Sunday, November 25, 2007 

Five Tips To Find The Best Online MBA Program

MBA is among the most popular business degree to earn online. The knowledge and the skill in the business administration field is important for people who work in business world, whether you are a self-employed boss or under employed in a corporate. Getting a MBA degree becomes easy and convenient with the available of online MBA degree programs. There are too many online universities and traditional brick & mortar colleges offer online MBA programs, sometimes it confuses you and you may find hard to decide one to enroll due to too many choices. Here are six tips that can help you to find the best Online MBA program that meet your goal.

Tip #1:

The best online MBA program must be accredited by an accreditation agency that is recognized by US Department of Education. Accreditation is important measurement of the quality of a degree program. With a proper accreditation, an Online MBA program is certified to meet a standard education guideline and most prospective employers place an emphasis on this point because it assures them that you will have the skills that meet the job position requirement.

Tip #2:

Most of students taking MBA program are employed full-time. Hence, the best online program must be able to provide the flexibility to adjust your schedule to fit into your busy time for work and family. A good online MBA program should be lenient in learning time, places and learning pace.

Tip #3:

When you enroll in an online MBA program, you will be assigned to difference online classes which monitor and mentor by online lecturer. The best MBA program shouldn't have too many students in one online class; this will cause the lecturer unable to give good attendance to all the students and gives a good learning guidance. 8-12 students per lecturer are a good ratio for online students to achieve a perfect learning environment with a good attention from the lecturer.

Tip #4:

The best online MBA program should have the best professors who have full of real experience in all aspects of the business world. While searching for the Best Online MBA program, remember to analyze the faculties and understand the school's academic approach. You can talk to the admission officer through online chat session (most online universities have their admission officer online to answer enquiries live) and get a detail understanding on who are the lecturers involve in teaching the online MBA courses, what are their academic background and experience in real business world.

Tip #5:

Look for the online university that offers online MBA programs has an established alumni program. An established alumni program will have a good networking between school and companies, which will help you to get a promotion or make a smooth career transition worldwide. The best online MBA program should counter in your career opportunities and provides you with career support services through free career seminars to guide you in your resume writing, provides you with tips for preparing interviews & etc. These career support services are important to help you jump-start your career or make a smooth career transition.


Getting a degree from the best online MBA program is important to ensure your degree have the maximum value in helping your career moves. Hope that the above tips will give you some guides in searching for the best online MBA program that best fit your educational and career goal.

Julie Harvard is the author of You can search for your favorite online courses at over 120 Online Schools and you can get more information on over 1000 of Online MBA Degrees at this site.

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What Are Food Allergies, Intolerances And Sensitivities?

Food allergies are due to IgE antibodies made for specific foods that an individual has for some reason developed because their body has misinterpreted the food(s) as a foreign invading protein. The presence of IgE antibody to the specific food a person is allergic to results in an immediate immune reaction of the body to the food when it is eaten. The IgE antibody binds its specific food protein and initiates reactions in the body that include the release of chemicals such as histamine that may result in symptoms of itching, swelling, wheezing or difficulty breathing, rash or hives, and if severe, shock resulting in death if not reversed. Vomiting and diarrhea may occur but are less common.

Testing for the presence of allergy to a food or foods can be done by blood test or skin testing or both. One of the most common blood tests is the RAST test that looks for the presence of the specific IgE antibodies to common food allergens and other foods based on a history suggesting that a particular food is suspect. Skin testing is done by injecting or applying extracts of the common and any suspect food(s) to pricked or scratched skin and looking for diagnostic hive like reactions at the site of the suspect food. The most common food allergens are peanut, cows milk, wheat, corn, soy, shellfish, eggs, tree nuts, chocolate, pork, tomato, and citrus.

The terms food intolerance and sensitivity are commonly used interchangeably. They refer to a group of food reactions that occur that are not IgE antibody caused. In more general terms they refer to any adverse or unpleasant reaction that occurs after a food is eaten.

