Sunday, March 2, 2008 

Why Settle For An ARM?

It does not matter where you look these days, every mortgage company is offering unbelievable low interest mortgages. Somewhere, somehow, somebody came up with a new loan type that essentially helps those that would no normally afford their piece of the American Dream. Is this the right move for you?

Throughout the ages, the American Dream has always been to own your own home. With the advent of the Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) this has actually become possible for millions of Americans'. With an attractive introductory low interest rate and even lower payments than a fixed loan, people began to hop on the bandwagon and BAM! a boom in home ownership made these savy mortgage companies millions of dollars virtually overnight. Were you one of those?

ARMs provided all walks of life the opportunity to better themselves. Whether it was used to refinance and get lower monthly payment and get several thousand dollars cash out, or just the prospect of owning your own home; the Adjustable Rate Mortgage was your answer.

With every reward comes risk, and with the Adjustable rate Mortgage came the real prospect that you are risking your credit, along with your most prized possession, your home. Was the risk worth it?

Unlike other general loans, if you miss a payment or two, your interest increases and it hurts your pocketbook a little more as well as your credit rating. With the Adjustable Rate Mortgage, if you miss just one payment, they can literally take your house away from you and there is nothing you can do. One thing that is rarely explained during the terms of the loan.

If you have a long term, say 3-5 year fixed ARM, you get used to making a certain monthly payment every month. Before you know it, you open your bill and the payment has increased by a couple of hundred dollars. Now the shock comes in; along with the thought of How am I going to afford this?

There are options. However, since you went to the end of your fixed interest period, it will take a little bit of more work on your part and you dont want to waste any time. Drop everything and get to work, the quicker you take car of this, the more likely that you will be able to keep you home.

If you originally took cash out with your ARM, you more than likely owe more on your loan than your house is worth and this can cause problems. Dont settle for that massive new payment, do your homework and get out of your ARM and into a FIXED loan ASAP.

If you have watched any news station the past 6 months, you hear all over that house foreclosures are up and over 100,000 homes are in the middle of foreclosures. More than seventy-five percent of these homes are due to Adjustable Rate Mortgages . Are you going to be on that list?

You dont want to loose your home and you know that you cant afford the new payment. Get out of your Adjustable Rate Mortgage now. Take the hit and refinance at a new fixed 30 year loan. If you owe more on your mortgage than your house is worth, find a way to get a separate loan from relatives or other finance sources and get back into a fixed mortgage. It is better to pay now, than pay later and loose your home.

M.S. owns TM-MotorWorks Scooter Store and writes for the consumer on topics ranging from electric scooters, global warming, debt management, as well as other consumer related issues. While business is centered around electric powered scooters and gas powered scooters; his goal is to pass on knowledge from these other areas of interest. Check him out at for more info.

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Fishing for Rainbow Trout - The Perfect Hatch - Part 1 - Chironomids

It happens every year, in almost every lake in the Kamloops area but the trick is to time it just right. This year, so far, our timing has been great. Long leaders on dry lines season has begun and the perfect hatch of chironomids has been fished.

It was late in May, just after the Victoria Day weekend in Kamloops area and the weather had been cool and windy but this day the winds were down and the temperature was approaching 20C. It was the perfect set-up. Armaddeus and I ventured up to the Roche Lake area to one of my favorite lakes, Hosli Lake. We hit the water late in the afternoon (4:30)and not much was happening except where 4 boats/float tubes were gathered in deep water off the far shore. Two guys were having a great time while the 2 others were marvelling at the the luck of the others.

We wandered over and quietly anchored in the area. As I looked into the water I could see a deluge of little white heads wiggling their way to the surface. It was spectacular. Thousands of chironimds hatching with very few fish moving at the surface. I knew this could be something special. As it turned out, it was spectacular!

This was not normally a spot on the lake that I would anchor and cast. It was at least 150 ft. from any shoal and 22'-30'deep. Hardly a location for normal flycasting opportunities. But these are chironomids. They lay their eggs in the bottom mud and rise to the occasion every year to hatch as adults.

