Saturday, March 1, 2008 

Mesothelioma Are You at Risk?

Thousands of people die due to mesothelioma. The airborne fibers of asbestos cause this fatal disease. The fibers stay in the air and when they enter our lungs they cause this disease.

Almost everyone today is unprotected from asbestos but the degree of exposure differs from person to person. It is not necessary that if you are under minimal exposure, the degree of developing this disease is less, as the characteristic of the disease is very strange. But it is very obvious that those who are exposed to asbestos for a longer duration have more chances of getting this illness.

If the nature of your work is asbestos milling or mining, shipbuilding trades, insulation work etc, then you are at a great risk of contracting the dangerous disease, mesothelioma. The places that are badly affected by this dangererous disease are the Cappadocian region of Turkey because there are many construction workers living in this area. Many people in the United States have also contracted this disease.

Even genetics play a role. Because, some of the people who have been in contact with asbestos for years have not contracted this disease. The genetic factors have helped them to resist this disease.

Stay away from asbestos mines and do not use asbestos related products if you want to be safe.

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Battle of the Bulge in NYC

Fast food chains are fighting a recent New York ruling that says restaurants must put calorie information on their menus. The city has given restaurants until October of this year before they will start handing out fines but it looks like the battle lines are being drawn.

What have you got to hide?

A spokesperson for the fast food industry says the rules, which require calorie content displayed in type at least as large as the price, will create the need for huge menu boards and confuse the customers. I wonder if they are maybe concerned about something else like revealing that a typical burger meal adds up to about 1200 calories in a single sitting.

The industry says that they have made calorie and nutrition information available for a long time, which is true. But putting it 10-clicks deep on your website versus in the face of the customer getting ready to place an indulgent order are two different things.

The American Medical Association is backing up the movement in New York. They are asking all fast food restaurants to add nutrition information to their menus everywhere, not just in the Big Apple (which may find more people eating apples after this law takes hold).

The bottom line is that most people have no idea how many calories they are taking in at their favorite fast food stop. Many single fast food meals contain about enough calories for a whole day but without most of the required nutrition.

The health toll

New estimates from the US government predict that by 2050, when today's elementary school kids are in their mid 40s, we will have 48 million diabetics. Too many trips to the drive through are likely a big factor. Over the past 15 years, we have seen the number of new diabetic cases double per capita.

Diabetes carries with it increased risk of heart disease, blindness, deafness, loss of limbs and all kinds of other stuff you don't want yourself or your kids to deal with. But current trends suggest that 1 out of 3 of today's kids will face these problems. In the small town where I live, we have about 1500 kids in the school district. That's 500 future diabetics just from here, assuming we are an average American town.

The economic toll

Today we spend about $1 out of every $8 health care dollars on the treatment of diabetes or related conditions. The British Health System already predicts their own bankruptcy and collapse due to the increases in diabetes. What are we doing to ourselves? Why are we deliberately shooting ourselves in the foot?

Maybe in the next presidential debate we should encourage candidates to spend less time talking about how to pay for health care and more time talking about how to make it less necessary.

I applaud the movement in New York. I hope that eventually the mega fast food companies will come around to provide us with healthier food that can sustain us well into our old age instead of driving us into and early grave. Vote with your dollars and eventually you will get what you want.

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Healthy Hints: Spring Cleaning for Mind-Body and Soul

When you look out your window you see the evidence of Springs new birth everywhere. The trees are bright with green again, tulips are blooming and the birds are back with their songs. In harmony with nature, we wish to feel new again too.

Its natural at this time of year to want to clean house. The cold dark days of Winter leave us feeling sluggish and unmotivated. Winter excess fades our skin and expands our waistlines. Spring allergies may indicate an overworked liver thanks to all those holiday celebrations. Unfinished projects and household clutter impede the flow of energy through our lives. The spirit is ready to wake from hibernation and enjoy new connections.

This article provides great suggestions to begin cleansing your body, mind and soul of the past. Prepare to have your best Spring ever.

Freshen Up Your Body
Spring is naturally the most popular time of year to begin a cleansing program. A cleanse can help us shed unwanted pounds and improve our energy. According to Chinese medicine, Spring is associated with the liver an organ essential to digestion and the elimination of toxins. Some foods and drink that are especially troublesome for the liver include alcohol, chemicals, drugs, fried foods and meats. An overworked liver may cause low energy, stress, mood swings, and inflammatory conditions.

