Friday, February 1, 2008 

High Speed Internet Technology From Comcast Spells Success

If you talk to anyone who has been successful at business, they will almost invariably tell you that the key to their success was recognizing where trends were going and then taking the initiative to take advantage of those trends.

The Internet is probably the one thing that has the biggest potential to influence the way people do business, are entertained, get further education, and even conduct their personal lives. With the recognition of that, combined with the acknowledgment of the fact that faster Internet connections invariably mean a greater ability to take advantage of all of the benefits of the Internet, it is important to find a company who would provide fast and affordable access to the Internet.

It may seem a little bit odd for a cable TV service provider to offer high speed Internet access as well. After all, if people are surfing the Internet, they can't be watching TV at the same time (or at least not paying that much attention to the TV). And then there's the fear that online video and the ability to stream TV shows might allow the Internet to take the place of TV. After all, digital cable TV is based on technology that moves large amounts of information over a cable, and that makes it very adaptable for high speed Internet data transmission as well.

Broadband cable Internet access has the convenience of always being on, doesn't prevent taking or placing phone calls, and is extremely stable and reliable. There's no built in lag time that would interfere with online gaming or VoIP applications (which means having an alternative to the normal phone company, which could help save money). Best of all, this form of high speed Internet access costs much less than satellite Internet - its nearest competitor - and only a few dollars more every month than DSL, which only provides one sixth the speed at its best.

This article is for consumers looking for information on Comcast services. It provides a resource for finding Comcast Promotions, and any great Comcast offers that are currently available.

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Cheap Pet Insurance in 5 Steps

Pet insurance is becoming increasingly popular in the UK but, do you really need it?

Some pet owners self insure their pet by saving a regular monthly amount instead of paying premiums to an insurance company. If your pet requires treatment, there are funds available to pay all or some of the cost. If you don't, the money just rolls up gaining interest and is always yours.

In practice, self insuring your pet should only be considered in limited circumstances and for pets that are unlikely to cause injury or accident to others which could result in legal action. For example, if a dog, directly or indirectly, injures another pet or even a person, you could be faced with hefty vet or medical bills at best. At worst you could be on the receiving end of court action and substantial legal claim.

So, for most pet owners, insurance is a prudent choice but are all pet insurance policies equal?


  1. Compare the price
  2. Consider the policy excess
  3. Are you protected by lifelong cover?
  4. Look at other benefits
  5. Read the small print

Obviously, the cost of insuring your pet is an important factor. But different insurers have different ways of pricing pet insurance premiums, so always get a quote for your specific circumstances to compare like with like.

Pet insurance providers use a number of methods to save themselves money when it comes to paying out claims. The main one is to include a high excess on their policies.

The policy excess is the amount that you have to pay each time you make a claim for a certain condition, so choosing a cheaper product with a higher excess could actually end up costing you money if you do need to claim.

You should check carefully what you are being offered by pet insurers and understand clearly what they mean by "lifelong cover". Understanding lifelong cover can be complicated, but here are a few simple guidelines on the types of cover generally available...

Time limited cover
Some plans will only cover a condition for the first year you claim.

For Example: If your pet developed arthritis, you might be able to claim up to 2,000 for the first year's treatment, but no more. You would then have to cover the cost of treatment every year yourself, for the rest of your pet's life.

Financially limited cover
Some insurers call their financially limited cover 'lifelong cover'. In this case, an insurer will pay out each year, but only up to a fixed total amount for each condition. After that, they will stop paying out.

For Example: If your pet developed diabetes and you had a policy that was financially capped at 3,500, you may need to claim 2,000 in the first year. By year two, the amount you can claim for treatment of the diabetes is now just 1,500. After this, you would have to pay for the treatment for the rest of your pet's life.

Lifelong cover
The best pet insurance is cover that pays for treatment up to a certain amount, every year, for as long as your pet needs treatment.

For Example: If your pet developed epilepsy and your policy covered up to 3,000 every year, you could claim for treatment up to this limit each year for the rest of your pet's life.