Food reactions that are not allergic in cause may have a variety of causes. A particular food may not be tolerated because it is not digested adequately due to an enzyme deficiency. Lactase, the enzyme that digests milk sugar or lactose, is present on the surface of the intestine lining cells. Lactase deficiency can be inherited or acquired. It commonly occurs whenever the intestine lining is damaged. Because the lactase enzymes are on the outer most surface of the intestine they are more vulnerable to injury. For example, after intestinal flu or in untreated Celiac disease, lactose intolerance is common. Other sugar enzymes can be deficient or the intestine can be simply overwhelmed by too large a sugar load at one time. A classic example is the Big Gulp syndrome when someone drinks a giant cola beverage then experiences the gut ache from the tremendous amount of fructose. Large amounts cannot be handled by the intestine and that results in bloating, urgency and terrible diarrhea.

Deficiency of digestive enzymes released into the intestine can result in poor digestion of foods. For example, when the pancreas gland is damaged (pancreatitis) chronically, usually from chronic alcohol abuse, or is congenitally underdeveloped or malfunctioning (e.g. cystic fibrosis). The pancreatic enzyme deficiency that occurs results in malabsorption, especially for fats, that cause symptoms of diarrhea and weight loss. Abnormal bacteria types and levels in the gut, also known as dysbiosis, and abnormal excess levels of bad bacteria or presence of bacteria in upper small intestine where little or no bacteria normally occur (bacterial overgrowth) can interfere with digestion, absorption or cause fermentation of food resulting in symptoms of abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Some foods and food additives have a direct toxic effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Additives such as MSG and sulfites can cause symptoms, including flushing and diarrhea or the Chinese restaurant or salad bar syndromes.

All foods contain proteins known as lectins. Some of these proteins are highly resistant to digestion and are toxic to the human intestine especially if they are not pre-treated by soaking, cooking well, or removing toxic portions. For example, inadequately soaked and cooked kidney beans will cause a food poisoning like illness. There are several foods that have lectins that are poorly tolerated by many humans and are lethal to insects and pests. One researcher, Loren Cordain PhD., author of the Paleo Diet, has published extensive research on how the human intestine is not evolved to tolerate many of the foods we now eat but did not eat in the ancient hunter-gatherer times resulting in many of the illness seen in modern societies and the rising epidemic of autoimmune diseases. Several of the modern foods that were not part of the ancient diet but constitute much our diet now have well recognized toxic or poorly tolerated proteins known as lectins. Examples include wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), casein (cows milk protein), peanut agglutinin (PNA), soyabean agglutinin (SBA) and tomato lectin (TL) that have been shown in animal studies to be toxic to the human gut. There are a few published studies and little active research on the role of dietary lectins in health and disease.

When the reaction is an immune toxicity reaction to a food protein intestinal damage commonly results, frequently referred to as leaky gut because of the symptoms of malabsorption or the entry of toxic food proteins and/or bacterial products into the blood stream resulting in a variety of adverse health effects. This reaction may result in autoimmunity, the body attacking itself within the gut or distant organs or tissues. The reaction may be aided by abnormal bacteria types and/or levels in the gut (dysbiosis). The symptoms commonly develop over time and flare in just hours to up to three days after eating the offending food and continue as the food is eaten.

Because the protein in the food is usually the cause and such proteins may be hidden in other foods, especially processed foods, and the toxicity is more of a delayed and cumulative immune reaction, it is very difficult for the person suffering from this to identify the specific food as the cause. For example gluten (the protein in wheat) and casein (the protein in cows milk) are in many foods and toxic to many individuals. Over time people sensitive to such food proteins typically become more ill and may develop enough intestinal injury that blood tests for other types of antibodies, IgG and/or IgA, to the food or specific food proteins, may be detectable in the blood, stool or saliva.