I set up my #6 dry line, complete with a 21 ft long leader. The guys that were there before us were using a dry line with strike indicator and a wet line just hanging underneath his belly boat. I like the dry line without a strike indicator. My fishing friend, Paul Patterson (The Log Home Shows)taught me how to effectively use this strategy and my success rate improved drastically.

I started out with the dry line and casted out about 50'. I was trying to get my wet line ready but got rudely interupted by the singing of my reel. The 20" rainbow trout had taken the chironomid as it was still dropping. It continued for the next 3 hours. Fish after fish, and real dancers too. Every fish came out of the water at least 3 times.

Since you can use 2 lines while fishing in BC (if you are alone in your boat/tube), I took the opportunity to hook my wet line up and just let it hang below the side of my boat. Luck struck here too. In fact, I was about 3 seconds from a double header as I released one, the other line started singing. Interesting enough, most fish this evening took the fly while it was just hanging or dropping, with less action while retrieving. I ended up with 12 fish, mostly in the 18-20" size with the largest being 21".

We went back 4 days later and the hatch was still on. Apparently the 2 guys that were there the first day we showed up had left that morning and had action all week. Armaddeus and I showed up about 11am and headed back to the same spot. I was quick to throw out my dry line with the long leader. I had let it sit for about 5-6 minutes and started my retrieve. I noted to Armaddeus that it might be slower today...not. First cast, first fish. Actually the fishing was slower this day. It seemed that the trout were a little more selective and they only wanted to hit the fly while I was on the retrieve rather than on the dead hang. 15 fish, the biggest, a perfect specimen, was a whopping 24" (close to 6lbs).

The "perfect hatch" eased off and became sporatic just a couple days later. We had a couple of real good days 2 weeks later but for the most part the mega-hatches of chironomids were done. They will continue to hatch for the rest of the open water season but with less intensity.

Here are a few tips for the learning chironomid fisherman to hold on to when looking for the perfect hatch of chironomids.

1) Mid-May to the first week in June is the most predominant hatch time in the BC Southern Interior. Obviously, lower elevation lakes will come on earlier than higher lakes.

2) When travelling on the water, keep your eyes peeled as to where the chironomids are emerging. Chances are that you will see them coming up from deep water. As we are more conditioned to work shoals and weed beds, this may feel a bit awkward at first. If you can't see the chironomids emerging, look for the birds, particularly the swallows, terns and nighthawks. They will be swarming, diving, circling and even dipping the surface of the water for fresh emergers. The fish shouldn't be far.

3) You may or may not see fish moving where the chironomids are emerging. Lack of fish moving on top doesn't mean that they are not there. It probably means that they are feeding below, closer to the bottom.

4) Rainbow trout will take the chironomids at wherever the best water temperature level is. This would be approximately 55F or 13C. The depth could be anywhere from 4' to 25'. Sunken islands between 10' and 20' deep can be a bonanza. Having a depth sounder / fish finder can be invaluable.

5) I carry at least 2 lines/rods, sometimes 3 - 2 dry lines and one deep sinker. My favorite is to hook one line up with a strike indicator to establish the right depth. Usually we set this to sink and drift with the breeze with the occasional slow retrieve. My second rod will also be the dry line but with a long leader. This line will be casted and let sit for 5 minutes or so before retrieving.

6)The long leader on the dry line without the indicator... 20 feet or more. My success rate with chironomids increased by at least 3X when I finally went to the long leader. It takes patience but it's worth it.

7) Use a weighted fly, on either the dry or wet line(metal/glass - bead heads, usually white but gold or silver can be successful too). Add some small split shot where your tippet is tied to your leader. This will help you get down to your desired depth.

8) Adjust your depths and fly patterns regularly until you start taking fish.

9) Try to match the length of the chironomid with the emergers at the surface.

