Saturday, November 24, 2007 

Mushrooms and Immunity

It is no secret that specific foods are beneficial for various systems within the human body. The nourishment that we put in determines in whole the energy and health that we put out. When looking to enhance your immune system, mushrooms are an excellent source of immune boosting power.

Various mushrooms have various medicinal qualities. While it is projected that all mushrooms have powerful immune boosting properties, only a handful of mushrooms have been evaluated for their potency, potential, and properties. There are over 200 species of mushrooms with proven medicinal value, particularly immune enhancing properties, and cultures throughout the world have been using mushrooms for this particular purpose. Mushrooms have not gained the same popularity for the immune enhancing powers in the United States.

The most popular medicinal mushrooms with immune enhancing properties include maitake, shiitake, and reishi. By nature's glorious design, these three species of mushrooms are known to kill bacteria in the human body. Additionally, the Brazilian mushroom Agaricus blazei is also known for its ability to kill viruses and bacteria in the human body. Some of the latest research boasts that these particular species of mushroom are able to prevent virus proliferation in the body when consumed on a regular basis.

Mushrooms are vital in diet just as they are vital in the ecosystems they contribute to, as their secretion of digestive enzymes creates a recycle bin in nature. There are brand new theories which suggest the digestive enzymes in mushrooms actually have immune enhancing properties when consumed by humans. This would mean that a fresh mushroom would contain about 3 times the immune enhancing power of a cooked or otherwise prepared mushroom.

There are other natural substances within the structure of a mushroom that provide the immune system power of warding of illness such as antimicrobial substances. In its natural environment, the mushroom relies on these antimicrobial substances to prevent the mushroom from succumbing to bacteria, viruses, or microorganism from attacking them. When consumed by humans, these substances carry over into the digestive system and provide the same health effects for the human body. This is powerful information in a world that relies too heavily on antibiotics and other potentially harmful pharmaceuticals when the immune system does not fight off illness.

The immune system is not the only system to be enhanced through the regular consumption of mushrooms. While the immune system benefits greatly, mushrooms can also benefit the endocrine and adrenal systems almost as much.

Adaptogens (natural tonics found in botanicals) have been used throughout the world for centuries for strong health and long life. The use of botanicals such as mushrooms is only now coming into form in the United States. The use of mushrooms to assist with health has the potential to lead to a significant decrease in medical care especially during the cold and flu season.

Read about how Reishi mushrooms promote health at: Reishi Mushrooms Benefit.

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Canadian Fishing Trips

The time is now and you are getting ready for a fishing trip to Canada with your friends and coworkers. There are about 15 of you planning to head out and leave your jobs, wives and children behind for an opportunity to go fishing in Canada.

Most people think that when men go off on a fishing trip to anywhere whether in Canada or the States, that they are going off to smoke their pipes and cigars, drink beer and tell tall tales to each other.

In fact, a Canada fishing trip can be like that, but if you are true sportsman, you are going all that way to actually fish. The opportunity to be out in nature where you can relax and let go of the daily stress you endure with your jobs is just one of the many benefits you will derive.

Ever since you were a small boy, you have been fishing in the local river or streams within in your State. Now, you want to have an opportunity to go on a real fishing trip and Canada is your choice for this adventure. You have read that there are more than 100,000 lakes where you can fish for many different species. You can test your wits against salmon, muskie, trout or dozens of other speciesall depending upon the location you choose for your Canadian fishing trip.

Figure out which type of fish you are interested in catching and then determine which province in Canada can meet your needs. Remember that Canada is much bigger than most people think and your options on where and when to have your Canadian fishing trip are unlimited.

Depending on how rugged you want to be, you can plan to camp out in the wilderness, you can rent a full-service recreational vehicle, stay at a lodge or outpost when you go to Canada. They are all geared to helping the sportsmen get the most out of their fishing trip. In fact, if you want to take your family along, many of these options will also work well with the wife and children.

You might want to consider hiring an outfitter to help you coordinate the little details you may have not have considered. The outfitter should be able to help you through any bureaucratic rules of the region, obtain fishing licenses and take care of any other little problems that might come up.

Remember that your Canadian fishing trip will only be as good as you make it. Be realistic and plan ahead for what you want to do, when you want to do it, and be ready to make adjustments to your plans. Uncooperative weather, fish not biting, or any other problems may pop up. Just try to relax and enjoy yourself and know that this Canadian fishing trip is just the first of many that you will take over the next few years.