Delayed immune response to proteins in the food (wheat, cows milk) resulting in bowel injury, gastrointestinal and non-gastrointestinal symptoms and increased autoimmune conditions is most well recognized in Celiac disease. It is an autoimmune disease resulting from ingestion of gluten in wheat or products made from wheat flour (or gluten like proteins in barley and rye). It used to be considered a disease of children and rare, especially in the United States. However, blood test screening studies have documented that it is present in approximately 1 in 133 to 1 in100 people worldwide though most of those affected are undiagnosed and untreated. It is diagnosed by positive screening blood tests and confirmed by a characteristic abnormal small intestine on biopsy followed by relief of symptoms and return of the intestine to normal after a gluten-free diet. Untreated it is associated with higher rates of cancer especially lymphoma, osteoporosis, anemia, and other complications of malabsorption resulting in shortened life expectancy. It is treated with a life-long gluten free-diet. Lesser degrees of gluten intolerance or sensitivity may not be severe enough to cause abnormal or diagnostic blood tests and intestinal biopsies but result in symptoms that improve or resolve with a gluten-free diet and may be detected by elevated stool or saliva antibody tests.

Though injury to the intestine tissue may be seen visually as abnormal appearing tissue during endoscopic procedures such findings are non-specific for the cause. The tissue frequently appears normal and therefore many times is not sampled by biopsy, though under the microscope injury may be seen, though not specific for cause or food. If the physician is either not suspecting food intolerance or doesnt routinely biopsy normal appearing intestinal tissue looking for signs of food intolerance, the injury may not be discovered.

The immune based food intolerances are commonly associated with many symptoms that can be both gastrointestinal and outside the gut and may include bloating, gas, diarrhea (and sometimes constipation), abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue, headaches, joint and muscle pains, skin rashes, weight loss or gain, anemia or nutritional deficiencies, irritability, depression, mental fogginess, and nerve pain (neuropathy). These symptoms may be misdiagnosed or mislabeled as irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, reflux, ulcer, and fibromyalgia, etc. without another thought by patient or physician that food intolerance may be the cause and specific food elimination may be the cure. The common food allergens also are the most common causes of food intolerance reactions.

Generally, most physician are aware of common food allergy symptoms and how and when to test. However, several studies have confirmed most peoples experience that the majority of primary care physicians are unaware of the common symptoms of Celiac disease, that blood tests exist for screening antibodies and the high risk genes, and that it is common and may be diagnosed in adults. This is why the diagnosis is delayed on average over 11 years in most adults, after many of them have irreversible complications such as osteoporosis, cancer, or another autoimmune disease. The awareness and acceptance of non-Celiac gluten sensitivity and other food protein intolerances in the medical community is even worse.

Therefore, food intolerance or sensitivity is commonly missed and untreated. Many patients are forced to self-diagnose by discovery of the link of their symptoms to specific foods serendipitously, often as a result of an elimination diet, recommendation of an alternative practitioner or friend/relative, or search for help on the internet or multiple physicians for help. Hopefully, by reading this article you now better understand food allergies and intolerances, why they are often missed and that they are a common cause of many symptoms, not just intestinal, that usually improve if not resolve once the offending food or foods are eliminated from your diet.

Dr. Scot Lewey is a physician who is specialty trained and board certified in the field of gastroenterology (diseases of the digestive system) who practices his specialty in Colorado. He is the physician advisor to the local Celiac Sprue support group and is a published author and researcher who is developing a web based educational program for people suffering from food intolerances,

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What are the uses for GPS? There are many, both for individuals, corporations, and the government.


The military uses GPS technology to guide missiles, track and control forces and facilities, and more. GPS has allowed command and control of forces to greatly advance their effectiveness. Using GPS, units can report their exact location to command central, and easily find directions to other locations.


Many newer vehicle models come with a GPS feature, which can be used to get customized maps and directions from your current location, to a specified location. This feature can be very effective, but some users warn that you should remember that it is just a machine and often makes mistakes. For example, it may take you by the shortest route, but it may take you longer to get there due to low speed limits.


Just like automobiles, many boats and ships use GPS for navigation. GPS may be especially helpful during darkness, fog, or other low visibility conditions.

