Thursday, December 6, 2007 

UK Has 'Higher Than Average Inflation'

Britain is facing some of the highest rises in the cost of living in Europe, according to the publication of new figures.

A study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has indicated that Britons are currently paying some 4.9 per cent more for the cost of their groceries than they were at the same time last year. This rise was reported to be about twice the average costs across the continent and over five times as much as those consumers living in France.

The OCED also claimed that Britons' personal finances are being continually squeezed through energy price increases. Across the European Union the average utility bill has risen by 1.5 per cent over the last year. However, British borrowers were said to have seen an average increase of 4.4 per cent. Meanwhile, Norwegians were reported to now pay some 13.7 per cent less on their utility bills than they did 12 months ago.

Overall, consumer prices for energy across the OCED member states rose to 2.6 per cent during the course of May - up from 1.9 per cent in April. However, annual food price growth was reported to have fallen over the course of May to 3.4 per cent in comparison to the 3.6 per cent rise noted in April. Not excluding utility costs or food price rises, inflation was reported to have increased year-on-year by 2.1 per cent - a figure unchanged from April. Out of the 30 countries which make up the organisation only Turkey, Hungary and Mexico were said to be currently experiencing higher levels of inflation than Britain.

According to retailers the recent rise in British food prices has been due to increased costs from farmers as a result of poor harvests. Meanwhile, hikes by utility providers were attributed to the rising prices in the wholesale oil and gas markets. Following such rises, a recent survey by Barclays and children's charity NCH discovered that increasing costs are impacting upon consumers' day-to-day personal finances.

The research indicated that about one out of ten British households have been forced to go without food as they were unable to afford it, with 11 per cent were said to have lacked the money to purchase over-the-counter medicines. Low-income families were also reported to be six times more likely to have gone without food at some point than higher earners. However, with figures released by financial charity Credit Action indicating that about a third of all groceries bought by consumers will end up being thrown in the dustbin, Britons could perhaps be advised to create an efficient budget to help manage their finances.

These consumers were also reported to borrow money to meet day-to-day costs despite having a limited understanding of various financial products such as personal loans. A spokesperson for the charity said: "Some people who get turned down for loans then turn to loan sharks and dont realise that 177 per cent annual percentage rate is an extraordinarily high amount. We need to give people that understanding so they dont fall into that trap."

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Anti - Aging and Your Gums

Have you ever considered how your gums affect your apparent state of youth? Ever hear the phrase, "growing long in the tooth"? This refers directly to recession of the gums. The look of a smile is something that people may consider when assessing age.

If you are youthful, your gum tissue may not have had enough time to recede under the influence of infecting bacteria. However, 20 years later, plenty of time has gone by for gum disease to have slowly done its damage. Since that damage often accumulates over time, you may not notice it until you approach middle age.

Fortunately, you can prevent gum disease. Or if you have already noticed your gum line receding, you can slow or stop its progression.

Gum recession is most often a byproduct of chronic gum disease. Over time, the health of the gum tissue is compromised by the buildup of plaque and tartar near and under the gumline. When this happens the gums become irritated and they begin to separate from the tooth. Over time, the health of the underlying bone structure begins to disintegrate as a result of bacterial infection. Then the gums recede further because there is no longer enough bone to hold them up and they are under attack from the toxins that bacteria produce. By working to keep your gums healthy you can avoid the 'long in the tooth' appearance.

Our mouths are inherently dirty places. Every time we eat food, the teeth grind and rend our meal into smaller pieces. Most of those pieces get swallowed for further processing to provide calories and nutrients to the body. A smaller percentage of those food particles are mashed around and end up resting on or near our gum tissue. These particles sit there until the next time you brush and floss.

The bacteria that are naturally present in our mouth feast on this food too, especially sugars. In addition, if you have eaten food that decreases the PH of the mouth or dries it (as in the case of alcohol), you'll find that the environment becomes favorable for the bacteria which are able to multiply more rapidly.

Keeping your gum tissue healthy may require a little bit more than just brushing and flossing. Since 80% of the American adult population may have some form of gum disease according to the Mayo Clinic's estimate, there is a good chance that you or someone you love has this disease. It's quiet and lurks in the background of your life. Scarcely noticeable, until one day you start to see the difference show up in your smile.