10) When you do catch one, pump it's stomach for an indication of what the are exactly feeding on. There are plenty of articles on pumping fish, just go to Google and put in: stomach pump + fish. You will find a lot of info. Please take care when handling the fish if you are returning it to the water.

11) Watch the other fishermen. If someone is into fish, get close enough to observe. Strike up a conversation and try to draw some information. Most fishermen will share info willingly, but not all. Be creative upon your approach and don't be too direct or you will not get the information you seek. Your ability at the art of persuasion may determine your quality of information you receive.

12) If the water is really choppy with wind, try using the naked dry line. It reduces the amount of un-natural bobbing movement that waves create on the fly if it is attached to a strike indicator.

13) When using the wet line, a short leader (6'-8ft) is fine. Determine the depth below the boat and drop your line to within 1 foot or so of the bottom. Hands off the rod until you see the tip start moving. Lift up to set the hook and hold on because you are usually in for a wild ride.

14) A real key to fishing chironomids with a dry line and long leader is to keep a sharp eye on the strike indicator or the end of your line. Rainbow trout may hammer the fly or take it slowly and gently slurp it. It you are not paying attention, it's take will go undetected and the fish may spit the fly before you can set it. Make sure that you stretch the leader and line to get the coiling out of the line. It gives you a more direct feel to the fly and the take.

15) Pay attention to the moon phase. Contrary to some material that is marketed, we have found that the fishing is poorest around a full moon or new moon in this area. Most of my fishing buddies would agree. My best fishing seems to be the week before the full moon (within about 3 days of it going full), up to a full week after the full moon and about a week after a new moon. Our recommendation is to keep track of this in a journal and monitor it for consistency. Over time you will get a better feel for the locale of which you are engaging you practise.

Although the big hatches of chironomids in the BC Southern Interior are less frequent, there are and will be many more this year at just about every lake. Chironomids can be fished pretty much all season so work on your technique, use patience and you will be eventually rewarded. Once you experience the perfect hatch you will be forever smitten.

Footnote: Following the above guidelines is no guarantee of success. My regular fishing partner, Armaddeus, has been fishing beside me all spring. He has been fly fishing chironomids for 25 years and has caught his fair share. Thjis year has not been his year. We use the same flies (in fact, one day I was just hammering them on the flies that he tied... while he got zip, nada, nothing). Not even a bite. During the 4 perfect chironomid hatches we have fished this season, he has landed two fish. It must be his stinky fingers. If I were him, I'd change my name.

For more info, come see us at: The Best Fly fishing Lakes in BC at

Dave Ouellette worked as an Engineering Tech for Ducks Unlimited Canada in the British Columbia interior for 11 years and had a virtual run on some of the best fly fishing lakes in BC. While constructing over 200 conservation wetland segements in southern /south-central BC, Dave managed to fish almost as many lakes and streams in his travels. Now, as an avid fly fisherman, Dave spends most of his ice free seasons devoting intense research and development days to the rainbow trout of the Kamloops area lakes.

Favorite Book for Fly Fishing the BC Lakes: 1) "The Gilly": A flyfisher's guide

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World of Warcraft Gaming Keysets and Keyboards - The Right Keys to Success

With the advanced complications in World of Warcraft gaming, it is no question that choosing the appropriate keyboard is important. As a gamer, you do not want to run into any inconveniences that may arise due to not being properly equipped with the most updated technology. Several aspects of the game require advanced control features, thus making it absolutely necessary to invest in a compatible gaming keyboard.

Fortunately, various companies have made it convenient for World of Warcraft gamers to select an appropriate keyboard model. Even more surprising is the fact that some companies have even made specifically-designed keysets that are not only compatible with World of Warcraft, but are decorated with the theme of the game as well. For instance, Ideazon has a customized World of Warcraft keyset that lays on top of the keyboard to enhance your gaming experience. The advanced keypads make chatting, battling, and casting spells easier than ever. Among the many features include a Game Window Zone, a Chat Command Zone, and the capability of performing multiple actions with the single touch of a key. At an affordable price of roughly $19.99, this is definitely an accessory that World of Warcraft gamers do not want to miss out on.