Emergency Location

Many cell phone have GPS capabilities in them, so that emergency personnel can use GPS locating technology to locate a person vie their cell phone. The Navy & Coast Guard also use GPS technology for location lost persons.

Outdoor sports

Hunters, wilderness explorers, and other outdoor sportsmen may use GPS for navigation purposes, and / or to help find their way when lost.


Many surveyors use GPS units to survey and establish boundaries and other locations or markers.


Geocaching is a game or sport invented in 2000, which uses GPS to locate and find caches, or small treasures. One person hides the cache, the posts the details, with co-ordinates, on a geocaching website. Geochachers then attempt to locate the cache. Once one locates the cache, he or she may sign the log, and / or trade a belonging for some of th treasure in the cache. This ensures that their is always treasure in the cache.

Great prices on GPS units at Outdoors And In Store.

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Shock Report - Do You Really Need That Anti-Spyware Software?

The phenomenal rise of the internet has created a massive global industry with many thousands of spin-off cottage-style industries tagging along for the ride. Business is booming and many, many people have made an awful lot of money from it. In addition to this are the many thousands of ordinary people who now make a comfortable living from the internet. Everything would be fine and dandy, except for the unfortunate fact that wherever a large group of people can found making money at something, a small group will always be close behind leeching off them. These are the scam artists, spammers and get-rich-off-the-back-of-others-quick merchants. Between them they have created more problems for honest business people than any other online influence.

One of the more recent annoyances has been the sharp rise in so-called spyware.

What followed could only be described as either a mad panic, or a cleverly crafted get rich scheme which has worked a treat! The doom-mongers and conspiracy theorists between them managed to spread so much fear about possible personal data theft and Big Brother watching peoples every keyboard click, that people were ready to clutch at the first thing that came along that promised it would protect them from this evil scourge. Enter the skilful programmer set and before too long anti-spyware software had been developed to combat this affront to peoples privacy and the even more skilful marketers were selling these new anti-spyware programs to all and sundry.

Anti-spyware programs were selling like hot cakes.

So lets look past the hype and scaremongering and take a step back for a moment. Take a deep breath. Thats good.

Now we can ask a very pertinent question. What exactly is spyware and do we really need to be so worried about it? More to the point, do we really need yet another piece of software in the form of anti-spyware eating up our CPUs runtime to protect us from something we know very little about?

Lets take the first question first: What is spyware?

Lets give as concise an answer as is necessary in order to understand what spyware basically is. Well, firstly, spyware comes in many forms. The more simple forms are cookies set by websites to save you having to enter details like your user name or log-in details every time you visit a site. More sophisticated cookies can track your surfing movements and can be very useful for affiliate marketers by keeping track of links you may have clicked on. These are very important if you buy a product online that you were directed to by a trusted affiliate, as that is how the vendor knows who to pay the commission to. Incidentally, by blocking these cookies using anti-spyware software, your trusted affiliate will lose their commission because the vendors will not know who sent you to their website. That commission is then kept by the vendor. You dont get a discount!

More sinister forms of spyware also exist in the form of keystroke tracking software that can actually track every keyboard entry you make. This information is gathered by massive servers and decoded for use by the criminal underworld, by which means they can learn personal details like your home address, social security number, online banking login details, passwords etc. This type of spyware is more suited to the term Trojan horse, which is used to describe certain information gathering software inaccurately labelled as a virus.

So do we need to be so worried about spyware?

Yes and no.

Yes if one of the Trojan varieties is contracted, as there is the risk of personal data being harvested by the criminal fraternity. This data could potentially be used for all manner of illegalities, not the least of someone stealing money from an online bank account, or committing other fraudulent crimes using someones data.

No if you there are a few, or even a lot of cookies sitting benignly on the hard drive making your internet surfing activities a little easier by saving you having to key in certain repetitive information every time you visit a website.

Is there an in-between?