Frank J Vanderlugt owns and operates - Canadian Fishing

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Most people generally know what testosterone is, and how it affects the body and contributes to physical and psychological growth. However, the same hormone that causes males (and females) to develop properly can be dangerous if used in the wrong way. Many young men who feel they do not have enough testosterone will use supplements of the hormone in order to increase muscle mass and speed while playing sports, but this could be very harmful. Here are some facts about testosterone and the overuse of the hormone that could help to save your life or the life of a loved one.

The use of steroids is most common in male athletes who feel they are not measuring up to athletic standards. Young men will take steroids in order to 'bulk up', or gain weight in muscle mass, and steroids can also make athletes run faster and harder while on the field. For this reason, steroids are almost always abused; as athletes begin to see seemingly positive results from taking the steroids, they begin to take more and more until their bodies can not handle it. In recent years, coaches and personal trainers have made it a point to discourage players from taking steroids, since the practice can lead to injury, physical complications, and even death.

There are several negative effects of taking steroids, including high blood pressure, severe mood swings, aggression and irregular heart beat. Men who have been on steroids for quite some time may have violent episodes and not remember the incident when it's over. This poses a real threat for the family members of these men, which is another reason why steroid use is so dangerous. Steroid use can also cause heart attacks, severe hypertension, and stunted growth for men who began taking steroids during puberty.

If you know someone who is taking steroids, or if you are thinking of trying them yourself, think again. The short-term effects of taking steroids may seem appealing, but steroids can be very addictive, and could change your life forever--and not in a way you'd hoped. Talk to your coach, school counselor, parent or other trusted adult about the risks of steroid use, and do your personal best to become a star athlete--without becoming addicted to steroids.

Learn more about Testosterone and the Use of Steriods plus more Natural Testosterone Supplements Information at

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Fax technology is continually evolving. Now, with the innovation of the Internet, a fresh option has emerged Internet fax. Also known as fax services, Internet fax allows you to send and receive fax without the need for a fax machine. Fax services use emails and is also known as online fax, email-to-fax- or e faxing. Fax services are the next step in the evolution of fax technology.

Internet fax services offer two main advantages over traditional fax machines: they are less costly and consume less time. Fax services are definitely less costly that traditional fax, simply because you will not need a fax machine. Therefore, you need no paper, ink, an extra phone line, as well as fax machine maintenance. All you need is a computer with Internet access and an email account.

Internet fax services are also less time-consuming compared to traditional fax. With fax services, you dont need to wait for long periods for a fax to arrive. Sending and receiving a fax through the Internet is faster and will save you hours of wasted time. Anytime of the day, you can send a fax to anyone, since your fax number is active for 24 hrs/7 days a week. You dont have to learn how to operate the fax machine, simple email knowledge will do.

Using Internet fax services is easy. All you need is to subscribe to an Internet service provider that offers decoding and encoding of a fax. You may be required to pay a small subscription fee, but the convenience, speed and efficiency that fax services offer will be well worth it. Now, you can easily send and receive fax messages without a clunky old fax machine.

The speed of the Internet and the ease-of-use of email have fused with the most popular form of business communication. With fax services, the way you communicate will definitely improve. Try Internet fax services now.

Fax provides detailed information on Fax, Fax Machines, Broadcasting Fax, Fax Services and more. Fax is affiliated with Free Internet Fax.

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Wine and cheese baskets are the perfect gifts as both represent a timeless treat, made of two items that have been enjoyed together for ages. Wine and cheese gift baskets are the ideal gifts for weddings and anniversaries, and adding a personalized touch to the gifts can make them all the more special. This timeless combination of wine and cheese is always appreciated by almost everyone who enjoys wine. The fact that different varieties of cheese enhance the flavor of the wine in most cases and vice versa is another reason for the popularity of this combination. However, for the complete enjoyment of this all time favorite combination, choosing the correct variety of cheese with the right brand of wine is extremely important. Wines usually go well with cheese that is from the same country or region. Acidic wines usually go well with acidic cheese.

Some of the commonly available varieties of cheese like blue cheese go well with

wines such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Zinfandel. The Brie variety of cheese goes well with Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. Cheddar cheese along with Riesling, Merlot or Shiraz varieties of wine is popular choice. Gouda along with Riesling Zinfandel, Merlot and Monterey Jack with Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot and Zinfandel is also a common favorite. Swiss cheese with Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir is another popular option. Roquefort goes well with Port wine while cream cheese and White Zinfandel make a nice pair.

