Wednesday, February 13, 2008 

Powerful Presentations Build Your Business

You've set up a meeting with a potential client. You've dressed appropriately, your shoes are shined. You've got your portfolio and your business cards, and you have an idea of what you want out of the meeting. In a word: you want business.

This is the way 95 per cent of small business people approach meetings. However, if you spend a little more time preparing your presentation, you'll make a more powerful impact and will get more work.

The major rule is: when you've landed a meeting, always make a proposal. Have a clear idea of exactly what you want. You present your proposal via a carefully scripted, and rehearsed, presentation. This is not the time to leave anything to chance, or to wing it.

Before you can create your presentation, you need to know what your proposal is. For example, let's say you're a freelance copywriter approaching a graphics design agency, with a view to being considered as a sub-contractor.

Remembering "WIIFM", (What's In It For Me), you realize that you will need to create your presentation's proposal from the view of the agency.

Before you do anything else, make a long list of What's In It For Them. Why does it make sense for them to sub-contract work out to you?

What's In It For Them is the heart of your proposal. On your notes, make sure you put WIIFT on each page, so that it stays at the front of your mind. It's easy to make the mistake of talking about what you want, but please don't. You can leave a CD copy of your presentation with the prospect, but again, it MUST focus on how you can help them.

==> Preparing your presentation

The easiest way to prepare your presentation is to use presentation software. If you own Microsoft Office, then you also own Microsoft PowerPoint, it's part of Office. It's worth taking the time to learn to use PowerPoint. It makes creating an effective presentation easy.

What do you put into a presentation? Your proposal, and supporting material. Remember the agency wants to know what's in it for them --- how you can help them make money, save money, and make their lives easier and more pleasant. Everything you include in your presentation --- the kind of work you do, items from your portfolio, testimonials from satisfied clients --- must relate to *them*.

Think of the presentation as being a combination of a speech, an advertisement for your services, a showing of your portfolio, and a proposal, all rolled into one. Aim to make it around 10 to 15 minutes long. Have some fun with creating the presentation. Include plenty of slides with bullet points, and graphics.

You can get double-value out of your presentations. Just copy your basic all-purpose presentation onto a CD, and send it to prospective clients. You can also make your basic presentation a download on your Web site.

It's also a good idea to print out some of the slides from any presentation you give personally, so that you can leave the slide copies with the client after the meeting. (Note: don't hand out copies before the meeting. You need to make sure that everyone is paying attention to your presentation.)

==> Control your nerves: rehearsal is everything

Many people hate public speaking. However, if you prepare yourself, you'll be just fine, and each presentation you give will enhance your confidence.

Write your speech out completely. Ask someone else to read it and help you brainstorm ideas. Then leave the speech for a week for a gestation period. You'll find that other ideas will come to you, and you can incorporate these.

As you prepare your speech, you can also prepare the slides in PowerPoint. Use photographs and other graphics, to bring your presentation to life.

When you're happy with the speech, learn it. Practise giving the speech in front of a mirror, then practise giving it as you click through the slides in PowerPoint.

If you dont have a notebook computer to take with you, take your PowerPoint file along on a disk or CD. You may be able to borrow a computer. If you cant, then give the presentation without the file, but leave the presentation CD and notes with the decision maker.

==> Who will be at the meeting? Pitching to decision makers

Before you set a date and time for the meeting, ask who will be attending the meeting. You need to be sure that you'll be making your presentation to a decision-maker in the company. If you cant get an assurance that the decision maker will attend, postpone the meeting until she can attend.

==> Get an agreement before you leave the meeting

You've given your presentation. You've made your proposal. Now what?

Now you get an agreement.

This is the "close" in sales-speak. It's the most important part of your presentation, aside from the WIIFM aspect. Many otherwise competent people skimp on the close, because it makes them nervous. However, no matter how nervous you are, you must ask for the sale.

So, in our scenario, as you wind up your presentation, you would ask to become a sub-contractor for the agency. This will lead to discussion, but unless you get an immediate agreement to sign you up, make sure that you attempt to close at least three more times before you leave.

In the best of all possible outcomes, you won't leave the business before you have a check in your hand. This is your aim. So when the decision-maker says: "Yes, that sounds fine, we'd like to put you on our books as a sub-contractor, you say: "Great, can we make a deal now? I'd like a retainer, and _______ (mention the terms of your services agreement). A deposit of $X would be fine."

Good luck with your presentations. Theyre a sure-fire way to build your business in a hurry.