Life is not all in black and white and neither is the question of the severity of spyware. Of course there is a grey area that lies in-between the simple benign cookies and the aggressively malignant Trojans or actual data-threatening viruses. Some sophisticated cookies are able to track your surfing and online shopping habits and relay that information back to advertisers and the like so they can better initiate their next effective advertising campaigns. Campaigns that are directed right back at you, the consumer. Naturally, they want to know where you surf and shop most often so they can tailor their advertising to maximize their profits.

Is that ethical?

Well, maybe or maybe not, but thats business!

Is it an invasion of privacy?


Is it malevolent, sinister or dishonest?

Well, no more or less so than that supermarket loyalty card that you carry around with you. Think about it. If you were truly concerned about Big Brother watching your shopping habits, just think about how much personal information is harvested from you every time your card is swiped at the checkout!

So that brings us to our last question: Do we really need anti-spyware software running on our computer at home?

Now, savvy Linux users are rarely bothered by this problem and Mac users are also less likely targets for malicious software attacks. So this question is really directed at Windows users and lets face it, the vast majority of people online are.

Taking the worst case scenario, that of contracting a Trojan or virus, you would be right to be concerned enough to ensure that you have anti-spyware software running to block them gaining access to your hard drive. But look again at your task-bar. Whats that little icon over there in the right corner? Thats right! Its your anti-virus program humming quietly away in the corner there! You do have anti-virus software running on your internet-connected computer, dont you?

Anti-virus software is there in order to take care of all the malicious insurgents, including Trojans and the like, so it that respect, it acts as anti-spyware too. So what about the other, less harmful stuff? Those benign cookies, for example, which sit there in order to make your surfing experience a little less difficult. It is true that many anti-spyware programs will block cookies from being set on your computer, in the name of protecting you from spyware.

But you can just as easily block cookies using your own browser settings for free.

So why exactly do you need to spend more money on anti-spyware software that has been created in response to scaremongering and propaganda tactics? Why indeed, especially when the tools to do the same job are already sitting there in front of you.

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I learned the most important ghost writer secret all over again recently. While reading a captivating business book about the power and intrigues in the Coca Cola Company, I suddenly realized that my consumption of Coke had dramatically gone right up again since I had started reading the book.

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Years ago I read somewhere, this overused saying; "the pen is mightier than the sword".

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Get more details about this ghost writer for hire to write a book on your life and life's work that will have such powerful influence. Or read this article about techniques used by online writers for hire to generate tons of traffic to various sites.

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As the name suggests, no limit Texas Holdem poker gives players the opportunity to win the biggest pots. When there is no limit on betting, there is no limit on winning. Of course, no limit Texas Holdem is not for the faint of heart. People who play with no limits are generally skilled poker players, and the strategy you need to win a no limit game is very different from the strategy that you would use in a limit game. While the basics of limit versus no limit games are the same, the psychology of the players is very different. You have to know how to play in a no limit Texas Holdem game. If you know how to gain a psychological advantage over other players in a no limit game, you will have a huge advantage that can lead to big winnings.

Here are some things to remember when playing no limit Texas Holdem:

First, realize that you can gain a much bigger edge over your opponents when there are no limits games. In limit Texas Holdem, you can take small advantages over other players. In no limit games, the edge is increased because here you are really playing against other psyches, not other cards.

Skills like bluffing and varying bet size are much more effective in no limit games than they are in limit games. This is especially true for more experienced players. In no limit games, players will be much more cautious about taking what they perceive to be big risks. So if you are more crafty and deceptive than your opponent, you can be very successful.

Take control of the pot. In all poker games, you are at an advantage when you can do this, but in a no limit game where you can bet and raise without limit, those moves put you at a much greater advantage. In a no limit game, the value of taking control is even greater than it is in a limit game.

The size of your bankroll is another huge factor in no limit Texas Holdem. If you have more money or more chips than your opponent by a margin that is large enough, you can force them out of the game by betting big whether their hand is a good one or not.