Prices for these wine and cheese gift baskets range from $32 to $250. However, if rare wines are chosen, the price of the gift basket also goes up accordingly. Gift baskets can be stuffed with other favorite goodies of the receiver such as chocolates and wine accessories in order to give the wine gift baskets a personalized touch.

Wine Gift Baskets provides detailed information on Wine Gift Baskets, Wine Country Gift Baskets, Wine and Cheese Gift Baskets, Custom Wine Gift Baskets and more. Wine Gift Baskets is affiliated with Wine Related Gifts.

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5 Acne Treatment Tips You Can Use Today

Dealing with acne can be embarassing at any age. Luckily, there are a number of things you can do everyday to make sure your skin is less prone to flare ups. Here are five tips for taking control of your acne starting today.

1. Exercise - Keeping in shape can help fight acne by fighting off negative stress levels that can come from negative self-esteem and depression. However, some safeguards need to be in place to ward off acne that can result from your workout routines. Watch what you put on your body with regards to clothing, sports gear and equipment.

For example, tight lycra and nylon exercise outfits might look great in the movies and on magazine models, but if you are susceptible to acne problems, avoid these synthetic fabrics that tend to trap in body moisture and heat resulting in a bacteria frenzy. Instead, choose loose clothing made of cotton or natural blends to allow more air to get to your skin.

And when you are finished with your workout, get out of clothing wet from perspiration or water sports. Shower and change into dry, clean clothing. And keep your sports gear and equipment clean, too. Dirty headgear, for instance, can irritate forehead areas prone to acne problems. So toss headbands into the washing machine after workout sessions.

2. Cosmetics - To avoid pore-clogging and skin irritations that are similar to acne and that can contribute to acne, use products labeled noncomedogenic or oil-free. Shimmering facial colors can contain a flaky mineral called mica that can cause skin irritations and clog pores. Other additives in coloring that can cause similar reactions are coal tar derivatives, carmine and heavy cream in blushes.

More preventative measures include using a lip gloss that promotes a matte finish instead of a high gloss for less pore-clogging; note the more the shine, the more then comedogenic content and the more the pores can clog. Beware that eye creams can contain heavier concentrations of moisturizers than regular creams and lotions, meaning they have greater potential to clog pores in the surrounding facial areas.

3. Diet - Studies show that diet does not play a role in either the cause or the treatment of acne. However, what is recommended for acne preventative care is this: what is best for your body is best for your skin, especially since your skin is the largest organ of your body. So remember to watch your diet and consume healthy vitamins, minerals and other supplements. This will help to prevent and help conquer acne breakout.

4. Hygiene - A healthy skin regimen should include no harsh scrubbing or over-washing, because this can cause possible skin irritation or possible over production of oil to replace what has washed off, clogging pores in the process. Products with gentle exfoliation ingredients are OK to use; i.e. not scratchy nut or fruit shell pieces that can tear skin. And skip alcohol products when possible; these can take off the top layer of your skin and cause your glands to product more oil, clogging pores in the process.

If you do spot acne-troubled areas, do NOT mess with them. Remember that these are already weeks in the making, and squeezing or picking blemishes can force the infected area to regress back inside, further troubling the region and possibly leave a scar. If necessary, seek help from a dermatologist for alternative treatments.

5. Shaving - Shaving for both genders is actually an excellent way of exfoliating or removing dead skin to help with the prevention and spreading of acne instead of leaving the remains to clog pores. And for some light acne cases already in process, shaving can help rid whiteheads and blackheads from the face. A word of caution: for areas with infection or high inflammatory activity (redness, sensitive, open acne, sores, etc.), do not shave. Or at the very least, use a shaving cream for sensitive skin!

James B. Allen is the publisher of Power Living Press. He invites you to come learn more about living a healthier, wealthier, more beautiful and more powerful life TODAY by visiting:

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Budgeting College Expenses - Tips and Guides for the Upcoming 2007-08 College Year

College students are getting ready for the upcoming 2007 Fall semester. It is just a few weeks away before millions of student across the country make their trek to their university of choice.

Several tasks are required to prepare for that journey. Your first important task is calculating the exact costs for attending school. Colleges are required to provide estimated costs upon acceptance at the University. Those costs are estimated costs incur by students from previous years, adjusted for inflation. However, you should budget the amount of financial aid you will need for the academic year. You need to have a spending plan by month to avoid running out of money before the school year ends.