There are many kinds of cleanses to choose from, based on the needs of the individual. One simple recommendation is to do a few days of fresh fruit and vegetable juices, along with plenty of water. Increase exercise and sweating to help rid the body of excess toxins. Adding more greens to your diet now will help to freshen, cleanse and build the body. In Staying Healthy with the Seasons Dr. Elson Haas also recommends water with lemon, fresh organic cold-pressed olive oil, milk thistle herb and olive leaf extract to support and disinfect the liver.

Along with what you eat, how you eat your food is also important to your overall health. Eating a meal under stress disrupts the bodys ability to properly digest and absorb the nutrients the food provides. Before you begin to eat, take a few slow deep breaths into your belly. As you eat, chew well and stop when you feel full. These subtle changes can bring a great deal of healing to your body.

Clear Your Head and Home
In Winter we spend most of our time indoors and often this leads to a lot of clutter build-up. A cluttered desk, closet or room is usually an indicator for a cluttered mind as well. We hold onto material possessions that we no longer need and this creates a stuck energy in our lives as well as our homes. As Karen Kingston writes in Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui: an ordered home means an ordered mind. She suggests trying the clutter test on each item in your space. Ask: Does it lift my energy when I think about it or look at it? Do I absolutely love it? Is it genuinely useful? If you answer no or sort of to any of these questions, let it go. Trash it, give it away or recycle it. Make room in your mind and your space for the new. This same principle applies to the clutter of limiting ideas and memories in your mind. If they are not serving the purpose of your life, its time to say good-bye.

As you transition your wardrobe from cold weather to warm weather, fill some bags with clothes you havent worn and drop them off with your favorite charity. A general rule to follow is if you havent worn it in over a year, you wont miss it.

Nourish Your Soul
The spirit or soul is what connects us with something larger, with Nature itself and with our innate creativity. Feeding your spirit is a very individual experience. For some it means religious celebration and being part of a like-minded community.

Others find inner peace through yoga, tai chi or meditation. For some, a spiritual experience can be as simple as a walk in the park, a day at the shore, an afternoon of gardening or laughing with a child. Whatever your preference, create the time to connect with yourself. Enjoy deep belly breaths, write in a journal, reflect.

Once the soil of your life is replenished, what will you plant? Allow yourself permission to daydream, an oft overlooked but extremely important activity. It is in daydreaming that you learn the most about your true self, your creative wishes and desires. Visualize the life that you want. Create an action plan and take your first small steps. The Spring rain will make your dreams grow and blossom, the Summer sun will give them strength and power, and the Fall harvest will bring you success and achievement. But only if you begin today.

Heather Cottrell is a certified Holistic Health Counselor and founding director of Heather Holistic, a private practice offering Nutrition and Lifestyle Counseling. Through individual programs, group workshops and teleclasses, Heather Holistic empowers you to be your happiest and healthiest self with proper nourishment of mind, body and soul. Visit to schedule a private phone consultation and sign up to receive the Heather Holistic newsletter.

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Are you interested to build your career in business field? And you are good in numbers and ever wonder how a payroll system and business taxes work. Then, career in accounting should be your option. You need to earn a qualification in accounting in order for you to kick start your accounting career and earning an accounting degree online is the easily path to achieve your career goal. Here are 3 keys that should encourage you to earn your accounting degree online.

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An Antiaging Diet Can Lengthen Lifespan

Always get adequate amounts of sleep, eat a balanced diet and always wear your seatbelt are just some of the suggestions related with living longer, nevertheless an anti-aging diet is an even stronger recommendation to support in getting added years to your life.

For at least a couple of hundred years many people, both men and women alike, are living longer, additionally many doctors are of the belief that how long you live is important; what an anti-aging diet can achieve is help with the level of quality of a extended life span.

The Proper Care and Feeding Of Your Cells

The human body is comprised of billions of cells, each and every one with the capability to duplicate themselves when they die. Human cells are repeatedly dying and renewing nonetheless when restoration occurs the quality of the fresh cells are dependent on the quality of the dietary values they draw from. When a person uses an anti-aging diet integrating suitable food it can assist in creating the fresh cells more resilient than the dead ones they replace.

The predominant guidance for an anti-aging diet support the consumption of saturated fats to be about 10% of the total energy, even though the American Heart Association advises in the region of 30% as adequate. This would be just about 3 times the quantity consumed by groups with the least amount of heart disease.