Author of many books, including Making the Internet Work for Your Business, copywriter and journalist Angela Booth also writes copy for businesses large and small, and consults on search engine marketing. Angela has written copy for companies in many industries, ranging from technology and real estate to the jewellery trade. Her clients include major corporations like hp (Hewlett Packard), WestPac Bank, and Acer Computer. For copywriting services and marketing advice contact Angela at

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Asbestos - The Silent Killer

Asbestos is the single biggest work place killer today. People who have worked with the material are at serious risk from developing lung cancer, asbestosis and mesothelioma, fatal respiratory illnesses that debilitate their victims. Evidence of asbestos deadly effect on those who breathe its fibres is likely to multiply in the decades to come.

Asbestos was once heralded as the greatest building material available to those in the construction industries. Its high tensile strength, durability and flexibility, as well as heat insulation and fire retardant properties meant that it could save lives, make buildings strong and make industries rich. It was first used by the Greeks some 2000 years ago. They were aware of the health hazards it posed but believed that its magical ability to withstand fire far outweighed this danger.

The dangers to health were all but forgotten until at the turn of the twentieth century when medical researchers noticed a large number of deaths and lung problems occurring in asbestos mining towns. In 1917 and 1918, several United States studies discovered that asbestos workers were dying unnaturally young.

Asbestosis was first diagnosed in a 33 year old woman in 1924, this lead to studies being carried out on asbestos workers in the UK. Examinations on the workers showed that thirty percent had asbestos-related lung disease. UK laws were introduced in 1931 to increase ventilation and to make asbestosis an identifiable work related illness.

Despite the established link between asbestos and lung diseases the industry continued to grow well into the last century. At the peak of its usage asbestos was produced in 24 countries worldwide; it was also manufactured in over 100. World production climaxed at over 5 million tonnes. The building, shipping, insulation and demolition companies whose workers came into contact with asbestos were often aware that their staff were at risk. They did not take sufficient steps to protect their workforce from personal injury.

Sadly the effects of asbestos take many years to manifest themselves. People who worked in the construction industries some 20 to 40 years ago may still be awaiting their fate. Asbestos causes several diseases, two of which occur only in those who have had contact with asbestos, asbestosis and mesothelioma. Lung cancer and emphysema are more commonly associated with smoking but frequently occur in non smokers with a history of asbestos contact.

It is thought that the worst is yet to come. The peak of asbestos usage was in the 60s and 70s so many people may develop lung diseases in the near future.

Due to the latency of asbestos diseases it is thought that we will be seeing many more incidences of mesothelioma in the next 25 years. Hugh Robertson, head of health and safety at the British TUC says: "A realistic estimate is that within the EU alone 500,000 will die in the next 35 years, half from mesothelioma and half from lung cancer. In Japan, an estimated 100,000 will die. If you add the Australian, Canadian and US figures then even a million is an under estimation and that is only for the developed countries.

People affected by asbestos are entitled to compensation from the companies who knowingly exposed them many years ago.

People affected by asbestos related illness should speak to a personal injury solicitor who has experience in asbestos cases.

For free legal advice visit to learn more about asbestos and to make a claim, or alternatively you can call us on 0800 10 757 95.

YouClaims solicitors have many years experience of handling asbestos related claims. They help people rebuild their future following exposure to the deadly effects of asbestos.

Editorial notes: YouClaim provides full accident litigation compensation services. Helps people to claim compensation for all types of injury from whiplash to head injuries.

By Sophie Evans
Compensation following a non fault accident.

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Why You Don't Want To Promote Your Network Marketing Business Too Much!


Why would anyone suggest that you not promote your Network Marketing or MLM business too much?

Well, let me ask you something here:
Are you trying to make more money for yourself and your team OR would you rather see more money and attention brought to the company you are promoting?

That may seem like a dumb question, but the WAY you are marketing and promoting your business says more about that subject than your response to it.

In other words, if you spend the majority of your time talking about or promoting the actual company you represent instead of YOURSELF, what is the message you are actually portraying to your prospects?

It is this:
'This company is so great - the products sell themselves, the compensation plan is killer, the founders have the biggest heart, and on and on, but getting you in my company is what I'm trying to do here'

So, where exactly do you come in? What makes you needed if the company is so great and that's all you are talking about; why would people be attracted to you personally?

In essence, you are simply a glorified sales rep and not a true independent marketer, doing it this way.

(Now, please don't get upset and close your mind here. Just hear me out and make your own decision at the end of this article.)

This brings up questions like: If the products sell themselves, why does your company need you? If the comp plan is the best, then why are there people in other networking companies making more than people in your company? If this is such a great opportunity, then why do you need to track people down to tell them all about how great it really is? Why do so many networkers talk more about their company and products than they do their own children?

The deal is, your company does need you because you bring in the key component that they may not be able to achieve on their own - which is relationships and creative marketers.