The costs that you should estimate include the following:

  1. School Tuition and Fees:

    Costs to attend class instruction and the use of facilities, labs, libraries and all other related services for each enrolled student. And don't forget to add access fees to campus facilities. Check your class registration for what you will need.

  2. Books and Supplies:

    The estimated cost for books and supplies the student will be required for classroom instruction. Many students fail to estimate the total cost for books and supplies; some classroom instructions may require several books and copied outlines. Make sure you estimate everything that you will need for each classroom.

  3. Computer and Other Electronics:

    Not necessarily required for some colleges since they offer computer labs and other shared facilities. However, it will be the student's advantage to have their own personal laptop. Personal laptops can cost you $1,000 or more for a decent model. And then there is the software, printing, scanning, etc. Understand what you will need for each classroom.

  4. Room and Board:

    The estimated cost for housing and food if you live in a residence hall; if you live off campus, the cost for monthly rent, utilities, and food. You need to estimate costs for eating in the cafeteria and other related snacks and beverages.

  5. Transportation:

    The estimated cost for 2-3 round trips from your home to school (you don't want to spend the winter holidays at school). Additionally, what is going to be your transportation options at school? If you have your personal auto or other motor vehicle, estimate costs for fuel, insurance, parking fees, maintenance, and other related fees. If you are on foot or bicycle, estimate the costs for public transportation.

  6. Personal Living Expenses:

    The estimated cost for clothing, grooming supplies, laundry and entertainment. Toothpaste, make-up, shampoo, deodorant, etc., can all add up.

  7. Other Personal Costs:

    Personal expenses that are specific to the student such as insurance, disability expenses, dependent care, loan fees, etc.

  8. Miscellaneous:

    Any other expenses that you can identify with your school's Financial Aid Office

You can estimate and budget these expenses by month using our FREE college budgeting worksheet. Link to our budgeting module for our guide and worksheet.

Private student loans are a great resource when you need extra money. Sometimes your college and personal aid will not cover the full cost of education after your run your budgeting analysis. That is when you turn to private student loans to make up the difference from the cost of education and the amount of student financial aid that you have. See more information about private student loans

copyright 2007 all rights reserved

Krayton M Davis is the Executive Principal of nBuy Associates, which owns and operates the SayStudent College Financing Guide. For more information about our services, link to:

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Getting online can open up a whole world of information and fun that those who haven't explored the Web can't even begin to imagine. Deciding how exactly to get online, however, can be a bit of a trick. Many Internet users choose to go with DSL. Offering fast connections and typically reasonable pricing, DSL Internet service providers tend to win hands down over regular dial up options.

Finding the right DSL Internet service providers will take a little research. What is available as far as service providers goes will depend a whole lot on the geographical area in question. Not all areas have DSL, although this is changing rapidly.

If a decision hasn't yet been made between DSL, cable or dial up, some research here could also be in order. DSL, or digital service line, connections are much faster than dial up. They use existing phone lines to transfer data, but they don't prevent the use of the phone in the process. The connections are considered, in most cases, to be a bit slower than cable, however. The pricing on DSL tends to fall in the middle between the choices. This can make it a solid option for those who want faster connections without high expenses. A second phone line is not needed to take advantage of what DSL Internet service providers offer.

If DSL is the decision on the way to go, shoppers will need to do a few things to find the best. The first, of course, is to check and see if DSL is available in the area. The phone company, which will likely offer DSL if it is, will know. The options of DSL Internet service provides include:

h Phone companies. They almost have a corner on the DSL market, but not quite. Many users, however, find it's just easier to deal with their phone company and pay a single bill rather than several.

h Large Internet providers. The big companies like America Online, EarthLink and more all offer DSL in certain areas. Their packages use the same phone lines the phone companies do, but sometimes they can cost a little less and even offer more perks.

h Smaller firms. Some areas are home to a host of locally owned DSL companies. Like the bigger providers, these companies use the phone company's equipment to provide their service. What they offer will vary greatly from provider to provider.

When trying to choose between the different DSL Internet service providers look at things like pricing, what's included and the speeds offered. Not all DSL connections are exactly alike. Some options actually provide for faster transfer rates.

DSL Internet service providers can make getting online a snap. Finding the right one will depend a lot on the area in question and personal preference. From actual phone companies to mom and pop type businesses, there are choices on the DSL market.