In a no limit Texas Holdem game, the odds of losing if you take a risk by bluffing or if you play a bad hand are much higher than they are in a limit game. This means that your opponents are less likely to call you or to stay with a poor hand in no limit games. It is important to be aware of this because you can use it as part of your strategy. In no limit games, the odds always favor better hands.

The bottom line is that in no limit Texas Holdem, the stakes are higher, but the winnings are bigger! So in order to be successful in a no limit game, you have to know what you are doing. You may be able to make mistakes and still win once in a while by luck in a limit game, but with no limits, you will suffer from your mistakes. No limit games are not for the inexperienced card player. But for players who know how to play, there is an advantage that cannot be found in a limit game. The potential for winning big in a no limit Texas Holdem game is just that without limit. You can take an opponents entire bankroll in one hand if you play your cards right! A no limit game can be very vicious, but it can also be very rewarding. You just have to have the stomach for it!

Elizabeth Tudor has once been a poker addict, but she has overcome this weakness and turned it into her advantage.

Currently she works as a gambling consultant and an article writer for site helping others to make their gambling experience more pleasant and productive.

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The reason to have disability insurance is to protect your salary from accidents or sickness. A big part of the population fails to consider the possibility that they may in some way encounter a situation jeopardizing their ability to work and earn income. Disability insurance can enable you to go on with your normal life if that were ever to happen. The coverage provided by the later policy is much more than life insurance. The disability insurance is a great way to financially prepare yourself and your family, in the event that you are no longer able to work.

Disability insurance is a sub set of health insurance that will provide the holder with income should they become disabled and thus unable to continue earning a living. Dont neglect this important detail. It is the number one factor that will define what your income will be in case you become disabled. If financial benefits were not enough, obtaining disability insurance may also give you peace of mind. Once properly covered, you can rest assure knowing that all or a portion of your income will be replaced if you are unable to work.

The more money you make, the larger the benefit of your policy. But you also have to figure that your income will rise as you get older. If you are not eligible for disability benefits because you have not worked enough prior to becoming disabled, you may qualify for SSI payments instead. Supplemental Security Income is a disability benefit paid by Social Security based on need. Supplemental Security Income is a disability program for individuals that meet certain income requirements in addition to the disability requirements.

When pricing your policy, the insurance company will categorize you according to your occupation class. Your policy will be more expensive if your occupation is more likely to results in a disability. In both individual and group policies, each individual can qualify for a certain amount of benefit based on their salary. Their occupation will influence the price of weekly or monthly benefit. Premium for disability insurance are based on many characteristics like age, occupation, health and the calculations of potential lost income. Occupation is very important, because some occupations by their very nature are more hazardous than the other.

According to the Disability Management Sourcebook, the number of folks between 17 and 44 with severe disabilities has increased 400 percent over the past 25 years. One in seven people will become disabled for five years or more before they reach 65. What are the odds? In the next hour 194 people will be injured in car accidents, 57 homes will catch fire, 230 people will die, and 1,027 will become disabled.

How much disability insurance is "enough"? Obtain quotes and feedback regarding a number of insurance companies in order to help you find the right one. The second type of disability insurance is called Income Replacement Insurance. The third type of disability insurance is Gainful Occupation Coverage. Disability insurance is really an important tool that every employee should make use of.

Louise Wasa always writes about valuable news. A related resource is Disability Insurance. Further information can be found at Economy.

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Planning Your In-Wall Speaker System

So youve finally decided to get your favorite music throughout your house. Whats next? Where do you go from here? That depends upon your requirements and weather this will be an installation in an existing home or a music system in a new construction home.

First, you need to decide which rooms you would like to install your speakers. The installation will obviously be much easier during construction than in an existing home. Once you make the decision on which rooms to include, you have two choices; in-wall or in-ceiling.

In-ceiling speakers tend to draw less attention to themselves. In all but basic background music applications, in-wall speakers usually sound better, everything else being equal. In-wall speakers have other problems, however. They are usually harder to integrate aesthetically in the room. They also take up valuable wall space that can be used for art or furniture.