The vast majority of recommended anti-aging diets consists of exercising more and eating less, and lessening intake of extreme calorie junk food and even many fast foods. Many vegetarians persevere in the view that by staying clear of eating animal fat as an extremely beneficial means of lessening the aging process and is an essential element of every anti-aging diet.

Some Foods Responsible For Faster Aging

Among the consumables thought to be responsible for cell decline, meaning the replicated cells are weaker than the original cells, are the ones with increased levels of carbohydrates. Additionally, consumables included in this category are chocolate, sugar, chips, preserved meat, soy products and French fries, in addition to many others as well. An anti-aging diet takes into account food and produce with an increased level of concentration of heavy metals, which is considered to accelerate how fast a person ages.

Foods such as, green leafy vegetables, seeds, raw nuts, seaweed, olive oil and barley greens are believed to assist in regeneration, which is how replicated cells convert into healthier cells compared to the dead ones being restored. An anti-aging diet is made up of foods high in omega-3 fatty acids and vegetables and fruits, each of which have elevated amounts of antioxidants. Because of the fact that the total quantity of food for this kind of diet will be reduced, vitamin supplements are recommended.

In addition because of the modernization of farming procedures, not all produce that is grown include the crucial supplements and minerals of B vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin A as well as folic acid. Supplementation of these vitamins are frequently required because of the inferior amounts contained in foods.

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Learn more about where to place effective home business classified ads.

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Leasing Pagers - Try It Before You Buy It

For lots of people, leasing pagers is a better deal than buying them. When you lease, you pay a tiny fee for rental of the unit, in addition to the regular monthly service fee. If you don't need to buy one, why shell out the cash?

Why might leasing be a better deal than buying?

- Simple economics. Leasing is cheaper than buying.

As technology increases, more people are choosing to use a pager instead of a phone. Old numeric models allowed you to only receive numeric messages. Then, you had to find a phone and call the mystery person back.

Now there are alpha-numeric models that allow you to use text as well as numbers. A two way allows you to send, as well as receive, these messages.

You can rent an alpha numeric pager, and it can save you the trouble of using a cell phone. Cell phone text messaging is not always cheap or efficient, so a rented pager can do your work for you.

- Try before you buy. You can check out features before you buy.

Pagers can run you anywhere from $40 well into the hundreds. How do you know if you need another electronic gadget to add to your arsenal? Wouldn't you hate to spend the money and then never use it?

Renting is a good way to figure out whether you really need one. It's also a good way to figure out which features you need. When you are looking, they'll really make your head spin with all those add-ons and features. Some of them sound good, but will you use them?

You can test drive with a rental. For example, you may find that you never look at your stored messages. Maybe this is a feature you don't need. You can save a few bucks by ditching the stored message feature when you buy your own.

- It's just a temporary thing. Some people just need one for a certain period of time.

How many electronic gadgets have you bought, used for a couple of months, and then put away in the closet for somebody else to find? If you only need one for a couple of months, why buy when you can rent?

For example, maybe you're traveling, but you don't want to be too far from clients or friends. You might be going someplace where you won't have Internet access. In that case, a pager will keep you in touch.

For those who travel for work, you might want to lease while you are on the road. There are features like nationwide paging that will save you money when you are away from home. You can also rent locally in the area where you'll be working.

Small business owners find leasing to be convenient for outfitting their employees. It is not always cost effective to buy everyone a pager.

Leasing pagers has lots of benefits for lots of people. Most importantly, it's good to know that you can rent the newer models. No matter why you're getting one, you might want to check it out before you buy.

Leasing pagers can be cost effective for your business and staff. See All Page of Houston online,, to see the two-way pagers, alpha-numeric pagers, and nationwide paging available. Wherever you go, we keep you in touch.

Leasing pagers can be cost effective for your business and staff. See All Page of Houston online,, to see the two-way pagers, alpha-numeric pagers, and nationwide paging available. Wherever you go, we keep you in touch.

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The Iraq Solution - The Truth That Both Sides Are Too Afraid To Admit

For many months the Prometheus Institute has been silent as to the most controversial international American conflict since the Vietnam War - the War in Iraq. The war is now so broad in its military, political and social undertaking that it made Bill Clinton's foray into Serbia look like a wine-and-cheese European holiday weekend. We have been silent in this matter because the War in Iraq is so layered and intricate that we simply did not have the historical perspective to accurately assess possible solutions to this, America's latest foreign invasion.