Once the gum tissue has eroded you may need to have special treatments and possibly surgery to attempt to restore it. Why not avoid all that hassle and expense in the first place via prevention?

My dentist told me I had gum disease. They wanted to do what is called a root scaling and planing on my teeth. This involves scraping along the root of the tooth to remove tartar build-up. I declined as that sounded both costly and painful. I also read that in many cases such a treatment has to be repeated. In addition, I know someone who had it done and she wasn't happy with the results.

Upon searching for an alternative that I could apply at home without a lot of cost or hassle, I stumbled across the right combination of 'tools' to help me combat gum disease. As a result, the hygienist told me that I no longer needed a root scaling and planing the next time I visited. The last time I went, there was no bleeding on probing which is an indicator of gum disease.

Our smiles can give away our age. Protecting our gums by preventing gingivitis and gum disease can help us maintain a more youthful appearance. However, if you have gum disease or think you might, visit a dentist for diagnosis and treatment.

There is one other item that I believe to be useful in the quest to overcome the effects of aging. Namely, the exercises of Falun Dafa. They are beautiful, energizing, simple and powerful at the same time. You can find them at the

David Snape is the author of What You Should Know about Gum Disease available at A primary tool that promotes oral health can be found at Dave also answers questions at

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Health Problems In Cats

It may come as a surprise, if you're a new cat owner, that many health problems may befall your feline friend. Some problems are easily preventable, while others are hereditary.


Hairballs are among the most common of cat health problems. Cats groom themselves almost constantly, and swallow the loose hair that comes off their tongues. Occasionally, the hair gathers into a ball and lodges in the cat's digestive tract instead of passing on through the body. If your cat starts coughing and hacking, he probably has a hairball. While the end product is unpleasant for the owner, most cats don't have a problem dislodging hairballs.

However, hairballs can occasionally pass into a cat's intestines and cause a blockage. This can be a life-threatening problem. There are a few signs to look for to see if your cat's hairball is dangerous. If your cat is constipated, off his feed, or is lethargic with a dull coat, then he could have a serious blockage. A vet exam is definitely in order.

To prevent hairballs, groom your cat frequently to remove loose hair. In addition, feed your cat food that helps control hairballs.


For many cats, worms are a recurring problem. Roundworms, tapeworms, and hookworms most commonly infect cats. Cats can occasionally develop heartworms, as well. If your cat seems unable to gain weight, is infested with fleas, or has white specks that look like grains of rice in his stools, take him to the veterinarian for worm testing.

Worms are easily cured with a few doses of medication, but if left untreated, they can be fatal.

Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections are another common health problem in cats. This infection is particularly common in unneutered male cats, although female cats can also develop this problem. If your cat suddenly stops using the litter box, a urinary tract infection is suspect. If your cat's urine smells strong, again a urinary tract infection may be the cause. These infections need to be treated by a veterinarian. Ask about cat foods that reduce the likelihood of another infection.

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

FIP is caused by a mutation of the corona virus. According to some experts, cats living in multi-cat environments tend to test positive for enteric corona virus. Cats can live with that virus remaining quietly in the intestines with no sign of disease for their entire lifetime. In other cases, probably a genetic pre-disposition, the virus mutates into FIP.

Once a cat has contracted FIP, it will display symptoms of a mild upper respiratory infection: sneezing, watery eyes, and nasal discharge. It may also have diarrhea, weight loss and lethargy. Most cats fully recover from this primary infection, although some may become virus carriers. A small percentage of exposed cats develop lethal FIP weeks or even years after the primary infection.

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

FIV, or cat AIDS, is not always fatal. FIV decreases the ability of the cat's immune system to fight infections. Cats with FIV may remain free of symptoms for years. It is when the cat contracts other illnesses in the chronic stage of FIV infection that FIV is first suspected. This long list of illnesses includes oral-cavity infections, upper-respiratory infections, weight loss, ear infections, kidney disease, and many others. Although there is, as yet, no vaccine, all cats should be tested for the virus. The virus is transmitted through saliva, usually when a cat is bitten in a cat fight.