Getting back to the main point here:
* Instead of spending so much time promoting and building up a company you represent, wouldn't it be a better business decision to promote and build up YOURSELF more?

What if you switched gears and instead of attracting and linking people to your network marketing company; you attracted and linked people to YOU, and then had the power to control where you direct and lead those people?

Something that happens quite a bit in this business is companies that up and close all of a sudden or get raided by the FDA or the Government, or have a financial crisis, or change the comp plan, etc.

Just the same is the fact that your prospects now have many great mlm companies and products to choose from and can be much more selective about who they deal with in their decision of those companies.

What this means to you is that if you are not attracting people to you FIRST, people have no real reason to join in business with you specifically.

What do you have to offer that any other rep doesn't have?

So, let me give an example here. Say you have a prospect who you are trying to get as a rep in your business:

You paint this awesome picture of your company (all the benefits and features) to your prospect and try to get them involved.

Well, they decide for whatever reason, that they do not want to become a rep with your company and they move on.

You have just lost your chance with that prospect because all you had to offer them was your opportunity and nothing more. They will not come back to you unless they decide they want to join that particular company, and even then they might find a crossline rep they like more than you and join with them. They have no other use for you, and you have no more attractiveness to them.

Now, what about this:
Contrast this by attracting people to you FIRST (by positioning yourself as an expert in your field) and giving them something of value (such as a free informational generic newsletter, ebook, webinar, etc.) and then directing them to the course that is best for them including your primary business.

Doing it this way can allow you to be attractive to prospects at all times, and even if they don't join you in your primary business, they are still connected with you and not just sold on your company. They trust you and consider you more of a help than of a annoying sales rep who thinks their particular company is the best thing out there.

It's very easy to find network marketers who are in love with their company and spend all of their time praising their company and it's products, conventions, and all of that stuff.

However, it's rare when you find someone who attracts people to them first through correct positioning, and is able to more effectively help prospects above and beyond their business opportunity.

Sure we should be proud to represent the company we are with, but they are not the be all end all. They are merely a means to an end. If you are a true independent marketer, you don't have to rely so much on driving every person to your primary company because you are bringing people to you first, then you have the chance to help them much more than just getting them in your business opportunity. You have much more to offer.

Not only that, but regular network marketers are a dime a dozen. People don't want to work with the average Joe networker. Why would they, anyway (the statistics of the masses are terrible)? People want to deal with someone who they can trust and someone who can give them more information than just the typical sales pitch of their particular company that every other rep is also using. I mean, most everyone says their particular company is the best, their 'system' is the best, yada, yada. Who really cares? Prospects have heard it all before. They want results and they want someone who is different and who gives before they get.

You are either independently unique, or you are simply following the followers.

The great news is: It's all your choice! So choose wisely :)

Scott Rogers is a Network Marketing Consultant, Trainer, and Independent Marketer who Specializes in Helping Network Marketers Truly Succeed in Their Chosen Businesses by Providing Resources, Education, and Tools for Effective Business Building and Marketing.

The Network Marketing Essentials Blog

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Fear of Rejection - Explained and Solved

How does one define fear of rejection? The fear of rejection is the type of fear that one irrationally feels when one is afraid that other people may not accept you when you are just being yourself.

How does one react when one possesses fear of rejection? There are several ways:

1)One might be motivated to be more cautious than is normally expected when one is dealing with other people.

2)When you fear rejection, you might be pressured to say or do things just to be accepted, even when what you say or do go against your own beliefs or stand.

3)People who fear rejection are overly-concerned about what other people say, do or how they react to the individual in question, to the point that they may be paralyzed in speech or action.

4)You may feel your creativity, productivity and freedom of thought to be constrained when you experience fear of rejection.

5)You may opt to adopt the norms of the group exerting peer pressure on you and causing you to feel fear of rejection. This is particularly common among young people who crave a great degree of acceptance from their peers.

How do you know when you are experiencing fear of rejection? People who have this fear generally exhibit some recognizable behavior patterns.

1)Such people may display zero to little assertiveness among their peers.

2)They fear expressing an opinion especially if it differs from that of their superiors or people they admire.

3)They find themselves unable to prevent or bar others from pursuing self-destructive actions and behavior. This is common among groups of alcoholics or drug addicts.

4)They are easily persuaded to pursue behavior that fits the group norm, even when such behavior does not match their personal value system.

5)People who have fear of rejection may resort to passive-aggressive behavior, such as becoming sly or dishonest. These people do not resort to open communication to get what they want.

6)Such people generally express dissatisfaction or unhappiness with the conditions they live under - however, when encouraged to take a more confrontational approach to people who they fear, they refuse.

7)People who have this fear often resort to masking their true identity, because they are afraid their true identity will cause them to be rejected by the people around them.