Other manufacturers have constructed keyboard models that are also considered optimal for World of Warcraft players. Logitech, Saitek, and Maxtrox are all known distributors of gaming keyboards, and most of their models are recognized as affordable and compatible.

But why would anyone care to invest in one of these devices? For one, they all come with a range of features that can make a users experience more enjoyable and entertaining. The Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard comes fully-equipped with back-lit keys, thus allowing users to play their favorite titles (including World of Warcraft) in the dark. The Saitek Eclipse model is said to be one of the most popular keyboards that has been designed to meet a gamers needs while providing the essential features for personal use as well. One of its counterparts, the Saitek Gaming Keyboard, has enough keys to provide an extra 27 functions if necessary. Most models also come with various knobs and switches that allow for easy access to some of the basic media features such as volume control and screen resolution.

All in all, it is no doubt important to be fully aware of what type of accessibility is needed to make the most out of your World of Warcraft gaming experience. Ultimately, it should all come down to what feels most comfortable to you.

If you play WoW, be sure to get your own World of Warcraft Keyset I think you'll see a big difference in your game play. For other games, check out the full range of gaming keyboards available. There are many to choose from and you'll easily find the right keyboard for you.

Emma Martin reviews WoW leveling and gold guides at:

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Commercial Mortgage Disapprovals - Five Major Reasons for Bank Rejections

This article highlights the five primary reasons that banks decline commercial mortgage loan applications. The reasons provided below do not represent obscure issues, so it is likely that two or three of the reasons described will be important for typical commercial mortgage situations. The first two reasons (business plans and tax returns) will potentially impact all commercial borrowers. Many commercial loan officers will start their loan review process by stating some variation of "Can you show me your business plan?" and "We will need to see several years of tax returns".

Commercial projects are frequently too unique for traditional commercial banks. In these situations (even if a commercial borrower has favorable tax returns and an adequate business plan), it is not unusual for commercial borrowers to be declined for a commercial mortgage loan by a traditional commercial lender. Commercial borrowers are likely to be confused when they are turned down and will be unsure as to why it happened and what to do next. For each of the five major reasons that a bank might decline a commercial real estate loan, a practical strategy is provided for converting the declined loan into an approved commercial mortgage.

Reason # 1: A bank's loan officer or loan underwriter is not satisfied that the business plan provided by the commercial borrower supports the requested loan.

Strategy # 1: Most commercial borrowers will benefit directly from dealing with a commercial lender that does not require a business plan due to the following major benefits:

  1. Reduce commercial mortgage costs by thousands of dollars. A common range for an average business plan (prepared to typical bank specifications) is $5,000 to $10,000.
  2. Reduce mortgage closing time by several months. Business plans can be prepared before or after applying for a loan, but either way the net extra time required will probably be 1-2 months or more.
  3. If the lender does not require a business plan, there is one less item standing between the commercial borrower and their approved loan.

Reason # 2: Loan underwriters find something on a tax return that disqualifies a borrower under the bank's lending guidelines. This "something" will frequently be insufficient net income, but when loan underwriters look at tax returns, there are many other possibilities which produce a similar result.

Strategy # 2: Business loan borrowers will never have Reason Number 2 to worry about if they are applying for a "Stated Income" commercial real estate loan. Very few traditional banks use Stated Income (no tax returns, no income verification, no IRS Form 4506) for a commercial mortgage. Commercial borrowers should seek out lenders using Stated Income Commercial Loans. However, this strategy will not work for all commercial mortgages since there is a maximum loan amount of $2-3 million for most Stated Income Commercial Mortgage Programs.

Reason # 3: The bank does not generally make business loans for the type of business involved or imposes special requirements that make the loan impractical for the commercial borrower. Fewer banks are making loans to bar/restaurant properties. Similarly, auto service businesses are frequently given unnecessary (and expensive) environmental reporting requirements. There are many "special purpose" properties such as funeral homes, campgrounds and churches that most traditional banks will not include in their business lending portfolio.