Typically, round speakers are used for in-ceiling installations and rectangular speakers are used when installing in the wall. Round speakers integrate better with other ceiling fixtures, such as smoke detectors and recessed light cans, which tend to be round as well. In addition, because most round speakers have coaxially located drivers, you are the same distance from both no matter where you are in the room. This leads to more even frequency response throughout the room. Rectangular speakers tend be better suited to in-wall, rather than in-ceiling, applications.

It is best to keep the speakers two feet or so from adjacent walls or other boundaries that can cause response problems. Optimally, in wall speakers should be at, or close to, ear level. Place in-ceiling speakers so they are symmetrical with ceiling fixtures and the room.

Usually stereo pairs of speakers are used in each room. Another approach that works well is to sum the some signals into mono. You can then run the system in mono for most areas that use in-ceiling speakers. The mono approach allows you to get more uniform coverage, rather than standing under a speaker that is only playing the left channel for example.

You can also use one speaker for areas like small bathrooms and still get both channels of the music. There are speakers with dual voice coils and inputs for both the left and right channels on a single speaker that are also used for this type of application. It can be demonstrated that the summed mono approach using a single, standard voice coil speaker usually sounds better, however.

Multi-room speaker systems can be set up as single zone or multiple zone systems. In a single zone system, all the speakers play the same source. With a multi-zone audio system, the system is divided into two or more areas that can play different sources. This flexibility is really nice when different occupants want to listen to different music at the same time. For example, with a three zone system, you could listen to three different sources simultaneously in three different areas of your house.

With a single zone system, it is still desirable to have independent volume control over each pair of speakers or to turn off any pair completely. This is accomplished by using a speaker level volume control for each room. These are usually a just round knob, although other styles, such as sliders, are used as well.

Multi zone systems are usually controlled by some type of keypad, system remote control, or wall mounted touchscreen. Typically, there is one of these control interfaces for each zone. There is an old saying in racing Speed costs money. How fast do you want to go? So it is with multi zone music system controls. Control costs money. How much do you want?

A standard knob style volume control is under $100. Step up to a keypad for more control and you are looking at $250 to $500. Touch screen controls offer the ultimate in simplicity and flexibility. In addition, touch screens allow feedback, such as volume, radio station, and music server information, to be displayed on the touch screen. Touch screen controls begin at about $500 and can go to $20,000 each, depending upon size and options. The more sophisticated controls allow you to turn on your music and choose sources from each room. Its as easy as turning on a light.

Some of the more advanced controls can operate independently,while some require a central processor. If you are installing a multi zone system, you will need a multi room controller and amplifier. These can be integrated into one component or they can be separate pieces. Prices on these vary widely. It is better for most people to contact a professional custom installer for installation of these type of components.

There are a number of decisions to make when planning your in-wall speaker system. Do you want single or multi zone? In-wall or in-ceiling? Both? What type of controls would you like? You can research these questions on your own or consult a qualified professional for assistance. With careful planning you will have a music system you can enjoy for years to come.

Steve Faber has almost 15 years in the custom installation industry. He is a CEDIA certified designer and Installer 2 with certifications from both the ISF and THX. His experience spans many facets of the industry, from the trenches as an installer and control systems programmer, and system designer, to a business unit director for a specialty importer of high end audio video equipment, a sales rep for a large, regional consumer electronics distributor, and principal of a $1.5M+ custom installation firm. Steve is currently is senior sales engineer for Digital Cinema Design, a CEDIA member firm in Redmond, WA. He is on the web at The Home Theater and Automation Guide

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Business Development For the Private Labeled Bottled Water Industry

The private labeled bottled water industry is exciting with tremendous growth opportunities and the ability for suppliers to offer their customers and strategic partners creative, effective advertising solutions.

But like any business, care is required to develop the business in a profitable way and the best way to do this is to establish a focused business development effort that utilizes the tools and techniques established by successful business.

The first step is to define the concept "business development".