8)They keep trying to adhere to prescribed styles and modes of behavior to the point that they cannot switch to other alternative forms of behavior.

9)People who fear rejection are transformed into habitual liars because they not only lie to themselves, they lie to other people as well, in order to maintain adherence to behavioral norms.

If you find that you may be acting out of a fear of rejection, there are different things you can do to eliminate this fear:

1)Identify what causes your fear of rejection.

2)Determine what are the behavior patterns that result from this fear of rejection.

3)Identify any alternative forms of behavior that you could adopt instead.

4)Find out what existing obstacles could hinder you from trying out these alternative forms of behavior.

5)Determine if these obstacles are irrational beliefs or rational beliefs. If they are irrational, you might have to seek professional help from a counselor or psychologist.

6)Rational beliefs are founded on existing factors - for example, if your fear of rejection from your peer group is founded on the fact that they will do something violent to you, that is a rational belief based on your experience. Rational beliefs should not be ignored because the cause of the fear is real. You may want to seek help from a person in authority when this is the case, such as assistance of a police officer or lawyer.

Nobody should live under a cloud of fear. If you have fear of rejection, maybe it is time to do something tangible about it.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report: 10 Simple Steps to Developing Communication Confidence. Apply now because it is available only at: conversation starters

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Defense in Depth

Today in business protecting your information is essential. IT managers should be practicing defense in dept to secure their systems.

What is defense in depth? It is using multiple layers of security systems to protect or stop a attack. There are criminals, hackers, organized crime groups, employees and foreign countries trying to access or destroy data. There are many reasons why people do this. It could be used for identity theft, they can threaten to bring down a companies website. They might want to take over your servers to launch denial of service attacks. Foreign countries, terrorists and competition might want trade secrets, or information on military information.

There are many tools attackers have ready to use. How do they get to this information? There are many vulnerabilities they can implement. Here are a few: Rootkits, Remote exploits, buffer overflows, sniffing, session hijacking, social engineering, viruses, trojans, and key stroke loggers.

There are many tools that companies and individuals can use to help mitigate these risks. Intrusion detection and prevention systems can help stop and inform you that there is a possible attack happening. Firewalls and anti virus gateways can help to try to stop attacks and protect against viruses. The firewall must be checked for correct rule sets.Services not in use should have their ports blocked or turned off entirely. Denial of service defense software can be installed to help drop packets before they crash your systems. Your firewall can be configured to do the same.

Hosts in your network should be protected with anti-virus software, spyware removal tools, and personal firewalls. If your data is really valuable consider hiring an outside firm to do penetration testing and application security testing. Software updates should be installed frequently on a test server first and then put on your production servers.

Users on the network should be authenticated with a user name and password. The password should be difficult to guess and be alph numeric contain both upper case and lowercase. Passwords should be changed on a regular basis. To protect information on your computers encryption should be utilized with encryption protocols such as DES, 3DES or AES. If you use remote access do not use Telnet Make sure that you are using SSH, or SSL with IPsec.

Users should be educated about possible security risks and trained on the companies security policy. System administrators should be backing up daily and checking their logs for suspicious activity.

Benjamin Hargis Information Security Consultant

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Gambling Systems - Do We Need Them?

Of course we do! Lets start by asking this question. What is gambling? Let's continue by evaluating our main goal when we gamble. Can you please tell me which is our main goal in gambling? Is it to have fun playing cards or sitting hours in front of the slots machines? Of course not, our goal in gambling is to MAKE MONEY. And how do we do that? We do it by learning a gambling system!

But, do gambling systems work? Can I make more money gambling with a gambling system? Are there 100% trusted gambling systems? These are only a few questions that always arise when dealing with gambling systems.

To understand what a gambling system is we have to learn first what is a system. So first of all, lets begin by defining a system. What is a system? A system, the dictionary definition, is an assemblage of inter-related elements comprising a unified whole. Wow, what a definition. I BET I can impress my mother in law with a sentence like that.

Ok, now could you please explain the word system in easy to understand common day language? Sure, what this means is that a system is a group of related things, objects or events grouped together for a specific purpose. For example, everything in life is a system. We live in a solar system, this solar system has planets, moons and a sun. They are all related and they all have a purpose.

When we step into a casino, poker room or online gambling site, the very first thing we do is make a gambling decision. Here are some of the gambling decisions and questions we make: Where do I sit? How much do I wager? Which type of slot machine do I choose? What are the odds of winning in this game? All of these decisions are related. They are all related in our purpose to make money and all of these decisions are the elements of our gambling system.

When you play poker, every decision is an element of a gambling system. Believe it or not you already have a current gambling system, the way you play, your strategy, your bluffing, your folding, everything you do is your personal gambling system. The best part is that you can educate yourself in other systems and upgrade yours. There is a saying that says, no matter what you already know, you can always learn something from others.

