back to their own site your members will be queuing up to put content in your newsletter.

I goes without saying that all of the above should be relevant to the topic of your site in order to be of interest to your visitors. Do not keep changing the topic of your site. I see this happening all too often. The webmaster has a site for three months or so and becomes disheartened because his site not taken off as he hoped, so he decides to try a different topic. Doing so he loses the regular visitors s/he had and has to start at the beginning again in the new topic. Also, the search engines will very likely be slow to change to the new topic, confusing everyone who visits from there. It may also affect the PR of the site as the new topic may initially be viewed as unrelated content.

Steven Collins is a senior web designer and SEO consultant at Desktop Web Design.

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Conversion Services - Get The Information

Time and tide wait for none. This famous quotation proves to be correct. Each passing day has seen great advancements achieved by the human race. Today the world has become a fast paced one where everything is moving so fast. The past few years have seen a high rise in the technological advancements. The internet has been one of the best things for the human race. Internet has made life much simpler and eased out. Today with the internet people can communicate with anybody from anywhere. And finding anything and getting information is so simple with the internet. The internet has made services so easily available to people that they can get these services at the touch of a button and this can be done by sitting at home or by sitting in a cyber caf. Conversion services are one such service that helps in the conversion of measurement. Conversion services basically are services that can be used by people who are planning to travel to India or have come to India.

Conversion services include the conversion of currencies, land areas, temperature, volume and speed, virtually anything and the result is given immediately. Conversion services ensure that all people who need any kind of information remain in total control and face no hassles in collecting the information and that this information can be collected at a go without wasting much time. The conversion services offer help to gather information about the conversion of land, currencies, volume, temperature and speed. All that is needed to be done is that one need to know what has to be converted and then the conversion is done with the help of the conversion services. These conversion services are offered by many web portals but you need to collect the converted information from the web portal which is authentic and assures the best and the most reliable information.

Internet has made the world come even closer. The advent of the internet has proved to be a boon for all. While sitting at home or office and working on your personal computer or your laptop you can be in touch with anybody at any place, plus you can look out for things and services that are provided in any of the cities in India. Conversion services are a bunch of much used services where one does not need to stress too much and can opt for an eased out conversion services.

The conversion services provided by any web portal in India allows visitors of the site to gather information about the conversion of land, temperature, currencies, speed, volume, almost anything under the sky. Conversion services are all set to make life simpler and easier for people who is either traveling from abroad to India or who are relocating themselves to a different place in India. The conversion services are of immense help and the best part is that one can access this service by sitting at home or in a cyber caf. All that is needed to be done is to know the measurement whose converted information is required and the amount that is to be converted.

Amit Bhalla works to help all those who want information about the latest and the best, most happening places in the city. To know more about Local search India,local search services delhi,search service delhi,Yellow Pages India, Local Search Service, Conversion Services visit

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Tips to Learn Spanish

If you will be living or spending a lot of time in Spain, you will want to learn Spanish. You can make do with a few phrases for short visits, but not a long term stay. Living in the country is difficult if you cant speak the language. Learning Spanish will help you acclimate to the country faster.

Options to Learn Spanish

There are many options for learning Spanish. The best teaching and learning methods vary for each student. You need to find the methods that work best for you. Often, a combination of methods is best. This could include some formal instruction, some self study, as well as practice using the language in real world situations.

Language schools and private lessons are relatively easy to find. In some cases, they can be expensive. If you learn best in a school setting, or with one on one instruction, this may be the way for you to go. Private instruction is probably the most expensive method for learning the language. Formal instruction is best if you arent motivated to follow a self study program and keep up with the lessons.

Schools vary widely in the methods of instruction. They can be very structured or more relaxed. Some teach lessons in a structured sequence and dont deviate from the curriculum. Others are more relaxed and open, such as some immersion programs. Pay attention to curriculum if you are choosing a school for instruction. Pick one with a teaching method that will work best for you.

If you are immigrating to Spain, check with the local city government. Sometimes city governments or other government entities offer courses for immigrants. These are often free. Ask at your local city government building. They can help you find local programs.

You can learn to speak Spanish on the internet. Many websites offer language instruction. Some are free, while others charge a fee for the courses. These are self study courses. As you finish one lesson, you move on to the next. You will need to be self motivated to learn well on your own.

Language exchanges offer free language learning. These can be found in the classified section of newspapers and magazines. They can also be found on the internet. There are individual and group language exchanges. This is a more informal method for learning to speak the language. You will learn through informal conversation, rather than a professional curriculum.

Learn Spanish at Advanced Levels

Once you have learned the basics of Spanish, you will want to continue working on your skills. A great way to do this is to make friends in Spain. Dont be afraid to strike up a conversation. Spend time talking with local people and neighbors. Conversation will hone your skills in speaking the language. New friendships will also help you feel at home and more a part of the community.

For more advanced levels, consider subscribing to advanced materials. This can include a subscription magazine and cassette, such as Puerta del Sol. This is a bimonthly publication. It also includes cultural knowledge that will help you adapt to your new home. You will practice your reading and speaking skills, while gaining valuable information about the culture.

Language exchange groups or clubs can help increase your language skills. These are discussion groups that generally meet over dinner. They are more social than instructional. This is a great way to meet people and make friends. In addition, you will build your skills in a social context. The more time you spend talking to people, the better you will learn the language.

The magazine writer Peter J. Wilson is specifically passionate about news about Spain. Sharing his passion in publications such as ,he expressed his capability on topics associated with learn spanish and spanish culture.

