Wednesday, February 20, 2008 

Discover How Retirees Are Cashing In From Years Of Wisdom Once Retired

People are retiring at earlier ages than ever before. For some, it's their own choice. For others, the company they work for may offer incentives to take early retirement.

At first the idea of retirement makes you giddy. No more alarm clocks. Doing whatever you please whenever you darn well feel like it!

But after awhile even the exciting adventures become boring and you find yourself thinking, "What the heck am I supposed to do with all this extra time?"

You know you need a purpose. A reason to get up in the morning. Something to excite you. Keep your mind active. A passion! Being retired doesn't mean becoming bound to the rocking chair!

Actually, this can become the most exciting part of your life's journey. Because you do have the time to do whatever you want.

If you've had a secret dream throughout your working life, now's the time to dust it off and attack with gusto. Your interests can finally take center stage.

Maybe part of your dream is to follow your passion and make money while doing it. Who can't use extra income? That idea that's been picking at you for years can now be brought forward.

Here's something else to think about. You can write about whatever your passion is and sell the information. What? How?

Listen up...consumers are hungry for information. When they need to know something they will gladly pay money to get your knowledge.

Think about this...

* you do not have to be a professional writer

* if you can talk to someone, you can write

* you know about your special interest

* you can research what you don't know

* what you know is needed by someone else

When you've wanted to learn more about something, what did you do? Go to a library? The bookstore? Right. Because you wanted to see if they had a book about the subject.

Now, more often than not, the first place we go is online to do our research. When we find information on our special niche, we buy it. As in an eBook.

And, this is where you come in...because you, too, can become an eBook writer! Yes, you! Don't scoff. Remember...if you can talk, you can write. But, wait. Now that you're all excited, you're wondering, "Alright! Tell me everything I need to know and I'll do it!"

Like these steps...

* getting profitable ideas (no wasting time on losers)

* researching and writing

* turning your knowledge into an actual eBook

* creating one-page web site (no hiding under the bed)

* learning how to market your eBook (fun part)

* everything you need to know to run your business

* watching money go into bank account (the most fun)

You won't be led astray. Because you will learn from the best in the business. A professional writer known as "The Ghostwriter to the Internet Marketing Superstars"!

Make the most of your retirement. You know you want to...

(c) 2007 Karen Cook

Let the reaping begin at...

Karen Cook works at a Public Library and can't wait for retirement. In the meantime, she loves researching information for her retired patrons.


Exploring The Bodybuilding Anatomy

It is important if you are considering bodybuilding or even if you are already taking part, that you understand bodybuilding anatomy as best you can. It is not always the easiest thing to understand as there are many different muscle groups but hopefully well be able to make it easier for you in this article.

Starting from the top of your body, the first thing well look at is the neck. The main muscle in the neck is called the upper trapezius and reaches from the base of the neck to the shoulder. The other main muscle in the neck is called the levator scapulae and attaches itself to the cervical vertebrae in the neck.

Next we have the trapezius muscles which run from the neck down to the waist area. Many people refer to these as the trap muscles. There are also major muscle groups in the shoulder called the deltoid muscles.

The pectoral muscles are located in the chest area and most often referred to as the pecs. These are often the muscles bodybuilders like to flex on the beach! These go great with large bicep muscles which are at the front of the upper arm between the shoulder and the elbow. At the back of the arm running down the same length are the tricep muscles. These two muscles are often the ones bodybuilders spend a lot of time training.

Moving around to the stomach area, we have the abdominal muscles or the abs. This is a large group of muscles which require quite a lot of training to help you achieve the perfect six pack. Down to the legs we have the quadriceps or the quads as they are more often referred as. These are at the upper of the leg between the hips and the knee. These are basically the thigh area. Squats are a great method of building up your quads.

Obviously, these are just a few examples so that you can understand the bodybuilding anatomy more easily. For more detailed information there are many places you can look including your local library or bookstore and of course the internet.

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Black Mark on Toledo

"The Nazis are coming! The Nazis are coming!" are what Toledo, Ohio's media were hyping all week about the National Socialist Movement's planned march in Toledo to protest black gang violence against whites in Toledo's North End.

Instead of wisely turning their backs on such a controversial demonstration, refusing to throw fuel on the fire and attract undue attention, Toledo blacks gave Bill White's best sermon. He couldn't have done a better job as a spokesman for the NSM. Such useful idiots proved the points he would have wanted to make and it made international news.