There are gambling systems for all type of games. Roulette systems, blackjack systems, craps systems, slot machine systems, poker systems, lottery systems, sports systems and horse racing systems. You can check out all these and other gambling systems at Gambling Systems.

Why should I invest in a gambling system? Well for starters, they are not so expensive. If you can loose a couple of hundred bucks a day, every day you go visit a casino, that would come up to thousands. Then investing $50 to $100 bucks in a gambling system should not hurt that much.

Remember that information is power. You want to be real informed on your odds and other great professional gambling advice. My parents always use to say, investing in education is the best investment. Education is something nobody can take away from you.

Good luck in your gambling education. After all, isnt that what we gamble for? To make money, If not, I propose changing the word gambling to losing.

Fernando Trevino is an online gambling reviewer. Gambling

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New Scheme for International SMS Service - A Novel Idea

Mobiles, undoubtedly, can be termed as the biggest invention of modern times. It has several advantages on of which undoubtedly is the highly effective SMS or Short Messaging Service. The advantages of SMS are plenty. It can convey important messages to concerned people and are of great use specially at places where making calls become an impractical idea.

Take for instance the case where university has to inform its students about their results. Or any government department promoting a public welfare campaign. In both these cases and in others like these making calls is an improbable idea. And in that case the traditional way of communicating with people via news papers would have been the only option. Thanks to SMS such public utility advertisements now have wider reach.

SMS specially prove to be very beneficial if they are sent abroad for making international calls can be a very expensive affair. SMS in these cases prove to be hugely effective for the information can be sent and received at a much cheaper rate. To popularise their companies many network provider are increasingly taking the help of SMS. Newer and better schemes for international SMS services are being launched at quick intervals which are sure to further bring down the cost of sending SMS or in many cases make it even free.

Yes, indeed it is true and a piece of news which is extremely welcome. The companies in a bid to gain more popularity are coming up with ideas of free SMS even if it means international SMS. Such a plan which provides free SMS is undoubtedly gaining huge popularity in UK. And it is not difficult to understand how, for making an international call is a very costly affair and any service which help in gaining information about the welfare of people at a low cost is always welcome, here this opportunity is being provided for free so its popularity can easily be understood.

Then again it is not that only international SMS are for free but local SMS are for free as well thereby widening the net and making more and more people benefit by this new scheme.

Jayson Pablo, an author who writes on different themes for xpert4u and appeal to visit the site to get information about mobile java games and polyphonic ringtones.

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Country Style Home Decor Can Take New Forms

If you are building a new home, or simply remaking the house you have been staying in for a long time, you will have to decide what style of interior design is most appropriate and appealing for you, Country style home decor is a good option with many variations possible that give you a freedom for imagination and experimenting.

Country styling became a very popular home interior design in the last quarter of the 20th century. Of course, country style home decor does not appeal to every family, but it was at this stage in American social history that country style home decor began being used not only by people in rural areas. Americans found out that there was something comfy and inviting about the country style, and soon, it took off at full speed. People began changing their curtain styles from lavish to simple and their kitchens from utilitarian to cozy. Of course, nowadays, kitchens are headed back toward utilitarian but in a whole new way.

It is a wrong thing to assume that stainless steel widely used in modern kitchens cant be blended with country style home decor. The question is how smart you can be in blending these two trends, so that your stainless steel kitchen will still be considered to have country style home decor. Your home might otherwise be country, but stainless steel might just transform your kitchen from country to modern. Of course, trends are changing all the time; perhaps yours will be the one to invent the Modern Country Kitchen which will be all the rage in 2025. Only time will tell. If country style home decor has one face now, it doesnt mean that its face cant change in 15 years.

You can use little details for your country style home decor, instead of making some dramatic changes. Check out some home magazines like Better Homes and Gardens to get ideas. Plenty of pictures inside is enough to inspire you and make your own country style home decor authentic at the same time preserving your very own style.

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It's All In The Name

As former FBI undercover agent Joe Pistone says: Say what you want about wiseguys, they got the best nicknames in the business. Pistone should know. Posing as a jewel thief called Donnie Brasco he infiltrated the Bonanno crime family, later telling of his exploits in a best selling book that was later turned into a movie. Not only is no self respecting wiseguy without a nickname, but the nickname itself can make or break a reputation. I've complied a list of some of the better ones, along with how they were gained:

John No Nose DiFronzo, a Chicago mobster, got his name after having his nose disfigured in a shootout with police during a robbery in 1949. Now reputedly running the Chicago mob. Louis Louie Ha Ha Attanasio, a Bonanno crime family member, got his name because he was always happy and laughing. The smile was taken off his face last month when he was sentenced to 15 years behind bars after pleading guilty to murdering another mobster.