Strategy # 3: For most business borrowers that can get approved at a traditional bank, there are prudent options available elsewhere. And "prudent options" are clearly available only elsewhere when the bank won't make the business loan in the first place! There are very capable commercial lenders that are interested in special purpose properties.

Reason # 4: When a business is refinancing their current commercial mortgage and wants to get a significant amount of cash out for various uses, it is not unusual for the bank to restrict what the funds are used for and to limit the amount of cash to amounts as small as $100,000. Even though the bank might make the loan, if they won't provide the amount of cash needed by the commercial borrower, this is equivalent to declining the loan.

Strategy # 4: As mentioned in Strategy Number 3, there are other options available elsewhere! The commercial borrower's mission (and it is not impossible at all) is to use a commercial real estate lender that will allow them to get much larger amounts of unrestricted cash out of a commercial refinancing without restrictions on what they do with it.

Reason # 5: The bank will not provide a business loan without adequate collateral, usually in the form of a lien on personal assets such as the commercial borrower's home.

Strategy # 5: Commercial mortgage borrowers should seek out lenders that do not "cross collateralize" assets as a condition for obtaining a business loan. This will provide greater flexibility for the commercial borrower and avoid unnecessary (and unwise) connections between personal and business assets.

Copyright 2005-2006 AEX Commercial Financing Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Stephen Bush is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of AEX Commercial Financing Group, LLC ( ). Information about enrolling for a free online six-part series of Special Commercial Financing Reports or a free online seven-part Commercial Mortgage Course is available at all AEX Commercial Financing Group, LLC websites (including ). AEX Commercial Financing Group, LLC is based in Ohio and provides commercial real estate loans for purchases, construction and refinancing from $100,000 to $5,000,000 throughout the United States. AEX Commercial Financing Group, LLC also provides assistance in obtaining immediate working capital up to $300,000 using credit card receivables for retail stores, service businesses, bars and restaurants ( ).

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Making Money from Parked Domains

Let me tell you a true story. A friend of my who likes to collect domain names was describing a few that he had acquired. While he has a wide range of domains in various categories, these particular domains were all related to web hosting.

Some of the domain names were similar to existing web hosting company names (or derivatives of web hosting company names). Others simply had hosting, host, or a related term in the domain itself.

So my friend and I were talking and he said something like, Yeah, its a shame if only I had the time to develop some content for some of these domains then I might make some money form them. It turns out that he had no content on any of the domains just parked pages, or no content at all. When I investigated the domains, it turned out that there was a small but steady traffic stream that visited these domains. Some simply typed in the domain, others apparently found the domain through a search engine that had categorized the parked page.

So I suggested the following to him why not use a service that will take the domain as is with no content whatsoever and suggest search options that generate revenue for each click? He took my advice, grudgingly I might add, and guess what? He made $50 the first month from just a few of his domains.

He was so excited that he asked what he might do to further increase his revenues from his domain names. I suggested that he use his parking pages (these can be customized with some hosts) to test banners from affiliate programs with the highest paying hosting companies. He placed only three banners at the top of his pages with a brief description of the companys product offerings taken straight from their web sites. This also proved to be a great success and his revenue stream increased.

My friend has since invested some time and energy in monetizing his other domains. He has either pointed the domains to a pay per click search engine, or listed affiliate links on almost every domain. This has turned a lackluster domain speculation business into a profit generating pay per click and affiliate business that requires almost no effort to maintain. Needless to say, my friend has taken my out to lunch a couple of times since then.

If you have parked domains and what to try getting paid for search results on those pages, check out this service offered by Sedo (there are others out there as well):

Good luck in transforming your parked domains into cold, hard cash!