Feline Leukemia Virus

FLV was, until recently, the most common fatal disease of cats. But with a vaccine now available, the number of cases is dwindling. Although the name leukemia means cancer of the white blood cells, this is only 1 of the many diseases associated with this virus, such as other types of cancer, anemia, arthritis and respiratory infections. FLV is preventable if the cat is immunized before being exposed to the virus. Although the disease is not always immediately fatal, cats with FLV rarely have a long life expectancy. NEVER bring other cats into your household when you have a cat with FLV.

Lyme Disease

If your cat spends time outdoors, you should check him regularly for ticks. If you find a tick on your cat's body and he has been lethargic and acts as if he is in pain, ask your vet to test for Lyme Disease. This disease is transmitted to people and animals by deer ticks.

Some cats may show subtle symptoms while others may show none -- symptoms are hard to recognize and often may be confused with other illnesses or old age. Be observant of your pet's behavior. It is the only way to know if your pet has contracted Lyme disease if no tick was found. Some symptoms of Feline Lyme Disease include:

(a) lethargy,
(b) reluctance to jump or climb stairs,
(c) limping, or reluctance to put weight on a paw,
(d) loss of appetite.

The key to dealing with Feline Lyme Disease is prevention and early diagnosis and treatment. You should reduce the tick population around your home with simple landscape changes and spraying.

Good Health Care

Taking your cat for a regular check-up with the vet, and keeping all vaccinations on schedule will help assure your cat a long and healthy life. Prevention is the first line of defense for most feline illnesses.

Many owners keep their cats indoors to protect them from cars, from cat fights which may expose them to deadly viruses, from ticks, and other hazards.

Outdoor cats will enjoy greater freedom, but require a watchful eye, loving attention to their health status, and regular visits to the veterinarian.

Visit New Cat to learn more. Copyright 2005 Ron King. Ron King is a full-time researcher, writer, and web developer. This article may be reprinted if the resource box is left intact.

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These Daily Habits Can Affect Your Back Pain

Every action you take in your daily and every day life has an effect on your back. If you notice that any action has a tendency to increase your back pain then you would naturally do it either less often or learn a better way of doing it. If you are fortunate enough not to suffer from back pain than you would want to keep it that way. In either case, you should learn how to sit, walk, lift, play or sleep properly to avoid back pain now or in future.

As for as lifting goes, there are some really easy rules to remember. Always bend your knees and from a squatting position lift the item. Make sure that your back is straight as possible and the item you are lifting is held as close to your body as possible. Lifting is one of the most frequently reported causes of back pain, and still the most ignored. If you are trying to move some thing that is heavy then always push it from behind the object so that both you and the movement of the object are in the same direction. Never pull if from the front.

Wear flat shoes if you can. If you must wear heels then try the heel not to exceed one inch. High heels cause imbalance of the body and cause strain in the back, which leads to back pain. Never sit in the position for extended periods. If your job requires you to sit in front of a computer screen than take regular breaks to stretch. The same rule goes when driving over long or extended periods. Remember, you do not have to do strenuous exercises to stay fit. Light but regular exercise is effective and can keep pain away a well.

Most people do not give much attention to how they sit, stand or even sleep. This can often be a cause of Back Pain. Always sleep on a firm mattress. If you are not in a position to replace the mattress than put a board under the mattress, which will make it firm. Never sleep on your stomach. If there is a reason for that then place a pillow under your hips. Experts recommend sleeping sideways with your knees bent slightly. A pillow under your head provides neck support.

If you have to sit for extended periods of time, get a chair with lower back support. You should at least get a chair that will keep your back straight. If you need to turn towards some one (for example when some one is trying to get your attention) then try to turn the whole body towards the person rather than just turning the head. When driving long distances, you have to sit upright all this time. In addition to taking regular breaks for stretching, put a pillow or a towel behind your back for extra support. This will avoid back strain. Follow these simple rules and you will avoid back pain in the long run.

Get Your Free Book on Back Pain
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NOTICE: Article(s) may be republished free of charge to relevant websites, as long as Copyright and Author Resource Box are included; and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN intact and active.

Resource Box: Excellent information like this can be found in Peter Conatis book "Understanding Back Pain". The entire book is temporarily available for FREE & for immediate download at his Back Pain Revealed website. Download your copy while it is still FREE.