Like most Americans, several extremely difficult questions faced us: Should we continue a war which has no conceivable ending point? Was the wareven justifiable to be begin with? Would it now be wiser to promptly admit defeat and withdraw our troops? Will the legacy of America in Iraq be creating a smoldering land mass and thirty rival factions competing for an unseated throne, or will it be creating ablissful republic with the ability to support its people with the infrastructure it so desperately needs? Most importantly, will the Americanization of Iraq actually result in less terrorist activity, as we are so told?

The Trap

Let's take a brief look back to the start of this tangled mess. We were originally led to believe that the reason for the war was linked to indisputable evidence, confirmed by multiple intelligence agencies, regarding the stockpiling of biological and nuclear weapons by Saddam Hussein. The president then corraled Congress to tacitly approve a War in Iraq with no clear timetable or exit strategy and a vaguely outlined mission that centered around capturing presumed "Weapons of Mass Destruction."

Three years later, the nonexistent "WMDs" became a buzzword in the English lexicon. They failed to surface in Iraq, and Saddam now admits he never even had them. In order to save face, the strategy of the war took on an entirely new agenda: to dismantle the existing Iraqi dictatorship and replace it with good ol' fashioned American democracy. This new democracy, it was argued, would help to stabilize the Middle East, therefore assisting American security.

Unfortunately, none of the rosy predictions are coming true. Recent government reports have concluded that the war is encouraging new terrorist recruits, among other dangerous developments. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are labelling the entire venture a failure.

US citizens still remain anxious for some sort of victory, despite the shifting rationale, but the problem is getting worse and worse. The outcries at the lack of progress are finding a sympathetic ear in the Democrats, who will trot into the mid-term elections and ease into their victory lab with a Democratic holding the keys to the White House in 2008.

The President's new goal

Meanwhile, neither party seems to have a good answer as to exactly why we are losing this war or what we can do to win it. The President himself admits he has no idea when the war will end. But he does have a (vague) criterion for a withdrawal, specifically an Iraqi nation that can "sustain itself, govern itself, and defend itself."

This is an incredibly optimistic goal when we consider the great amount of trouble that our own country has had completing these same tasks for ourselves. We should be mindful that our country has a democratic head-start of well over two centuries over the Iraqis. And unlike the American revolution, the Iraqi democratization was not initiated by the people themselves.

The Bush Administration's goal of spreading democracy is extremely questionable. Democracy recently applied in Palestine, for example, ended up in the sweeping election of Hamas, a terrorist organization.

Democracy, a lot like the free market, works well in rational, peaceful, and wealthy countries, but not so well in poor, backward, and fanatical ones. There is no "transformative" effect of democracy, either. Democracy doesn't make zealots rational - it just makes them able to elect zealots to positions of power.

Now America stands at the proverbial crossroads. The is question is whether we believe in this alleged power of democracy and thus continue the unpopular imposition of the supposedly universally-loved state structure, or admit defeat and fly our boys back home as quick as possible. Or is there still a middle ground?

It is the Institute's opinion that although the war was once justified on the presumed existence of dangerous weapons of mass destruction, these noble goals have been abandoned in an improvident current prosecution of "The War on Terror."

In our opinion, the War on Terrorism should not be about rebuilding countries. The inability of America to offensively colonize other countries has always been painfully clear even since our failed invasion(s) of Canada in the Revolutionary War. The leaders of our country have failed to learn from the lessons of the past. As supported by our roles in the Spanish-American War, World Wars I & II and Desert Storm, our rate of success is far better when we are serving a protective role rather than an aggressive one.

Since we already captured Saddam, murdered his sons, and have no hope to find the WMDs, we have ended any possible national threat and thus have no more legitimate governmental interest in Iraq. We must immediately find the quickest way to leave Iraq without precipitating a civil war - not continue to seek an imposition of democracy that is neither desired, efficient, or beneficial for either country.

What everyone else is too afraid to say

There is a specter over Iraq which almost everyone in the media and this government knows on some level, yet all parties avoid addressing it publicly. It is the cause for the current disharmony and it will surely be the cause for skirmishes in the future. The specter I speak of is the fundamentalist interpretation of the Koran and the damage it causes in the minds of men.