Whilst cover for vets fee's is the key element of pet insurance, most insurers offer a range of additional benefits. These can include cover for:

  • The cost of advertising and reward to recover your pet if it were to go missing;
  • The cost of looking after your pet if you have to stay in hospital;
  • The original purchase price of your pet if it is lost or passes away;
  • The cost of your pet causing damage for which you are legally liable.
There are many other policy benefits available, so read through the full list of cover benefits to make sure the insurance you have is right for you.

All insurance plans have terms and conditions to make clear what is covered and what is not. Some providers make this clearer than others so be certain you are fully aware of how and when the policy will or will not pay out.

Copyright UK Pet Insurance Company Index All rights reserved. Please feel free to publish this article online provided that the article and this copyright statement remain unchanged with live links.

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Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft
And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
Many say to themselves,
"What will become of me?"
They are unsure of their identity
Lacking necessary certainty
To be secure within and live harmoniously
Unable to submit to appropriate authority
They grossly react with anger and hostility
Aggravating themselves and others internally
Frustrating the means of promotion and elevation
Defiantly like an unbroken horse
Going in the wrong direction
Authority that is for their own betterment
Like a gnarling dog that bites
The master's hand that feeds them
They oppose themselves by resisting their friend
Internally falsely perceiving and demonizing
The person placed in their life to be a blessing
Hence their defiance and inability to submit
Is cause for them to be frustrated and quit
As they drive away the person they most need
Erect barriers which they think will protect
Their fragile personhood as they neglect
The God-given authority sent to detect
Their flaws and struggles, to lift them up
Over and above them, wisely take them through
All the pain and torment, while telling them what to do
But no! You've got to have it your way
Project yourself as the know-it-all
Because of your pride and self-sufficiency
You arrogantly alone shall fall
Though you think yourself to be standing tall
Get ready for soon there shall come a great fall
It's amazing how much you can learn
After you seemingly know it all
It's ironic how humanity likes to brawl
With God's delegated authority
Parents, teachers, and employers
Police, mayors, and governors
Why is it we prefer to criticize
Shun authority and despise?
Perhaps it is ourselves we deeply abhor
Submitting to authority however opens the door
To countless blessings and increased understanding
When then will we learn humility and stop purporting?
Rebellion to appropriate authority is self-defeating.

Paul Davis is a FL real estate professional, life coach (relational & professional), worldwide minister, and change master.

Paul is the author of several books including Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Adultery: 101 Reasons Not to Cheat; Are You Ready for True Love; Stop Lusting & Start Living; Waves of God; Supernatural Fire; Poems that Propel the Planet; and God vs. Religion.

Paul's compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul has served in many war-torn, impoverished and tsunami stricken regions of the earth. His Dream-Maker Inc. is building dreams, breaking limitations & reviving nations.

Paul's Breakthrough Seminars inspire, revive, awaken, impregnate with purpose, impart the fire of desire, catapult people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitate destiny discovery and dream fulfillment.

Contact Paul to minister, speak at your event or for life coaching:, 407-284-1705.

For additional info:, CreativeCommunication.TV

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Dial-up Means Free Internet Access, Just Calling Charges

We all know how important the Internet is to our lives. We know how it has made a difference to the way we conduct ourselves, to the way we think and to the way we do our business. Apart from the endless plethora of knowledge on the server space, it is the electrifying speed with which the Internet supplies the information, literally at the click of a mouse, that makes it a worthy fuel for any situation where you require information. Be it important business dealings and contracting, or be it friendly or official debates, Internet has a ubiquitous presence. Internet has been responsible to a great extent for ushering the information age that we live in today.

And even getting Internet connection is an easy thing today. You can go for dial-up connection, else for the speedy broadband. Broadband is a great deal for the home users. The dial-up connection proves to be more helpful if you are a frequent traveler. With this connection, you can avail to the free Internet access anytime, anywhere around the world. We call it free access because there are no Internet charges: you pay just for the calling, the charges as applicable when you avail the phone line to make the connection. Also, since it is this way, there are no monthly rentals. You pay as you use. When you are not connected, there is no billing on the phone. A dial-up connection can be availed to with just a modem and a phone.

When you are faraway from home, or you are caught up in an emergency situation, dial-up services can help you hold your fort. This service is ideal, even when you are in a remote location, because you can connect from there, where broadband connection may not be available.

So in all those places, where your ISP lets you down and you still want a free internet access, dial-up is your back-up and shall we say, a boon, to save your day, when you desperately need to connect to the world.