During the drama being played out on the stage of the streets, Toledo's miserable black Mayor Jack Ford was in denial of what he was watching. He said it wasn't a riot, "It's a group of folks who are angry," according to The Blade reporter Roberta De Boer. When was a riot ever quiet? Doesn't he know riots are angry mobs gone mad? When his fellow blacks angrily reminded him, "Ford, you're black! You're supposed to be one of us!" - it appeared to confirm disturbing reports of Toledo police concerns that the black community's criminal element share the belief that they can get away with murder since Toledo has a black mayor.

Different enraged folk asked "Why did you allow them to be here?" It really makes you wonder if they've ever heard of freedom of speech. They can't all have dropped out of school. I certainly hope those who are still in school are made to shut up, sit down and learn all about it in the coming days and weeks.

All we've been hearing from the mayor so far, and various "leaders," are excuses, excuses, excuses! The police admit they could've arrested far more than they did, but they didn't. What about cracking down on crime? Is that just another mindless mantra to chant around election time? The soft message the Toledo police sent was the wrong signal and invites further aggression in the future, here and elsewhere plagued with the same inner-city problems of roaming black packs, gangs of goons, drugs, prostitution, racial tensions ready to explode with the slightest provocation real or imagined. Many were outraged that they were "disrespected" by such a Nazi march through their neighborhood (that never went forward anyway). They disrespected themselves with their shameful reaction, showing lack of self-control, logic and reason.

Lee Conklin and Company, a local television Sunday show, this morning had several stereotypical liberal Jews and blacks on it (couldn't he have thought about it beforehand and chose others?) already talking about rewarding such terrorism by throwing money at it, building community (collective) centers for the children ("children" who have nothing better to do than riot) and obviously failing to take notice that the vast majority of those arrested were BLACK ADULTS!

A black woman preacher (doesn't know her Bible too well since women aren't supposed to be preachers) who could barely speak English, thought things would calm down since the religious leaders undoubtedly would be addressing this incident from their pulpits (doesn't she know that most of those gang members will not be going to Church this Sunday or any Sunday or even on the correct Sabbath day?). There was lots of talk about "let the healing begin" and other nonsense, refusing to face the harsh reality that THE BLACK BOIL NEEDS TO BE LANCED! Only then can the healing begin! The group hugs mentality and touchy-feely stupidity are worthless in addressing the issues that must be faced.

When will those self-righteous ministers standing tall and looking serious for the cameras (when they should be shrinking in shame), those smug "rainbow" coalition of kooks, get serious and confront the lack of law and order in the black community? When will they CALL FOR AND DEMAND OF THEMSELVES AN END TO IDLENESS AND SLEAZE that leads to disproportionate illegitimate children, immorality, STD's, drug dealing, glorification of crime, high school drop-outs and other such lack of proper content of character that Martin Luther King wouldn't be proud of? Why abdicate this responsibility to the "Klan with a tan," the racist Nation of Islam?

If the black community wants some respect (sing it Aretha!), let them start with a proper self-respect and they'll get it. They certainly won't get it by continuing to let real racists excuse their inexcuable behavior, lower the standards for them, keep them down and out to get their votes or to pay for their gilded pulpit.

Are Toledo race riots a thing of the past, or do they ominously foreshadow trouble to come since it's now reported the National Socialist Movement intends to return on December 10th?

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, shares a special focus on the Middle East, reflected in hard-hitting articles that help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.


Asbestos And Mesothelioma Connection

Asbestos are primarily known as the substance which causes the deadly disease Mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer in which the internal organs of patients become surrounded by a cancerous coating of cells. Asbestos describes any of a group of fibrous metamorphic minerals of the hydrous magnesium silicate chemical family.

These fibers are often used in cement during construction and though they have been banned in construction in the United States today, their presence at construction sites world wide five and six decades ago are causing medical and legal problems today. Asbestos can take five or six decades to fully display their deadly potential and thus many of the construction workers who absorbed the dangerous chemical in the 1950;s and 1960;s while working, are just now experiencing the effects of the disease. Hence, many of the lawsuits that are being filed for Mesothelioma have to do with the intake of asbestos at construction plants in the 1950s and the 1960s.