About The Author

Derek Vaughan has been actively marketing on the Internet since 1995. Mr. Vaughan has marketed products at the Walt Disney Company as the online marketing manager of ecommerce for Mr. Vaughan is also the founder of Cheap Hosting Directory - a web hosting review site. Mr. Vaughan holds degrees from both the Indiana University and Purdue University. He has also received a Master of Business Administration degree from the Owen School at Vanderbilt University. Cheap Hosting Directory - - is a part of TechPad Agency's network of web hosting portals.

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Essential Tips to Designing a Site

Website designing has always been a fun thing to do. Nonetheless, when designing a website, more so when the site is going to be used to channel business to other people, the burden of designing it properly to suit and fit your clients discriminating tastes aggressively progresses. It is essential that you design your site based on the following norms:

Even when you know that your site is going to be primarily utilized as a business avenue, it is much better to be weary in putting too much banner ads on your site. It is always a turn off to generally of clients if they see too much and excessive banner ads or promotional tips on a site. As they always say, moderation is the key. You can moderate the presence of advertising materials on your site to ensure that it does not become a sore to visitors.

Audio and sounds is good but again, do not overdo it. It is an admitted fact that a lot of visiting clients are fond of media files, but when it becomes too much of a presence on a site losing the essential elements of a site, then again it becomes a sore to the eyes of your prospective client and visiting users.

Employ clear and user-friendly navigation tools. User friendliness is always a factor to consider when developing any PC related software. Not only it makes it sellable, but also it goes to bringing more sales to a lot of potential clients of all ages. By what I mean about this is that, make sure that you do not put too much complications in your website. Make it simple and allow for a user-friendly environment.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

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The Single - Most Critical Factor To Making A Profit From Betting On Horse Racing

Max Redd explains why you will never make a profit from betting unless you strike your bets at a value price. His Redd Racing betting service is one of the few tipster services to guide members about what price they should be looking for when placing their horse racing bets. He even offers a free trial. New members can see for themselves how this extra help can make the difference between losing money like most punters, and making a profit from their betting.

What is the most important thing you look for when analysing a new system, or a new tipster, and their sets of results?

Do you look for a high strike rate? Perhaps you are looking for a minimum of 30%

Do you look for decent winning prices? Maybe you want an average of at least 3/1

If you dont already, what you should be doing is COMBINING these two benchmarks to see if you are getting VALUE and hence making a profit.

The only way you will make a profit from betting over the long term is if you consistently back horses at prices HIGHER than their actual chance of winning. In other words, when you get a VALUE price.

Equally, you will make money if you consistently lay bets on horses to lose at prices too LOW when compared to their actual chance of winning. This is how bookmakers have made their money for generations.

For example, if you consistently back horses with a 50% chance of winning, but always back at odds better than evens, you will make a profit. If you back 5/1 (chance) horses at prices of 6/1 then you will make a profit over time.

Its obvious really, but too many times people get carried away with strike rates, and "never backing odds-on", when both these benchmarks are irrelevant if price does not also come into the equation.

A strike rate of 50% might seem impressive, but if it is achieved with horses at prices less than evens, you will lose money.

If a tipsters average winning price was 4/5 odds-on, it might on the face of it seem like his tips were very poor value that anyone could pick. But if you learned he had a strike rate of 70% then its a different story. He is getting an average price of 4/5 about horses which should be priced at just 3/7 odds-on.

Prices and strike rates are all relative, and intrinsically linked with VALUE

Common misconceptions are that you cannot make money by backing short-priced horses, or that you only make money by selecting horses at higher prices. Both these theories have an element of truth, but need qualifying further for them to be totally true.

Myth #1 : Short-price horses are always poor value
The horse with the shortest price in a race is the favourite, and we all know that if we blindly backed the favourite in every race we would lose money this is a fact. But the reason we would lose money is because the prices are manipulated by the bookmakers, such that the price of a horse is generally too short compared to its actual chance of winning.

For example, you would expect a horse priced at Even money to win 50% of the time WRONG!! in fact even money chances win only around 44% of the time. This is how bookmakers make their profit.