Frank j Vanderlugt owns and operates

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The usage of glass is inevitable in changing construction trend and modern architecture. The style and elegance of glass are most evident in the design of skyscrapers and modern buildings. The orderly arranged glass walls and steel structures are the characteristics of high tech architecture.

Architectural glass is used as glazing material for the facet of the building, windows and in internal partitions. These glasses are of safety type of toughened, reinforced and laminated glasses to resist environmental stresses like hurricanes, bomb blasts, fire arms, high winds and impact of other objects.

The laminated safety glass plays an important role in protecting these impacts of natural and man made disasters. This laminated glass is a type of safety glass that holds together when shattered and offers resistance to the penetration of objects. It is produced by bonding two or more layers of toughened glass together with a plastic layer inside so that it ensures high impact resistance. It protects people outside or inside the building from consequential damage following an explosion

If the laminated glass had not been invented, most of the modern architecture would not exist. Getting more daylight into buildings has several advantages. Research indicate that increased day light helps the people more productive at work and also aid in physical and psychological recovery in hospitals by allowing daylight into buildings. This new technology of coatings gives high performance, low reflectivity and high transmission of light. This can be achieved by using laminated glass.

In tall buildings the two layers of laminated glass facilitates solar control and natural ventilation. It can also significantly reduce noise from the street as well as control solar energy transmittance. Most significantly, these laminated glasses can reduce up to 98% of UV radiation. Fading away of fabrics, such as curtains, carpeting and furnishings that are exposed to sunlight entering buildings through the windows, are mainly due to the Ultra-violet energy from the sun.

Glass strengthening systems Inc; is the pioneer in this industry and they have more than twenty five years of experience in this field and have distributors in all over the world. They manufacture a micro-thin transparent polycarbonate laminate which turns regular glass into barriers that can resist the force of small firearms, bombs, high impact projectiles, and severe weather such as hurricanes. They are having world wide customers who are very much satisfied with the products and demanding more of the products for their safety and security.

We, GNG associates, are of the authorized distributor for Glass strengthening systems, Inc. We wish for the safety and betterment of the lives of the people residing over India. We are proud to be the distributor of GSS products which have worldwide reputation.

For more product reviews please visit our site

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Diabetic Coma Symptoms

A coma caused through diabetes is relatively rare provided the proper care and monitoring of the the condition is followed. This said, it is important to understand how a diabetic coma can occur, what symptoms to look out for and general guidelines to ensure that it does not happen.

Diabetic comas occur when the blood sugar level is extremely low or extremely high.

Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar can cause a diabetic to become unconscious or have a seizure if it continues for any length of time. A diabetic could become hypoglycemic if they :

Took too much insulin

Did too much exercise

Skipped a meal

Took excessive alcohol without food

Typical early symptoms of hypoglycemia are


Weakness or shaky on your feet


Disorientated or confused



Depending on how pronounced the symptoms are would determine the treatment. If the symptoms are relatively mild you can take a blood test and identify that the blood sugar level is low and then take a glucose tablet or something similar. If the symptoms are severe then you should seek medical assistance immediately.

Hypersmolar diabetic syndrome is when the blood sugar level gets extremely high. The level of sugar causes the blood to change consistency and become thicker and syrupy. Excessive sugar in the blood causes the kidneys to try to remove it as a waste product. It does this through excessive urination. This can lead to dehydration which if prolonged can lead to unconsciousness and coma.

Hypersmolar diabetic syndrome is normally caused because the person has not taken their normal insulin dosage or they are eating foodstuffs high in sugar consistently.

Typical symptoms of the syndrome are

Excessive urination

Extreme thirst

If these symptoms are detected early then simply taking the insulin dosage and changing eating habits should bring the problem under control. Drinking lots of water will be necessary but this will not stop the syndrome as it is merely addressing a side-effect of the problem. If the problem isn't detect early then, once again, medical assistance should be sort.

Diabetic ketoacidosis is a complex complication that occurs when the body is starved of energy. This causes the body to metabolize fat to produce energy. During this process harmful toxins known as ketones are produced by the liver. Ketones cause the blood to become acidic and blood that has a ph level of 6.8 is said to be incompatible with life. Thus as the blood becomes more acidic the person will become more drowsy and eventually become unconscious.

Typically people that forget or miss their insulin injections are prone to develop this problem. Another instance when this occurs is undiagnosed diabetics who are unaware of the condition and therefore do not take insulin.

Common symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis include

A 'fruity' breath - a strong and sweet smelling breath.