Currently, these asbestos cause a disease for which there is no cure; however, due to the amount of attention that this disease is getting, many top scientists and researchers worldwide are working to develop a cure for the disease. Like many cancers, without continued support and attention, research and funding are not possible.

To find out information on mesothelioma lawsuits canada visit


Enterprise Agility: Jazz In The Factory

Listening to seasoned musicians play jazz can be a rewarding experience. Even if we are not jazz enthusiasts, we can appreciate the talent that becomes quickly evident, as melodies are created in a seemingly spontaneous fashion, but with notes flying together in an underlying theme.

What isn't evident, is what's behind this top-level performance. There certainly is obvious physical dexterity -- the ability to produce what is required upon demand. But, playing good jazz requires agility as well as ability -- the innovativeness to continually introduce new ideas in response to the mood created by the notes just played. Each phrase has to be linked with the next for continuity. There must be integration of thoughts and ideas.

The best excitement is created when teams of musicians improvise to create new harmonies. The players have mastered the rudiments, become very dexterous, agile and adroit, and trained themselves to be spontaneous. In their terms, they "cook."

Take away these ingredients and the players get clumsy, stumble in execution and produce bad results. The music becomes stale and the listener grows disinterested. What's the consequence? .......Losing the audience.

What does this have to do with manufacturing?

Consider that the U.S. has significantly lost world market share in key industries over fifteen years. Also consider that the complexion of manufacturing is rapidly changing, in the process of a global re-segmentation of markets. With more companies competing worldwide, pressure is on for U.S. manufacturers to give a top performance -- designing and building the best quality product in the shortest time possible.

Sour Notes

How do we compare today with that new standard? We have spaghetti factory flows, poor interaction between functional departments, physical walls, classes of workers, poorly integrated information systems, and component factories separated from assembly by states and, sometimes, continents.

As a result, we find ourselves clumsy in moving parts across the factory floor, stale or too slow with introducing new products to respond to market demand, stumbling in execution of production, and severe quality problems. What's the consequence? Losing business.

Jazz in the Factory

How can we tune ourselves to be top performers in the next decade We must start with the fundamentals, the rudiments. Any organization, just as in a jazz group, is only as good as its weakest player. As individual skills are raised, so is the performance of the organizational unit. We must be ready and skilled in physical movement. Physical dexterity is paramount in the hands of a classical pianist, a jazz saxophonist, and in the production cycle.

We must remove the obstacles that prevent us from manufacturing with high velocity -- our set-ups, the excessive material handling, our poor physical flow, and all production interruptions. We must streamline the physical flow, integrate our processes and close the distances between supply, production, assembly, distribution, and our end customer. The emphasis must be on quickly satisfying the service chain of events from the time a customer needs something until he is satisfied.

Being Innovative

We must be adroit in introducing new products and quick in getting them to the market to satisfy demand. We must create a dynamic integrated environment where people can work together in generating and sharing thoughts. Just as a jazz musician is free to choose his notes, in business there must be built-in flexibility to allow members to explore, and be creative.

Fostering innovation, among many other things, requires good organization of information. Our current systems and procedures have been developed at length to control an unwieldy information channel. Our functional organizations are stifling; natural and functional conflicts create internal adverse relationships that prevent the sharing of ideas.

Only when we get past the stifling paper flow, disparate computer systems, and functional organizational walls, will the homogeneity of ideas begin to generate at a fast pace. Linking computers is part of the answer, but it's also streamlining the information flow, and consolidating the knowledge of the idea producers. We need to organize for ease of sharing information for innovation.

Playing in Harmony

Having the ability to produce spontaneously upon demand requires an organization that is quick and resourceful. It requires short lines of communication, and velocity throughout the work chain. This means not only being able to enact the physical events swiftly, but also completing the business cycles quickly.

A jazz stage band keeps good time by closing physical proximity between players. This is so there is a minimum of delay in hearing the rhythm. In business, close proximity is critical to producing velocity. Each element of a business cycle must be linked with the next for continuity.

Every member must be in tune with the overall needs of the market, and close enough to one another to be spontaneous in helping each other support the common mission -- serving the customer. Team play is a basic necessity to produce the results required to be competitive in the next decade.