About The Author: Jesus Devin is an expert author in Internet related services. He has provided consultancy to many individuals and corporates on Internet based services. Currently he is associated with Emergency Internet, where he is providing consultancy to the clients of the company. For more information about Free Internet access, please visit

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The Low Down On Worms

We all know that plastic worms are one of the most productive lures there are, but did you know certain worms have special uses? I have a whole tackle box with nothing but plastic worms in it, hundreds of them!

Here is what I use a certain worm for:

Floating Worm...I use this worm in shallow water and mainly in the spring. I use no weight whatsoever and like to use it when the fish just start thinking about spawning.

Stick Worm.....I use this worm in 60-70 degree water. If you use it whacky style it will vibrate on both ends.

Paddle Tail.....This is one of my favorite shallow water lures. When I fish vegetation I use long casts and just reel it back in slowly.

Gator Tail...This is also a shallow water worm that I use in the summer. It's also great on streams and rivers.

Curly Tail....I use this worm in the summer around stumps, docks, timber, lily pads and it's one of my favorite when I fish deep water to 20 feet.

Straight Tail...This is one of my favorites for docks, timber and brush. I have found it doesn't wrap around brush like most worms do.

French Fry....I always carolina rig a french fry and use it in clearer water. The action of this is amazing when you move your line and the weight comes up the line.

Ribbon Tail...I read about 30 years ago of people fishing with a 10 inch ribbontail at night. I'm here to tell you this works, I have caught some nice bass on a big ribbontail. I use a regular ribbontail when fishing 10-15 feet of water too.

If you like to worm fish now, try some of the types of worms above for specific conditions. I think you'll like the results.

Charles E. White has fished for almost 50 years for bass from California to Florida. In his lifetime, it is estimated that he has caught over 6,000 bass. His biggest bass is a 12 pound 14 ounce that hangs on his wall in his office.

His website about fishing for bass is at:

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Say Goodbye To Chronic Back Pain Through Lumbar Back Support Chair

Lumbar is the back support in the human anatomy that helps supporting the entire weight of the body. Due to constant wear and tear of the lumbar and several other factors, one can encounter back pains which may at times turn out to be extremely severe. In fact back pain is a common occurrence among the people, not only in the United States but in several other places of the world as well. Medical studies conducted in this direction have found out that improper or incorrect sitting postures are the main culprit for this in most of the cases. Today more then ever else people sit longer hours in their work in front of their computer screen due to work and this has all the more increased the number of people suffering from back support due to inadequate lumbar back support.

The anatomy of the human body is designed in such a way that the back cannot support the weight of the entire body for a long time that people spend sitting in front of their computer screen at their work station. So the first thing which one needs to do for taking care of this problem is to sit in office chairs that provide proper lumbar back support. The lower back portion of the human anatomy is designed in such a way that it has a natural inward curve towards the stomach. Thus the space between the lower part of the spine and the stomach needs proper support. The best way to support this in our daily life is to have lumbar back support to give adequate cushioning and support to the lower back portion of the anatomy.

So now if you are planning to buy new chairs for your office, you must make sure that the chair has adequate back support to give proper support to the lumber. The lumber back support on the office chair can be set at just the right place where the back rests on the chair depending on your height. Often people complain that the lumber back support of their office chair or car chair is not put at the correct position, so it is vital that you adjust the support as per your height and body type. One can also find special cushions that can be used as lumbar back support to provide adequate support to your lower when you have to sit for a long time in your office or in your car.

Physical therapy can be used for correcting the condition if this becomes very severe. In fact some people may require extensive medical procedure to correct this condition. So the best thing which you can do for preventing this condition from happening is to use lumbar back support for your office chair. The chair is not at all expensive and you will find many dealers in the market that sell lumbar back support chair. Now the next time you have to sit for a long time, make sure that you use a lumber chair if you want to get rid off, of that constant chronic back pain that is bothering you for a long time.

Matt Hudson works towards helping out people in adopting a healthy sitting posture. He knows that having a good sitting arrangement with proper back support can go a long way in treating back pain and many other conditions. To know more about Office chair back support,Posture back support,Lumber back support visit Lumber back support

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