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Sleep Apnea Equipment

Sleep apnea (apnea coming from the Greek for without breath) is a life threatening disorder involving frequent pauses in breathing during sleep. If left undiagnosed and untreated, sleep apnea can have serious consequences. Fortunately, several machines and devices are available for both diagnoses and treatment.

Sleep apnea equipment for diagnosing the disorder are those associated with the sleep studies required to delineate the type and severity of the disorder. The patient undergoes an overnight sleep test called a polysomnogram. During this test, the patients brain waves are read via EEG electroencephalogram, to measure neurological arousal shifts. Other sleep apnea equipment measures blood oxygen desaturation. A 3-second or greater shift in EEG, or a 3-4 percent desaturation of blood oxygen is a reliable indicator for sleep apnea.

Once diagnosed, several different types of treatments are available. The most common therapeutic intervention uses sleep apnea equipment known generically as CPAPs, or continuous positive airway pressure. CPAP come in three main varieties, the CPAPs themselves and VPAP, variable positive airway pressure, and APAP, automatic positive airway pressure. This sleep apnea equipment consists of a medical pump about the size of a shoebox, a long flexible tube and a mask to be worn over the face, over the nose, either over the mouth, or over both.

Certain features of sleep apnea equipment can increase patient comfort, and verify effectiveness of treatment. Ramps are a piece of sleep apnea equipment that allows the patient to begin the nights sleep at a lower pressure and ramp it up later. Heated humidifiers provide warm, moist air, easing breathing. Compliance motors measure if the patient is experiencing any apnea events while using the sleep apnea equipment. Other features of sleep apnea equipment include telephone modems to download data and gauges to monitor patient intake, to adjust pressurized accordingly.

Of all the sleep apnea equipment listed, the mask is perhaps the most important to effectiveness of treatment. Masks come in several types and must not only fit securely, but also must fit comfortably for the patient to continue treatment. When securing sleep apnea equipment for treatment, the mask should be fitted, possibly rented and used for a few nights to test comfort and efficacy.

Included in sleep apnea equipment are several less invasive items. A special pillow holds the sleepers head in a cradle, in a position to tilt the head back and extend the neck, easing breathing. Other sleep apnea equipment includes an inflatable back cushion, which discourages the patient from sleeping on his/her back. Oral devices, much like a mouth guard worn in sports, hold the tongue forward to prevent blockage of the airway.

Back cushions and pillows can be purchased at will, other sleep apnea equipment requires a physicians prescription. The CPAP machines must also be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before they can be sold. Oral devices, too, must be FDA approved before use. Their website lists over fifteen different types of FDA approved oral sleep apnea equipment.

Thomas D. Houser

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We All Have Greatness on the Inside of Us

Has anyone ever told you that you couldn't do something? Chances are someone has. At times negative people can deliver esteem deflating comments that connect with the hearts and minds of others every single day. Take it from me, dream busters can burst your bubble only if you allow them to. Why?

We all have greatness on the inside of us. What do I mean by this statement? Each and everyone of us were born for greatness. Read about my journey and you'lll understand. While a young man I was constantly told I would never amount to anything. I heard that statement so much I thought it was my name.

I never asked why I would never amount to anything because the source of the constant digs came from a close family member. Even as a young boy, I knew the comments originated from a troubled soul. By the way, the troubled soul I'm writing about experienced the same thing when he was my age. What separated me from the troubled soul?

I knew who I was as a child. In other words, I knew deep down in the recesses of my spirit, I was born to win. Why was I so confident? I was born with the gift of dreaming.

I'm not a dreamer by words, rather it's a fact of life. When I lay down to sleep at night I have dreams that later in life come to fruition. My gift of dreams lead and direct my life path. Before you ask, no I can't explain it other than to say, I embrace my gift of dreaming.

What is your gift? Have you taken time out of your busy schedule to discover and embrace your gifts? Take it from me, the world as we know it clouds our vision with overwhelm, stuff, events, and often times we fail to recognize our valuable gifts.