When a manufacturing company becomes physically dexterous in the factory, organized to be adroit and innovative throughout, and its members work in concert toward a common theme of satisfying the requirements of a dynamic market, it will be a world-class competitor, it will possess enterprise agility, and that's when it will "cook."


Richard G. Ligus is President of Rockford Consulting Group, Ltd., located in Rockford, IL., with over 30 years experience in manufacturing, procurement, transportation and distribution. He specializes in developing and implementing supply chain strategies. Rich is an author and a speaker, and has developed seminars with the American Management Association. He is certified by both the Institute of Management Consultants and the The National Bureau of Certified Consultants.

Rich has a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology, and a master of business administration degree from Rutgers University. He is a member of CASA/SME, and has been listed in Jane's Who's Who in Aviation and Aerospace. He has been a speaker at IMTS, USCTI, APFA, NEPMA, MCAA, Hand Tools Institute, CASA/SME, and others. He has appeared several times on WREX-TV, Mid-Morning Magazine.


The Harmonic

The Harmonic

In a good history book by a leading light in the field of history, I recall Michael Grant saying Pythagoras was weird. This book is The Rise of the Greeks and he does almost admit he is not qualified to judge the great sage, which is more than many academics will allow. None of us should expect he could judge bi-location or the musical octaves and their connection to the Singing of the Spheres. However, it would be nice to see these researchers (are not historians supposed to research?) ask people who are knowledgeable about alchemy and present their opinion if they are willing to call Pythagoras weird. Much of what Pythagoras learned from the Great Pyramid and in his healing of people was involved with harmonics and the pentagon-dodecahedron that understands the Earth Energy Grid. He is not the only person who used these secret knowledge systems. The re-routing of the river by the followers of Pythagoras (in Croton/Bruttium, Italy) may have had something to do with this secret knowledge. This was almost considered a legend until recent archaeologic digs found the site of Sybaris, which was aligned on the side of Etruria against the Bruttii and other Kelts of the north. This important point in history led to the creation of a Roman Empire and Rome itself. So much for the statements of Masons, who say they are Pythagoreans and teach his Golden Section, yet maintain they are not political.

In discussing the harmonics of Omega stations placed around the planet by the United States, Bruce Cathie writes in The Earth Energy Grid:

It at once became obvious that the position was an ideal one. The station fitted on to the grid as though one had been tailor-made for the other (see map). I produced the grid map years before Omega was ever heard of, and I have no claims to being clairvoyant. It can be no accident that the site fits in so neatly with the grid system; Im certain that the station was planned years ago by those in charge of the earth-bound project to explore the grid system.

From Alpha to Omega from the beginning to the end; from earth to the stars.

There are some on this planet who already have possession of all the necessary knowledge to make citizens of space of us all.

When will they let us in on the secret? (12)

TArk of the Covenant was an arc transmitter developed for the purpose of making maps of the whole world and an ancient Morse code system. The Hadji Ahmed map from over 12,500 years ago may not be the best proof but you should know about it (I do think it has parts that are the ancient secrets of the North American traders but is weak in other areas.). It shows the Bering Land Bridge as it was and yet we didnt know this until 1958. It has been around for 500 years or so and is traced from earlier maps. Given the receptivity of quartz on sceptres in electrical storms I can easily see the piezo electric flashes therefrom would have led to what the engineers can reconstruct using the Bible as their guide. Such harmonic or etheric events would have been great magic in the distant reaches of human cultural evolution. The Field Theory of Faraday and Tesla is a verdant open and welcoming minefield for science to explore today. Cathie deals with a little of Tesla in the next work that is also researchable in Christopher Dunns book titled Giza Power Plant.

The whole system acted as a gigantic electrical pump, and enabled Tesla to cause massive discharges of energy to oscillate between the earth and the surrounding atmosphere. During his experiments with this fantastic piece of equipment he caused bolts of lightning to issue forth from the copper ball {Numa had electrical devices in Roman times that are in the British Museum} into the air, and manmade thunder to scare the living daylights out of the populace for miles around. He finally succeeded in burning out the generating plant at Colorado Springs due to electrical overload placed upon it. This did not, of course, make him too popular with the local council, and he had to carry out extensive repairs to the plant before he was able to continue with his work.

He discovered that a rate of 150,000 oscillations a second, which produced electrical pulsations with a wavelength of 2000 metres, was necessary to produce the effects he required in the transmission of usable power through the earth.