Let me show you how: The even money horse runs 100 races, and we as punters place our bets each time at even money. We will collect from the bookmaker only 44 times, but 56 times the bookmaker will keep our money.

But short-priced horses can still make you a profit if the price is still too high compared to the chance of the horse winning. For example, a horse at even money is great value if it actually has a 60% chance of winning. You would be getting even money about a horse that should be priced at 4/6

Myth #2 : You can only make a profit by backing higher-priced horses
Of all the horses in a race, the favourite with the shortest price will win the most often fact. So how can we make money by backing horses further down the market, with better prices. Well, the same theory applies as above only back horses at a price higher than their actual chance of winning.

If you decide to only back horses at 10/1 but your system produces a strike rate of 8% then you will lose money. If, however, your strike rate is 12% then you will make a profit.

This is because you are backing horses at 10/1 (11.0) when their actual chance of winning is 12% and represented by a price of 8.33. You are getting a price of 11.0 for something that is actually only worth 8.33 that is why you will profit.

Hopefully you can see that the key to making the profit here, is NOT the 10/1 price alone, nor the 12% strike rate, but getting the two together and achieving VALUE

Higher prices that still do not represent value, will still lead to a loss.

Let me give you an example of how by simply getting a better price about your selections can make the difference between winning and losing money:-

Example One:
Zabenz Won 15/8
Briery Fox Lost 7/4
Fire Dragon Lost 6/4
Warlord Won 2/1
Blazing Guns Lost 9/4
Vicario Lost 13/8
Go On Ahead Lost 2/1
Harrowman Lost 15/8
Cloudy Lane Won 11/4
Supreme Prince Lost 13/8

Example Two:
Zabenz Won 2/1
Briery Fox Lost 15/8
Fire Dragon Lost 13/8
Warlord Won 9/4
Blazing Guns Lost 5/2
Vicario Lost 7/4
Go On Ahead Lost 9/4
Harrowman Lost 2/1
Cloudy Lane Won 3/1
Supreme Prince Lost 7/4

What is the difference between the two sets of results above? The same horses ran in the same races, with the same results. Both sets of results have a strike rate of 30%

The difference is in the prices. Each price has been increased by just one notch.

Lets examine the difference this makes on our return:
In Example One we invest 10 x 100 = 1,000
Our return is 287 + 300 + 375 = 962 so we lose 38

In Example Two we invest the same amount of 1,000
However, our return is now 300 + 325 + 400 = 1,025 so we make a profit of 25
Mathematically, why did we lose money with Example One, yet make a profit with Example Two?

This is why:
In both cases we achieved a strike rate of 30% -- we scored 3 times from 10 attempts -- so our horses had a 30% chance of winning. A 30% chance is represented by a price of 3.33

In Example One the average winning price was the average of 15/8 (2.87), 2/1 (3.00) and 11/4 (3.75) which is 3.21

You can see, we were getting an average price of just 3.21 about horses which should have been priced at 3.33 the price was too low compared to the actual chance of winning, and that is why we lost money over a series of bets.

In Example Two the average winning price was the average of 2/1 (3.00), 9/4 (3.25) and 3/1 (4.00) which is 3.42

You can see, we were getting an average price of 3.42 about horses which should have been priced at 3.33 the price was higher when compared to the actual chance of winning, and that is why we made a profit over a series of bets.

How do you get extra value when placing bets?
1) Know what price you want. You wouldnt go into Tescos and ask for a tin of beans, at whatever price the store wanted to charge.

2) If you cannot get the price you want, then do not bet. If you can learn to accept the disappointment of missing the occasional short-priced winner, than you will never have to suffer the pain of a short-priced loser.

3) Bet on the exchanges. Prices on the exchanges are typically 20% higher than those offered by high street bookmakers. Check out sites such as Betfair, Betdaq, and WBX World Bet Exchange.