By the way, those comments about me never amounting to anything resulted in me being the first child in a family of nine children to graduate from high school, college, and received two master degrees. I retired from the USAF after a remarkable 20-year military career in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

We all have greatness on the inside of us and once we discover our gifts, we should embrace them and share them with humanity. In parting, continue to embrace your essence, it represents your passion.

Paul Lawrence Vann is a motivational speaker, trainer, coach and author of the highly acclaimed book "Living on Higher Ground." This professional speaker leads individuals and organizations to maximize their human potential and improve their bottom line. Paul is a speaking and publishing coach and works with clients throughout the U.S. This indemand radio guest, is credited with submitting numerous articles in print and online to the media. He is a regular contributor to Sharing Ideas Magazine. To learn more about Paul, visit; and speak with Paul: 1-800-476-8976 or email:

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With most Truck Stops now being WiFi enabled truck drivers can turn in daily reports, contact dispatchers, file reports, find return loads, shipping and receiving departments and stay efficient while on the road. They can be in constant communication throughout their travels and each night while parked at the truck stop.

This is a major efficiency enhancement for the Independent Truck Driver who is on the road so much he basically lives in his truck. Before truck driver's would rent phone-lines at the truck stops and try to access the internet by dial-up, can you imagine the hassles? Then some had plug in lines with DSL or Cable. Now all real serious truck stops have WiFi blasting away and truck drivers are in heaven.

Of course many truck drivers also use 3G Wireless Internet Access and pay the extra fee on their phone bill each month. It is also great to have and if they are a driving team often one person can sit in the back on the Internet while the other person drives and that is a great benefit as well. Most services like that run about $75.00 per month for access, but we have noted recently some only cost $39.00 per month.

The WiFi at the truck stops depending on which service run about $25.00 per month. There are also systems available that allow trucks to have their own link directly to the satellite. In fact I had the opportunity of Beta Testing one of the first of these types of systems while working with a company, which had a strategic alliance with GM Hughes, which later became DirectPC. These are pretty cool but the up front costs are high.

L. Winslow is an Internet, Communication and Economic Advisor to the Online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entrepreneur. Currently he is planning a bicycle ride across the US to raise money for charity and is sponsored by and all the proceeds will go to various charities who sign up.

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5 Creative Writing Prompts for Classroom Use

1)Have the students randomly choose two nouns, two verbs, two adjectives and two adverbs. Write these eight words on the board. Tell the students to use all eight words, along with any other words, in either a poem, an essay or a short story.

2)Hand each student a slip of paper with a single word on it. Have the students write a story working that word into the story somehow. Sample word list: airalligatorballboycatdogdaisydreadlock elephanteaglefrogfreedomgiraffegymhandcuffhorseice creamigloojeansjarkitekindergartenlovelifemoonmovienest nightoceanoilpathpalacequiet queenrace roofsafespirittaxitieunhappyuglyvacationvegetablewatchwhalex-rayyardyearzipperzoo

3) Imagine you are alone on a desert island. What would you do? How would you live? Who or what would you miss from home? Write a story or a poem about your adventure.

4)Have each student choose something in the room and then describe it to the best of his or her abilities. Then, if that inanimate item could speak, have the student describe what it would say.

5)Write one short sentence per piece of paper with enough pieces of paper for each person in the class. Have the student who has been handed the sheet of paper first add another sentence. Then rotate the pieces of paper around the room, with each person first reading what others have written and then adding one sentence of their own. Read the results aloud.

Jill L. Ferguson is a writer, editor, public speaker and professor of creative writing, literature and communication. Hundreds of her articles have appeared in print in national magazines and newspapers. Her first novel, Sometimes Art Can't Save You, was published by In Your Face Ink ( in October 2005.

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Just when you thought you had figured out how to optimize your web site for the search engines, Google has come along to shake things up again! Googles Universal Search is a new, comprehensive approach to searching that gives users results not only from web pages, but also from blogs, images, video, news, and other verticals that Google uses in its search results.

So what does this mean for your web site? It means that you can no longer rely on simply optimizing the text and keywords on your web pages, you now must think in broader terms. Since Googles search results now include alternative media, your small business should follow suit. Tactics such as RSS feeds, web widgets (small, web-based applications on your site), and social media strategies that incorporate Wikis, article syndication, and blogging are quickly becoming the new standards in search engine optimization.