Business development "includes a number of techniques designed to grow an economic enterprise. Such techniques include, but are not limited to, assessments of marketing opportunities and target markets, intelligence gathering on customers and competitors, generating leads for possible sales, follow up sales activity, formal proposal writing and business model design.

Business development involves evaluating a business and then realizing its full potential, using such tools as marketing, sales, information management and customer service. For a sound company able to withstand competitors, business development never stops but is an ongoing process." (source: Wikipedia)

From this definition it is clear that business development is more than closing the sale and each technique requires detailed planning and follow up.

Using the concepts of business development, it is possible to establish a profitable private label water business but it takes considerable initial and continuing effort.

The following case study involve a fictional Bottled Water company that entered the private labeled bottled water business. For discussion purposes it will be called ABC bottler ("ABC")

Unique Value Proposition:

An initial challenge is the development of a Unique Value Proposition that answers the question "Why should I buy from you".

After a review of the market and the competition it was determined that private labeled bottled water was a powerful, cost effective, advertising vehicle but because a customer's brand was affected, high product quality and customer service was required. ABC's Unique Value Proposition was established and stated:

"ABC will provide powerful and cost effective advertising and brand promotion for its customers based upon the highest quality consumable private label water, label design and customer service."

Marketing and Target Markets:

Field and internet research was conducted with the basic question being: What are the characteristics of industries are most likely to use our product at a price that is profitable to us. Key characteristics were developed:

  • Prospects that provide a quality product or service.
  • Industries operating in a competitive market environment where product/service differentiation was critical.
  • Prospects that required drinking water for customers, clients or prospects.
  • Prospects that maintained a quality brand image.
Initial research indicated that the following industries were initially high potential targets:

  • Hospitality (Hotels and Spas)
  • Banking
  • Mortgage Brokers
  • Real Estate
  • Ski Resorts

Sales Channels and Market Access:

It was decided that two channels would be used to go to market - direct selling and e-commerce. An e-commerce site was developed that allowed customers to design their own label for the bottles or provide an existing design consistent with the customer brand strategy. Search Engine Marketing and Optimization techniques were used to promote this channel.

A direct sales staff was formed to develop and close sales opportunities and these efforts were supported by a direct mail campaign and networking with local chambers of commerce, local trade associations and lead sharing groups.

The sales effort, after a series of initial false starts and disappointments matured successfully as we reviewed and revised the fine points of our effort.

Product Quality and Customer Service:

ABC's corporate strategy for all products was to stay at the high end of the market and this was particularly true for private label bottled water where the market is characterized by cutthroat competition and many low quality vendors who are slashing prices and selling on price rather than quality.

ABC focused on three areas of quality:

  • Water purity - ABC used a steam distillation/ozonation process that guaranteed 99.9% pure water that tasted delicious.
  • Label Design Quality - ABC used an in house professional designer to guarantee label design quality.
  • Label Print Quality - ABC used laminated label stock that was extremely durable and water proof and used digital or flexo printing technology to guarantee quality.

Customer service was particularly important as ABC established a reputation for delivering on time and correctly. If mistakes occurred, and they did, ABC adopted a no questions asked guarantee. ABC established a reputation as a reliable vendor for its customers.

The business became a successful mainstay of ABC's business but only because it developed a planned, business development process that was reviewed constantly and made changes that the market required.

Jon M. Stout is Chairman of the Board of Element H2O an Ultra Pure bottled water company located in Chantilly, Virginia. For more information about bottled water, private label bottled water and bottled water delivery go to the Element H2O website.

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In order to be the most successful during 2007 wagering MLB World Series time it may be a good idea to find out what the experts have to say, and the best experts baseball handicappers can often be found at a good sportsbook. These experts have watched the series teams all year long and have paid particular attention during the playoffs. They know which pitchers have their best stuff and which hitters are hot and which ones are in a slump. These handicappers keep up with all the injury reports and know if a player will miss games during the series or play with a minor injury that might impact the way they throw or hit.

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