Philip Chicken Man Testa was head of the Philadelphia mob until be was blown up by a bomb planted under his house in 1981. He got his nickname from an earlier involvement in a business that raised chickens. His death inspired Bruce Springsteens song Atlantic City, which opens with the lines Well they blew up the chicken man in Philly last night/Now they blew up his house too,

Harry the Hunchback Riccobene took over the Philadelphia mob after the murder of Philip Chicken Man Testa. Also known as Harry the Hump, he got his nickname from a birth defect that left him with a deformed spine. But no-one ever called him Hunchback or Hump to his face. Riccobene was at the centre of the Philadelphia mob war that raged through the early 1980s. He was jailed for murder in 1984.

Venero Benny Eggs Mangano, an underboss in the Genovese family, got his nickname from stealing eggs as a kid in the east village area of lower Manhattan where he grew up.

Philip Benny Squint Lombardo. An underboss in the Gambino family, he was listed as the 26th richest crime boss in the US by Fortune magazine in 1986. He got his nickname because he was cross-eyed.

Jimmy Little Guy Ida, a consigliere with the Genovese family, got his name from his pint sized stature. But that didnt make him any less nasty. He was sentenced to life for murder in 1998.

Sam Wings Carlisi got his nickname from being a courier for the Chicago mob and constantly flying around the country. Tied to two underworld hits, he died in jail of a heart attack in 1997 where he was serving a 13-year sentence for racketeering, loan sharking and arson.

Tony Joe Batters Accardo, a member of the Chicago mob, was given his name by none other than Al Capone after smashing the skulls of two men with a baseball bat (a similar incident was featured in the movie The Untouchables). This guy is a real Joe Batters, Capone said afterwards and the name stuck. Accardo, one of Capones bodyguards, took part in the infamous St Valentines Day massacre. He outlived many of his friends and enemies, taking over the Chicago mob in 1972, before dying in 1992.

Salvatore Pizza Guy DeLaurentis got his name from the pizza restaurant he owned. Also known as Solly D, he was an enforcer for the Chicago mob and head of the Ferriola Street Crew. He was convicted in 1993 of conspiracy to murder and racketeering.

Jailed Chicago mob boss Joey The Clown Lombardo got his nickname from clowning around, including hiding behind a newspaper mask while walking through a courthouse and leading fellow mobsters up a construction ladder to evade news crews. He was arrested earlier this year in connection with 18 murders. His cousin, Joseph the Builder Andriacci, is allegedly the boss of Chicagos North Side Crew.

As Joe Pistone says, once a mobster gets a nickname it stays for life. Everybody has a nickname. It might be something you get as a kid or later on. And once you get a nickname, you cant get rid of it.

You can know a guy for 10 years and youd never know his last name. Nobody would ever introduce someone with their last name and nobody would ever ask.

Christain Cullen is a successful webmaster and writer.

His online blog can be accessed @

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Pet Insurance

While having a pet is wonderful for you own health, it can also be expensive for pet owners. The joy of sharing your home with your pet can often unexpectedly through accidents or illness be a very trying and difficult time. According to some statistics our pet health bills are as high as our own, and we visit the vet more than our own family doctor, and rightly so, since our pets are part of the family.

The costs are high, for instance a cat with a broken leg, or a dog hit by a car, cancer, allergies, arthritis, diabetes, thyroid illness or a dog with kennel cough where treatments can cost upwards to $ 3,000.00. These are all diseases and accidents which our pets are exposed to in our world.

The top ten claims paid out for the month of July, 2007 from of one Insurance Company are ranging from $ 1,200.00 to $ 6,000.00. As you can see the results of one or more of these diseases can be astronomical in expensive health care for your pet.

Deciding on a Policy:
Most insurance premiums we have checked out take into consideration and there tables are all formulated as to certain criteria such as:

1) You dogs age
2) Your dogs breed or pedigree
3) Your location or where you live.

When applying for pet insurance it is extremely important to provide all medical records and history of your dog or cat, as pre-existing conditions are most often not covered by pet medical insurance.

Your Veterinarian is important as he will be providing medical reports to the plan, and providing you with the first check up of your pets life. It is most important to look for hereditary factors of the breed, and if there are any congenital defects present from birth. Actually you should do this within 24 hours of getting a pet home. Unless you have received proof of vaccinations, worming and all the other medical tests done on your puppy, its best to clear this up immediately before you purchase a pet. Vets can also be a big help when submitting a claim to the insurer.