If we convert the wavelength of 2000 metres to a minute of arc, or nautical mile equivalent on the earths surface the result is 1.0792237. The experimental value was therefore very close to 1.08 minutes of arc, or one twenty thousandth of the circumference of the earth, 21600 minutes divided by 1.08.

The exact number of cycles to obtain a 1.08 minute wavelength would be 149892.18 per second. This would tune the transmitter in harmony with the world grid system.

In the early stages of my work I wondered why I could not obtain pure harmonics from all my calculations when dealing with physical substance that is, exactly 144 for the light harmonic etc. Tesla stated that it was not possible to obtain pure resonance or harmonic vibrations, because if this were so than matter itself would disintegrate. A certain amount of resistance must be allowed for it to prevent complete destruction of physical substance.

He tested his theory of power transmission by lighting 200 incandescent lamps at a distance of twenty-six miles from the laboratory while the oscillator was operating the energy being extracted directly from the earth. Each lamp required about 50 Watts of power a total of 13 hp. The claimed efficiency was 95 percent.

THE CENTURY MAGAZINE ran an article in the June edition of 1900 stating comments made by Tesla regarding his Colorado experiments: However extraordinary the results shown may appear, they are but trifling compared with those obtainable by apparatus designed on these same principles. I have produced electrical discharges the actual path of which, from end to end, was probably more than 100 feet long; but it would not be difficult to reach lengths 100 times as great. I have produced electrical movements occurring at the rate of approximately 100,000 horsepower, but rates of one, five or ten million horsepower are easily practicable. In these experiments, effects were developed incomparably greater than ever produced by any human agencies and yet these results are but an embryo of what is to be.

Tesla now had all the information he required to set up a station to transmit power to any point in the world, but before we move on to discuss his later activities let us have a closer look at the site he chose in Colorado where he tested all his theories and found positive proof of the harmonic structure of nature. In one of his unpublished articles he had stated in part that: Long ago he (man) recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, of a tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasa or Luminiferous Ether, which is acted upon by all life-giving prana or creative force, called into existence, in never-ending cycles, all things and phenomena. THE PRIMARY SUBSTANCE, THROWN INTO INFINITESIMAL WHIRLS OF PRODIGIOUS VELOCITY, BECOMES GROSS MATTER; THE FORCE SUBSIDING. THE MOTION CEASES AND MATTER DISAPPEARS, REVERTING TO THE PRIMARY SUBSTANCE.

His experiments had shown him (as I had found in my own bumbling way) that matter was nothing more than a complex matrix of wave-forms locked together by harmonic resonance. The energy inherent in matter could be tapped if the secret of the geometric structure of the wave-forms could be broken.

So: for the theoretical latitude position we have:

Distance to the North Pole = 51.174548 degrees
Distance from the equator = 38.825453
Difference = 12.349095
Divided by 6 = 2.05818225 units
Multiplied by 2 = 4.116365
Squared = 16.9444

The harmonic 169444 is related to MASS, Gravity and COMMUNICATION and is demonstrated many times in my later works. The method of calculation also follows a regular pattern. The great circle displacement between longitude 104◦ 52 22 west and 90◦ 00 00 west, at the same latitude, also sets up an important harmonic. The value: 694.44 minutes of arc. This is the reciprocal harmonic of the Grid speed of light, 144000 minutes of arc per Grid second, in free space.

Tesla must have been well aware of the importance of the position he chose, but kept the reasons a closely guarded secret.

It is interesting to note that in this same area the military have chosen to set up the greatest electrical complex in the world the North American Defence Command, NORAD. I am not telling tales out of school here because other publications have already pointed this fact out.

From a public point of view though, one of the reasons becomes clear why the work and discoveries of Tesla remain suppressed: the military application of his discoveries has been considered far more important than the welfare of the ordinary citizen of the world. (13)

Tesla also said that he had developed a death ray that could kill at a great distance. Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden USAF (Ret.) has developed many of Teslas discoveries and the applications may be worse than just a simple death ray or protective field. Some applications include what is being done in mind control at a distance. Tesla developed the Unified Force Field which I think might be part of what is going on near Taos, New Mexico. It was being worked on by the Russians near Korea in the mid-80s according to a Chicago Tribune article I read. They talked about a Korean airliner that flew through suddenly extreme cold space. His work with the Philadelphia Experiment led to age regression through Time Travel but it was very dangerous.