4) Post and forget your bets on the exchanges. No more sitting in front of your PC waiting for a price. Post your request for the price YOU want on a betting exchange, and you can walk away knowing that if your price is matched you have gotten a value bet if it isnt matched your bet will be cancelled and your money returned. You are in control of the price, not the bookmaker.

In Summary
The key lesson I want people to learn from this article is to gain the discipline of seeking value in any bets they place. If you find no value, then keep your money safe and watch the race. If you can learn to risk your money only when you have the prospect of a satisfactory return, then you will elevate yourself from 98% of punters who continue to lose money.

If you are a member of my service, pay attention to my advised prices, and only bet when you can get these prices. When I reach a 100% strike rate, only then should you bet at any price(!!) until then you owe it to yourself to get VALUE

Recommended Reading....
The Value Horse Method is a fully comprehensive guide which will show you how to find the value bets in any race-card. Many professional gamblers, myself included, regularly practice the teachings in this guide to produce consistent profits and income.

About the author: Max Redd has been making a living betting on horse racing for over 10 years. He runs the Redd Racing betting advisory service which offers all prospective members a free trial, and a money-back profit guarantee.

Max Redd has been making a living betting on horse racing for over 10 years. He runs the Redd Racing betting advisory service which offers members a FREE trial and a 60-day money-back profit guarantee.

Follow this link for Betfair

Follow this link for Betdaq

Follow this link for WBX

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Important Facts About Allergy

Allergy is a term that defines an abnormal reaction that people manifest when they make contact with dust, animal hair and pollen. In addition, the allergy can be provoked by foods, drugs and many other substances, such as latex. In fact, allergy represents a type I hypersensitivity reaction to certain substances. This means that immunoglobulin E over stimulates the mast cells and the basophiles, this fact eventually leads to an inflammatory reaction. The symptoms that appear range from swelling nose to anaphylactic shock. In consequence, allergy must be treated as soon as the symptoms are discovered. Asthma is a chronic health condition that is usually associated to various types of allergy. According to some studies, around 60 percent of the allergic people contract asthma.

Nose, eyes and skin usually get inflamed when a person has allergy. Furthermore, pain in the ears is sometimes present. Although it is not a typical symptom, headache appears as a result of drug allergies. Respiration is performed with difficulty because the bronchia get constricted. In some cases, when anaphylaxis is installed, the digestive system, the circulatory system and the respiratory system are affected. In this situation, it is imperative to treat the allergy quickly, as it can lead to hypotension and eventually to coma and death. The proper treatment resumes to injections of epinephrine.

The diagnosis can be performed in several ways. The tests provide certain results and indicate the exact cause of the allergy. The most effective test is the skin prick test, because the results are very precise, when compared to the other tests. In addition, it is very easy to be done and has a low cost. The skin of the patient is pricked and then marked with a special ink. Before applying the ink, this must be tested, too, as it can provoke an allergic reaction. Next, allergens, which are also known as substances that may produce allergy, are either injected under the skin or put on the areas that have been scratched. The allergic reaction becomes visible in approximately 30 minutes. As soon as the reaction is observed, a steroid cream is placed on the scratched area in order to relieve the symptoms. The second way to diagnose allergy is to perform a blood test. The main goal is to determine the total immunoglobulin E count. Colometric and radiometric immunoassays are used for measuring the quantity of immunoglobulin that is found in the serum.

The treatment is various and depends on the severity of the symptoms. In some cases immunotherapy provides the best results. Antibodies that neutralize immunoglobulin E are injected. Other such treatments that are based on enzymes and beta-glucuronidase tend to become more popular.

Chemotherapy represents another possible treatment for allergy. In fact, this method refers to the use of certain drugs that prevent or counteract the action of the allergens. Antihistamines, epinephrine, cortisone and theophyline are some of the drugs that proved to be effective in the treatment of allergy. Other treatments are based on herbs, homeopathy and kinesiology. The effectiveness of such alternative treatments is still doubtful, because there is not sufficient scientific evidence to sustain it.

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