Exotic Pets:
While this article deals with cats and dogs primarily you are not limited as to the type of pet you can insure for medical costs. Exotic pets can also be covered with insurance companies. Pets such as: Parrots, Rabbits, Snakes, Lizards, Turtles, Pygmy Goats Llamas, Chinchillas, Skunks, Possums and Pot Bellied Pigs. George Clooneys pot belly pig died last year of natural causes. These polices cover Birds, Mammals and Reptiles for those with more exotic tastes in pets.

Changing Insurance Companies after Making a Claim:
Once you have decided on a pet health insurance company it is basically yours for life of the pet if you submit a claim, therefore make good choices in the beginning of the process. If you terminate a pet insurance policy with one provider for not covering an illness, another insurance plan may not cover the pre-existing condition you had with the other insurer you just left.

Key Parts of a Pet Insurance Policy:

Payout Limits:
These are set forth in the terms of the policy and this should be carefully screened.

Yearly Limits:
Check to see if you can live with the yearly dollar amount limits for every year and the figure should be on the front page of the policy.

Condition Limits:
Some policies have a limit per illness or condition or illness. Policies with a yearly limit are preferred since, they pay out each year, for the lifetime of the pet. A " Per Condition Limit " if your pet develops an ongoing condition such as: Diabetes, cancer, liver disease the insurer can stop paying for the medical care once you reach the limit set out in your policy.

The best of all possibilities is to get a plan that gives you a :
Yearly Limit for each condition, but no time limits on how long you can claim for one ailment.

Life Does Not Always Mean Life:
True Life means a lifetime which we all understand when we get a pet its for life. True Life means lifetime coverage and the Insurer promises NOT to increase the price with age, of the policy or your dog, and guarantees conditions are covered for life. This is true life. Some policies cover for life, many do not, but its best to read the contract before signing. In some cases you may have to contact the underwriter of the policy, that is the company that actually carries the expenses, for greater details and explanations. The underwriter should be disclosed to you at anytime.

If you are willing to agree to this, this is a form of a deductible amount that you co-pay to reduce the cost of the overall pet plan insurance policy.

It is advisable to use a fixed dollar amount such as $ 50.00, which means you pay the first $ 50.00 and the Insurer picks up the rest. Do not use percentages, this can cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars. If you use a percentage such as 10 percent and your dogs vet bill is $ 3,000.00 you can see that your out of pocket expense is $ 300.00 instead of $50.00, you saved $ 250.00.

If you have to agree to this I would stipulate that it only applies to a major claim such as a diabetic diagnosis, or cancer, but not for regular vet visits like shots, teeth cleanings, and regular medications which are considered routine medical maintenance, or you will end up paying for most of the bill.

Hereditary Conditions:
Watch this clause especially if you own a pedigree dog or cat, or an expensive dog breed, as they are more likely to develop hereditary conditions which some insurers will exclude for coverage for certain breeds. Also check for coverage for congenital conditions, those that the pup or kitten are born with and again you can see the reasons behind getting a vet check within 24 hours of getting a pet. This confirms what the pet may and your vets report confirms this and more vital information.

Policies that include dental treatments will usually ask you to get regular vet dental check -ups, like cleaning, and tooth repairs. Dental bills can be very high depending on the severity.

Miscellaneous Concerns:
You can determine your own needs better than an insurer, but if your pet is stolen for instance, or if your dog bites someone, or you had to cancel a vacation because your dog is sick, or if you get sick and have to kennel your dog, these are considered miscellaneous coverages and occurrences.

As Pet Insurance requires a lot of research we will be speaking to the major pet insurance companies and offering recommendations based on our criteria as outlined above. We will be reporting our findings so dont miss the next article!

Written By:
Teri Salvador
All rights reserved.

Teri Salvador operates a blog all about dog health, dog foods, remedies and dog health care. Read some very informative articles and newsletter on her blog at:

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California - The Worst Place For a DUI Offense

A very unfortunately common problem that is found in the United States as well as the rest of the world it the problem of drunk driving. Driving under the influence or DUI as it is known in the U.S. is the act of driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or in inebriated condition. Driving under the influence is a fatal problem as well because 41 percent of total traffic deaths are caused by drunk drivers, and this is a very large number that should not exist at all.

And this is why DUI laws in the US have become extremely strict. For example, the California DUI offense laws have given way to approximately 200,000 DUI arrests every year. The DUI offense law has enforced strict and stringent measures against people who have found to have a blood alcohol count of 0.08% or more.

California DUI offense laws are so strict that the state leads the nation in DUI arrests. These laws are meant to reduce the number of DUI cases. And victims and survivors of drunk-driving crashes have supported the DUI offense law. It is crucial to have strict DUI Laws so that drunk drivers are not allowed to put the lives of others at risk.