Lethargy and drowsiness

excessive urination and thirst

nauseous and stomach upsets

diabetic ketoacidosis will cause the sufferer to go into a coma if left untreated. It is important to seek medical help if you think that you have symptoms of this condition.

Most unconsciousness, due to diabetes, can be prevented through diligent administering of your diabetic treatment. This will be discussed with you by your doctor or health professional. As you get used to diabetes it will become second nature to care for it. You will also become more aware of the changes in your body and will be more responsive to act.

One of the long term strategies for treating diabetes is to eat a healthy, well balanced diet. Find out how to create diabetic diet plans at . The site deals with issues related to diabetics including the diabetic food pyramid that simplifies how to choose food for diabetes. Adrian Whittle writes on issues related to diabetes from diabetic testing supplies to symptoms of diabetes.

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Using a pocket pc, a therapist can schedule patients so that their day is full without being overfull. They can make sure that any appointments do not have conflicts, and can schedule in their personal appointments, as well.

Occupational therapy patients can use their ipaq to remind themselves of appointments, track their progress, and get information about the latest trends in occupational therapy. All of this can be done simply and easily with one of the many freeware medical downloads available on the Internet.

The medical software is easy to use and allows for updates from the software company so that when the product is improved or changed, the consumer can receive at no additional charge. This type of medical software can be an option when buying a pocket pc from companies such as Compaq or HP or others. Making lives easier is perhaps the most important function of the pda, and the medical field is one area that can always use improvement.

Dan Ayala is webmaster and publisher of, offering reviews on PDAs, Palm Pilots, Pocket PC's, software and accessories. PDA Review Online provides free information and recommendations for your online resources that you can download anytime or anywhere.

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"One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible."-Henry Brooks Adams. True friends are rare. It has been said that friendship doubles our joys and halves our sorrows.

Some may feel that friends are not necessary, sadly, to their regret, they learn all too late in life, we all need true friends. In fact, the quality of your life depends much on the quality (not the quantity) of your friendships. Healthy friendships are essential to our mental and physical well-being. Dr. David Weeks, a neurophysiologist said "I have a high proportion of patients with anxieties, phobias, and depression who could be described as lonely. There are connections between the severity of depression and the severity of loneliness."

A market survey revealed that "in the United Sates 25 percent of the adult population suffer 'chronic loneliness' and . . . in France half the people have experienced acute isolation." The explosions of computer chat rooms, the proliferation of dating clubs, and profusion of newspaper advertisements by those seeking companionship, are indicators that we all need human contact. And what better contact can we have than a true friend?

The answers to the following questions should help us in our search for good friends. What is a friend? How can I find a true friend? How can I keep my friends? And how can I be a true friend?

What is a friend? One dictionary defines a friend as " one attached to another by affection or esteem." Another simply states, "a person one likes." To me the best description of a true friend is found in one of the oldest books ever written. These words of wise King Solomon at Proverbs 17:17 state, "A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress." Our health may fail us, our material possessions may lose their value, but true friendship grows stronger and flourishes with time. True intimate friends are among the most precious gifts you will ever have, and if allowed to grow, can produce a positive influence on you for life.

Friendship is a gift everyone is able to give and to receive. American essayist Ralph Waldo Emmerson once said: the only way to have a friend is to be one. Genuine friendships develop over time. All to often people want the benefits of a good friendship but they are too busy to invest the necessary time. Remember a friend is more than just an acquaintance. We have many acquaintances neighbors, colleagues, and people we meet now and again. True friendship goes far beyond a casual meeting with others. Friendship is special; it requires an investment of time, energy, and emotional commitment. Friendship brings privileges, but it also involves responsibilities.

Good communication is a necessity with those we value as friends. When you converse with others, you show personal interest in their feelings, and you encourage them to express their thoughts and emotions. If the conversation always centers on you, you might end up talking to yourself. Good communication requires being a good listener as well as the ability to express yourself. To have real friends, we must open up to others-let them know who we really are. At the same time we must allow them the same opportunity. Just be yourself. Only by being genuine can we enjoy a genuine friendship.

To keep good friends do not overlook the importance of loyalty and confidentiality. The quickest way to lose a good friend is to reveal a secret or something said in confidence. Once we have a good friend, never take him, or her for granted. You can have good friends, if you are willing to spend the time.

Don is the owner of several free information websites and the sole proprietor of Java Jakes Gourmet Coffee Co.

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