Most interpretations of the Koran are positive, life giving, peace offering, and humble in scope. However, when the Koran is twisted by power-hungry and often times evil people, it can turn a prosperous and peaceful society into a hate-filled locus of oppression.

It is an exercise in insanity to give political power to passionately religious people who are taught that the Koran militates against precisely the type of political changes and social conventions the US wishes to bring them. To many citizens of Iraq, whether Sunni or Shia or in between, the West is the designated spokesman for the devil. The goal of the war should not be to trust these people with democracy.

Fundamentalist Islam has no capacity to adopt any effective form of democratic government, period, and in no situation should this acidic ideology be encouraged to gain power. Not even the most elementary assumptions of the nature of man nor theories of effective government can reconciled with the new breed of uncompromising Islam.

It is suicide at worst and perilous at best to assume Iraq is capable of adopting a fully functional democratic government without radically endangering the lives of every single citizen in the country, every country in the region, and even the United States. There is much more that can be said to add to this point, but for purposes of brevity I will leave it at that. For more information please see Five Intrinsic Problems Facing Islamic Countries.

The daily slaughter of Iraqis by Iraqis of opposing Islamic sects is all the evidence America should need to be persuaded of the inadvisability of Iraqi democracy. What if the Iraqis have a peaceful plebiscite and they, like Hamas, vote terrorists into office? Or, like Iran, elect an anti-Semitic, anti-Western demagogue bent on nuclear weapons? Each major Iraqi sect seems to have as its primary goal the obliteration of the other Iraqi sects; these sentiments should not be given democratic legitimacy. The Bush Administration's policy, in the end, has the end effect of bringing international political legitimacy to the very same groups we are trying to eradicate.

The solution to the Iraq predicament

The only viable solution in the opinion of this organization is to install in Iraq a moderate Muslim potentate who can effectively limit, with a strong centralized force (and perhaps decentralized provincial decision-making), sectarian conflict and radical fundamentalism. This example is given by the more "moderate" Islamic states, including Turkey, Egypt, and Kuwait, who subdue terrorists while piously imposing sharia-inspired law and order.

America should concede Iraq a theocratic governmental structure that substantially limits democracy. This is the best option to preserve stability and facilitate quick withdrawal. The Iraqi constitution should provide as much provincial/ethnic independence as necessary to avert full-scale civil war, and the military should continue to be trained as much as necessary to keep the government in power. All aid should be given to this fledgling nation contingent upon the continuing prosecution of Islamic extremists.

America should abandon the attempt to impose democracy on Iraq. The Iraqi government should be relatively responsive to public sentiment and concerns but it should retain the absolute strength and authority to quash terrorists and other dangerous sectarian killers. The Iraqis already resent the American-led governmental creation, and so it is foolish to allow them to elect their resentment into power. If the Iraqis' own government is a permanently installed reminder of US dominance, future revolution (and a worse political mess for which the US would be liable) is guaranteed.

It is an uncomfortable reality of Middle Eastern politics that a powerful state (see Saddam's Iraq, Afghanistan under the Taliban) is much more conducive to relative peace and stability than democracy. America's Iraq policy should heed this lesson. The War on Terrorism is supposed to be pursuing this peace and stability, not facilitating the popular election of the very Islamofascists who wish to kill us.

Perhaps through years of peace and education, the sons and daughters of the current Iraqi insurgents will be more tolerant in their religious attitudes. Perhaps then, possibly hundreds of years from now, they will realize the benefits of a liberal republic and the secular system which has brought so much value to the United States. Until that day, however, it is foolish to force a democracy on the Iraqi citizens without the impact severely harming the United States.

America must respect human nature. We should allow the Iraqis to deliver themselves a tolerant and peaceful government whenever they choose to do it themselves, and when it will not elect killers. It is the most obvious point of all: a people who truly desire a democratic government should be creating it themselves. In the meantime, American soldiers should not be dying in order to put Muqtada al-Sadr on a ballot.

Justin graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Information and Computer Science from the University of California at Irvine in 2004. Justin serves as the Deputy Editor of the Prometheus Insitute and has been on the staff since the Institutes inception. Justin is an expert in internet research and development, and plans to graduate with an M.B.A. from the Paul Merage School of Business at the University of California Irvine in 2009. His interests include swimming, meditating, and low stakes games of Hi/Lo Crazy Pineapple at the Bicycle Casino.


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