In an earlier business incarnation of mine I employed Leposova Tesla. She was proud of her ancestor but like most people she knew little about the science behind his work which includes the invention of the radio. The U.S. Patent Office gave him the patent 25 years after his supporters sued for him and took it away from Marconi. He developed AC current and the Niagara Falls project that he had dreamed about for most of his life. There is a Museum on Goat Island in the Niagara River that honours him. There are many things of the world around you that have been part of his technological legacy including Neon lights, but this author is right about the far greater potential applications and the military or government uses or misuses. I find the actions of the Rothschild front man (J. Pierpont Morgan) especially reprehensible in his treatment of Teslas inventions and the steel alloy or other knowledge of Col. Churchward that they grabbed as well. Tesla died poor and some say his heart was broken but it was not due to a woman. He never had relations with another human.

His biography, the book named White Dove is one I enjoyed. There are rumours that Tesla did not die as stated in this book. If you follow the career of John von Neumann who was involved with Tesla in the Philadelphia Experiment then you might understand why this could be true. I include the recent use of ancient knowledge to demonstrate it is not mere fabrication or myth such as it has been characterized as being by the normative academics. You cannot read too much about the life and work of Nicola Tesla.

From what source in history could these sciences have come? Where is the proof?

The Gothic Cathedrals of Europe and their imitations throughout the world have been designed to include the knowledge of the Great Pyramid, and these harmonic effects that are focussed through the physical placement of architectural forms. The Templars built them under Papal passport in a time when no one else could move freely around that oppressive part of the world which now views itself so highly. You might be amazed to hear about the rock wall in New Zealand that mirrors the Tiahuanaco precision fit. I am no longer amazed by the likes of Yonaguni and a semi-step Pyramid there which might date to 17,000 years ago. I know there was a worldwide culture that you should know was able and adept in matters of the soul and spirit. We all must learn from our soul. I think Jesus knew We are all the children of God, as well as any adept.

When he was dying I do not believe he said My God, why hast thou forsaken me? It makes more sense to me that he was speaking Maya language and said I faint, I faint, darkness is coming over my face. Why would a real adept talk of God forsaking him, especially if he were the only begotten and co-equal of God along with the Holy Ghost?

Malta and the Tarim Basin join Puma Punku near Tiahuanaco as major research centers for initiates to study as I see it. How many such adept observatories exist and how many initiates or schools there were is anyones guess. I am sure the Mayan people had one before they came to Mayan lands over 8,000 years ago, and that might be Puma Punku. I favour the idea that mountain tops in many places had these schools going back to at least 50,000 years ago. People I work with have sent me such proofs in Alaska and Iowa but the academics have tried to destroy them. Thus we are not talking about the Kelts or Phoenicians as a genetic grouping but rather the ethical Brotherhood and such things as Mu/Mungo Man or Timbuktu. I have often shared words with Rod Schmidt who is a member of a forum of archaeologists and linguists I was invited to join, I think Inyo was one of the ancient ashram/universities.

INYO, the name of a county, mountain range and petroglyph site in Inyo County, California; Nearest community, Lone Pine, California. First brought to public attention in ESOP, Volume 8, Part 1, 1979. and Saga America, 1979. Both reports by Dr. Barry Fell. Later learned to be home of the worlds oldest animation by R. Schmidt. The site is a complete solar observatory having heliolithic notation to both solstices, the equinox and 2 cross quarter markers. See for an explanation of what the animation represents. Inyo has revealed itself to be a religious site held in reverence until the destruction of the local Native American cultures by U.S. Military forces. Inyo has suffered major destruction under the "protections" of the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management who leased the area as a quarry to commercial business. Estimates have about 50% of the original location destroyed by U.S. Government authorized mining activities. Continued destruction is assured under the current BLM management located in Bishop, California. At this location there are recognized Arabic (2 examples hundreds of years apart in content and context) Punic, (2 examples) and Celtic (3 examples cited) and much more still under investigation. The archaeologists reports are available at: The epigraphers reports are available at:

Author of over 60 books - some can be found at, Columnist for The ES Press Magazine, Author of Diverse Druids