California DUI offense laws include specifics such as blood alcohol content level test, license suspension or revocation, checking of ignition interlocks device in the vehicle, field sobriety test to assess physical and mental alertness, and many others.

First time offenders charged under the DUI law could be sentenced to jail with minimum fine. However second offenses occurring within seven years of the first are dealt with more harsh law. It could be a minimum of ten days of jail and fines up to $10,000 and suspension of driving license for not less than three years. Similarly DUI schooling may also be recommended and this may range from 15 weeks to 18 months. And the state of California can also sale your vehicle or impound it with the proceeds going towards charity.

California DUI offense laws have severe criminal penalties based on the severity of the outcome of DUI related crash.

California DUI offense laws have changed over the years in order to curb the increasing number of deaths and injuries occurring due to DUI related accidents. DUI offense laws have been argued to be unconstitutional in that by automatically finding drivers guilty, a person loses his or her right to have a trial by jury. However at the same time it has been argued to be 'legal per se'. It is a very unfortunate fact that DUI accidents take an innocent life every thirty minutes, so it is argued that DUI laws should allow for impartial jury trials.

Based on the California DUI offense law, a person under the influence of alcohol is charged on two counts, a Vehicle Code section 23152(a) count, driving impaired by alcohol and 23152(b), driving above 0.08% blood alcohol content

Statistics have proved that since the enactment of the 0.08% blood alcohol count California DUI offense law, the DUI arrests have decreased by an assenting rate of 45%. And also the number of deaths and injuries has shown a 50 percent decrease. These are positive indications, which prove that to an extent, the imposition of fines and punishments has shown affirmative results.

Solve your DWI problems with the help of a highly specialized San Diego DUI attorney

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So, You Want to Buy a Biodiesel Car

Youve had enough of rising gas prices and its just about time to trade your old car in anyway. So youre thinking about getting a biodiesel car, hoping that it will take some of the pressure off your pocketbook. Well, we have good news for you. Not only will a biodiesel vehicle save you money, but it will also help you take better care of the environment with 78% lower emissions than a standard vehicle running petroleum-based fuel. But where do you get a biodiesel car, you wonder? Well, hold on to your drivers license because the good news continues. Any diesel car is already a biodiesel car. Nothing has to be done to the vehicle at all except fill the tank with biodiesel fuel instead of regular diesel.

The first American company to release a biodiesel car, specifically designed to run best on B5 or 5% biodiesel, 95% conventional, petroleum-based diesel, was Chrysler with their 2005 Jeep Liberty. The other blends of biodiesel fuel youll most commonly find are B20 (20% biodiesel, 80% diesel) and B100 (100% biodiesel), though its possible to make any mixture spanning the gamut. Interestingly enough, both B20 and B100 get the same great mileage, though the cost is slightly less for B20. The fuel emissions, harmful to both humans and our environment, however, are much lower in B100 than in B20 or any other blends, for that matter.

Showing outstanding support for the biodiesel car revolution (so to speak) Volkswagen, maker of many fine diesel vehicles (like the Beetle, Jetta, Touareg, and Golf TDIs thats for Turbo Diesel Injection), says that they will not void the warranty on your vehicle simply because you poured biodiesel fuel into the tank instead of conventional diesel. Thats more than most auto manufacturers can say, but it takes no psychic to predict that theyll have to catch on sometime, adopting that or a similar stance if they are to keep their diesel businesses alive.

Now, the biodiesel car isnt the only vehicle being redesigned to support and encourage use of the alternative fuel. Look at John Deere, who has plans to start shipping out all of its combines and tractors already filled with B2 (2% biodiesel, 98% diesel) blend. The Maltby Company is another, using 18,000 gallons of biodiesel fuel in their dump trucks, bulldozers, and other equipment for moving earth.

According to the National Biodiesel Board the single, largest consumers of biodiesel are fleets that are fueled at a central location, such as: city fleets, bus systems, military bases, school districts, and national parks. Part of the reason why could be the 1992 Energy Policy Act which mandates that state and federal fleets purchase vehicles that run on alternative fuels, such as the biodiesel car.

According to he U.S. DOE (Department of Energy), biodiesel fuel can potentially replace as much as 10% of the countrys conventional (petroleum-based) diesel diesel supply. No wonder so many service stations around the nation arent starting to offer fill-ups to the biodiesel vehicle. The Great Lake states seem to have the most biodiesel fill-up stations, with the East Coast, the Carolinas, and Tennesse following close behind. California and Texas have their fair share and, from there, every state in the U.S., barring Alaska and West Virginia, has at least one establishment where a biodiesel car can get its tank filled.

For more benefits of biodiesel, articles, reports, and discussions, please visit our Biodiesel Guide.

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