Because Googles new algorithm is giving precedence to verticals like video, press releases, blogs, images, and news, we will likely see this influence on the search engine results pages over the next few months.

For small businesses, this is a great opportunity to implement a variety of additional SEO strategies that will help your web site thrive in this new world of Universal Search. The key to optimizing your web site is the same as its always been develop lots of great, relevant content and build inbound links. But with the launch of Universal Search, you now have many, many more verticals available in which to build great content.

Lauren Hobson is the Editor of Biz Talk Newsletter, a free monthly publication designed to provide small businesses and non-profits with tips and techniques to help them make the most of their web sites and marketing efforts without spending a lot of money. Biz Talk is published by Five Sparrows, LLC.

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Google's CSE And The Future Of Human Edited Internet Directories

Human edited Internet directories are not new. The Open Directory Project (DMOZ) has been using human editors to build, organize and maintain its extensive database of Internet sites since the late 1990's. Over the last decade, this free online directory has helped countless search engines, including Google, create a stable foundation for success.

The Open Directory Project's concept is sound. To date, no search algorithm can take the place of human edited results. But the DMOZ has had its share of problems. The biggest problem facing the DMOZ today seems to be its dwindling staff of volunteers. Internet users have cited slow response times and the rejection of applications submitted by qualified editors, among their list of criticisms. These difficulties have lead frustrated users to look elsewhere for Internet directory listings and web community approval.

Google is currently offering a free Custom Search Engine tool that could very well be the solution to the problems facing the Open Directory Project. The tool is available to anyone with a Google account and is relatively easy to set up. It allows the CSE's creator to add a customizable web search form and Google search results to their website and specify or emphasize which websites they want to include in their results. The account holder can also invite or allow other Internet users to contribute to the Custom Search Engine by adding or removing domains from the list of approved websites.

A great feature of the CSE is that once it becomes public, the search box and results can be added to any website with a short snippet of code from Google. This is good for two reasons. First, it gives the project the potential of widespread adoption and participation by the Internet community. And second, it serves as a good indicator of the Custom Search Engine's usefulness and validity as illustrated by the size of its subscription base.

If maintained by reputable sources, CSEs can serve as small, yet valuable human edited Internet directories for web users who want information about specific topics or industries. It's very likely that Google will someday use a compilation of the directories and the lists of domains contained within them, to improve their search and ranking algorithms.

Expect to see Custom Search Engines and similar tools in your Internet neighborhood for a long time to come. They're consistent with the web's "power of the people" movement and may prove to be the future of human edited Internet directories.

Erik M. Cunningham is an author and researcher for LinkAssure Try LinkAssure's Custom Search Engine for the Link Building Industry to retrieve Google search results with increased emphasis on articles, information and advice from reputable link building companies and industry experts. Or add our Link Building CSE to your website as a useful tool for your SEM and SEO site visitors.

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Mesothelioma - What Is It

There are many forms of cancer that exist today. One of the more severe types of cancer is mesothelioma. Mesothelioma affects the mesothelial tissues of body organs, typically the lungs or abdomen. The cause of mesothelioma is usually a result of prolonged exposure to asbestos. This is not the only cause as there are many people inflicted with mesothelioma who never had any type of exposure to asbestos.

Years ago, exposure to asbestos was more common. Many companies had employees working with asbestos. Not only were the employees at risk, but their families were too. People who even wash the clothing of people exposed to asbestos are at risk. So it is not unusual for a wife of one of these employees to be affected if she were the sole person washing clothing. Such employees would be in the fields of construction, insulators, and boilermakers to name a few.

There are two different forms of mesothelioma. These are pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma. The expected survival timeof a person who has mailgnant mesothelioma is between 4 months and 2 years. This is from the time the symptoms present themselves.

Mesothelioma is not always fatal. The patient will have a chance to survive depending on the size of the cancer, where it is located, how old the patient is, and how their body responds to the different cancer treatments. Typical treatments for mesothelioma are radiation therapy, surgery, chemotherapy, and photodynamic therapy. Another form of treatment, though not proven, is that provitamin A or beta-carotene may decrease the risk.