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Simple Solutions For Making Your Breasts Look Bigger Without Surgery

I remember seeing Demi Moore in a gorgeous sexy dress in a movie once and instantly wished for the breasts that she had to fill out the garment beautifully. There is absolutely no doubt that larger breasts can make a woman feel more sexy, more beautiful and much more desirable. However, surgery is not the only solution. This article will discuss simple solutions for making your breasts look bigger without surgery or any other enlargement methods.

The easiest way to do this is with no effort at all on your part but with the help of a breast boosting bra.

There are a number of these available on the market, particularly targeting women with saggy, droopy breasts. The best boob boosting bra would have supportive cups.

Another way of achieving good support is by purchasing an underwire bra. However, make sure the bra is comfortable long term, otherwise it will annoy you all day.

Julia Roberts made padded bras famous again in one of her movies. Not only do padded bras give the appearance of fuller breasts but they also can position them closer together so they appear even more sexy.

Another solution available is a range of exercises. While they won't add cup sizes exercise can make them fuller and sit higher. Additionally, performing a range of back exercises can also make them more attractive.

There are a range of exercises that you can try to firm up their appearance. These includes a range of push up exercises, performing back extensions either with or without equipment, and a range of arm exercises, and back exercises.

You may be surprised to learn that your diet can also affect their appearance. Studies have revealed that women who aren't eating the right foods can have smaller breasts than women who are making more healthy choices. Sesame seeds are actually a great bust-firming food.

Women who are actually going through menopause are encouraged to eat foods that are said to increase breast size as it balances out their hormones. It is believed that some conventional vegetarian foods like tofu, dried beans, berries and wheat germ can also assist in their appearance.

For the latest information about the best natural enlargement products that really work check out the website below!

Copyright 2007. Are you after ways to make your breast bigger? Not all breast enlargement products are safe, nor do they live up to the bold enlargement claims that they make. I put the "best" breast enlargement products to the test and have just published my results. To get access to ways to make your breast bigger now check out my breast enlargement review page now at

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Working Too Many Hours Is Counter Productive

How did we get to this 24 by 7 world? One person I know blames the Blackberry. Even before the Blackberry though, we had pagers that made people easily accessible. Oh sure without cell phones maybe our response was less immediate but we still could provide 24 by 7 response.

When I started my career at AT&T people worked from 8am to 5pm. I had a position in sales which included customer service i.e. helping the customer to locate his/her equipment after it was ordered. Not everyone took the customer service piece seriously. In fact sales being sales most account executives wanted to sell not chase orders. I had colleagues who actually hid from their customers service calls!

Now you can get away with that when you are the only game in town but when competition is fierce you have to change your tune. So eventually even AT&T got to having it the rule rather than the exception that people worked long hours and were accessible 24 by 7. No more hiding!

As a youngster I remember jokes about doctors in the summer all being on the golf course on Wednesday. Dont get sick on Wednesday unless you are on the golf course. Havent heard that in a while and I actually had a Wednesday appointment with my doctor. She may not work 24 by 7 but the office is open for emergencies 7 days a week.

The pendulum has swung in the opposite direction now. Were working longer and harder these days and it has gotten really difficult to take time for ourselves. I struggle with this myself. Last summer I took my first vacation without my computer or telephone and went to Italy for two weeks. Scary!! I survived and surprisingly last year was my best year in business. Maybe it was because of the vacation?!

This year I have already put my July vacation on my calendar and made plans to go to Santa Fe, New Mexico. I tell my clients that its important to set some boundaries around the time we need for ourselves and our families. I am very good about scheduling family time but setting aside time for myself often gets lost in the rush. What about you?

Of course I work for myself so I dont answer to anyone else. When you work for a company, it becomes even harder to take good care of yourself. The culture may reward those who put in extra time. Working during vacation time may in fact be an unwritten requirement.

Not only do we need vacations on a regular basis but we also need time for reflection and contemplation during the day. Finding this can be extremely difficult if you are working in a culture that rewards people for spending longer hours in the office. Grabbing a few minutes of quiet time during the day may be hard but not impossible. (Check the Take Action section for some quick break ideas.)

Making a few minutes of quiet reflection a priority in your life is one way to get some of that time you need for yourself. When I was a busy working mother, my children knew that when I came home from the office, I went to my room for a few minutes before I started cooking dinner and/or helping with homework. I needed that time to unwind and refocus.

Even if you just allocate a few minutes, it can be helpful. Hopefully if you have success with small amounts of quiet time, youll begin to add more!

We also need to have professionals, business owners and boards of directors step up and be vocal on this issue. Professionals need to demand their vacation time. Business owners and boards of directors need to begin to advocate some down time during the day, the week and the year. They need to reward their employees for taking all their vacation time annually.

It is in the companys best interest to do so. The stress of all this work leads to health issues both physical and emotional for employees. With health insurance costs so high perhaps this alone might inspirecompanies to pay more than lip service to allowing time to relax, regenerate and reflect.

Take Action

1. Schedule some vacation time for this year. Put it on your calendar. Select your destination and make plans.

2. Want some ideas for taking a quick break? Read Ten Ways a Busy Attorney can Take a Quick Break on my website (You dont have to be an attorney to use the ideas!) Select one way to take a break and make it a habit. Take a daily break.

3. Contact the Take Back Your Time organization at for ways you can support a movement to get Americans (Canadians too) to take their vacation time and limit work to a 40 hour week.

About Alvah Parker

Alvah Parker is a Practice Advisor and Career Coach as well as publisher of Parkers Points, an email tip list and Road to Success, an ezine. To subscribe send an email to

Parker works with successful attorneys who feel overwhelmed by their work and are willing to take action to create a more profitable practice and a more fulfilling life. Alvah also helps attorneys and others who want to change careers and find the work that is more meaningful and fulfilling. Alvah is found on the web at She may also be reached at 781-598-0388

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