For more information on mesothelioma, coping with the disease, and helping your loved ones, please visit the author's website (

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Make Sure You Know Thes Terms Before Starting Email Marketing

Crucial Terms Used In Email Marketing

So now that you have decided to start rolling out an email marketing campaign you need to get caught up to speed with a few terms. Not only should you know what the word is, but you also must know how it affects your business. Here just a few important terms:

Hard Bounce

A hard bounce is when an email is returned to the sender for a variety of reasons such as misspellings, old account, etc. However, the main principle in a hard bounce is the fact that it permanently undeliverable. This means that you will never be able to contact this person via the address.

Soft Bounce

Unlike a hard bounce a soft bounce is a return to sender that can be redelivered to the recipient. This means that the address is good, however the users email box may be full or the email server was down. If you receive a soft bounce make sure to try to send the message back to the recipient.


A click-through is exactly what you want your customer to do and that is clicking the link that you placed in your email. Many times, companies will give click-through rates as a percentage of number of unique click-throughs compared to the number of emails sent out.

Opt In/ Opt Out

Opt in/ Opt out are just the opposite of one another. An opt in occurs when a person requests that he or she is added to the mailing list. Therefore, an opt out occurs when a person seeks to remove themselves from the mailing list.

While there are many more terms used in email marketing these few are a great way to start understand what is going on in your campaign. And remember while these terms are here to help you, there is a lot more to email marketing.

About the Author: Drew Johnson is a Public Relations intern for Kinetica Media, an Internet marketing company that works to harness the power of websites, email and search marketing to enable businesses of all sizes to get and keep more customers. Visit or call 866-526-4309 to see how their proven online marketing services can increase your customer loyalty and sales.

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Types of Dental Insurance

There are several basic types of dental insurance plans offering a range of cover from the most basic dental care plans to complete all encompassing dental insurance plans.

Basic dental care plans arent effectively an insurance but rather a club that enables you to obtain discounted dental care from participating dentists. The level of discount is largely dependant on the monthly fee you pay but unlike dental insurance there is no limit to the amount of discounted treatment you can receive. One thing to check with dental care plans is the amount of local dental coverage (if any!). You can join a dental care plan for just a few dollars a month.

Indemnity Insurance Plans are a type of dental insurance whereby you pay the insurance company a fixed monthly fee who, in turn, will reimburse your dentist for services rendered. However, the dental insurance company doesnt normally cover the whole cost with the policy holder be liable for 20 50% of the total cost. If you take out an indemnity plan you need to check the level of deductibles and the maximum amount the insurance policy will pay out in any given year. Also find out the length of any probationary period during which the dental insurance company wont pay out and whether you are able to use your own dentist. Expect to pay around $14 to $26 per month.

One of the increasingly popular dental insurances is the direct reimbursement plans which are self funded by employers rather them paying dental insurance premiums. As a general rule the person receiving the dental care will pay the fee in full and reclaim all or part of the cost (depending on what level of cover their particular employer provides) from their employer. Annual benefits of this dental insurance option are usually capped with the capped level varying quite significantly from one employer to another

Capitation dental insurance plans (HMOs) are when the dentist is paid an annual fee per patient rather than on a treatment basis. However, the dental insurance policy holder may be required to contribute towards the cost of any treatment. The cost of HMO insurance plans are generally targeted at preventative and emergency care and can vary from patient to patient following an initial examination.

Preferred provider organisations (PPO) offer an insurance plan that allows you to visit dentists from a preferred supplier list at a heavily discounted rate. If you choose to use a dentist that is not covered by the dental plan you will still receive some element of discount but nowhere near as much as you will receive from a preferred dentist. As with most dental insurance plans an annual cap will apply. Expect to pay up to about $25 per month.

UCR (Usual, Customary & Reasonable) indemnity dental insurance plans have a database which contains average prices for each dental procedure you might undergo. When you submit your bill for payment the dental insurance provider will check the cost of your treatment against the average. If you paid more than the average you will have to incur the additional cost with the insurance company only paying the insured percentage of the fee shown in their database. If the cost of your treatment is lower than average you will receive the agreed percentage of the amount you paid. There is no control over how dental insurance companies calculate the UCR cost and the insurance company always pockets the benefit of lower fees.

For more on dental insurance visit my website

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