Discover How Retirees Are Cashing In From Years Of Wisdom Once Retired
People are retiring at earlier ages than ever before. For some, it's their own choice. For others, the company they work for may offer incentives to take early retirement.
At first the idea of retirement makes you giddy. No more alarm clocks. Doing whatever you please whenever you darn well feel like it!
But after awhile even the exciting adventures become boring and you find yourself thinking, "What the heck am I supposed to do with all this extra time?"
You know you need a purpose. A reason to get up in the morning. Something to excite you. Keep your mind active. A passion! Being retired doesn't mean becoming bound to the rocking chair!
Actually, this can become the most exciting part of your life's journey. Because you do have the time to do whatever you want.
If you've had a secret dream throughout your working life, now's the time to dust it off and attack with gusto. Your interests can finally take center stage.
Maybe part of your dream is to follow your passion and make money while doing it. Who can't use extra income? That idea that's been picking at you for years can now be brought forward.
Here's something else to think about. You can write about whatever your passion is and sell the information. What? How?
Listen up...consumers are hungry for information. When they need to know something they will gladly pay money to get your knowledge.
Think about this...
* you do not have to be a professional writer
* if you can talk to someone, you can write
* you know about your special interest
* you can research what you don't know
* what you know is needed by someone else
When you've wanted to learn more about something, what did you do? Go to a library? The bookstore? Right. Because you wanted to see if they had a book about the subject.
Now, more often than not, the first place we go is online to do our research. When we find information on our special niche, we buy it. As in an eBook.
And, this is where you come in...because you, too, can become an eBook writer! Yes, you! Don't scoff. Remember...if you can talk, you can write. But, wait. Now that you're all excited, you're wondering, "Alright! Tell me everything I need to know and I'll do it!"
Like these steps...
* getting profitable ideas (no wasting time on losers)
* researching and writing
* turning your knowledge into an actual eBook
* creating one-page web site (no hiding under the bed)
* learning how to market your eBook (fun part)
* everything you need to know to run your business
* watching money go into bank account (the most fun)
You won't be led astray. Because you will learn from the best in the business. A professional writer known as "The Ghostwriter to the Internet Marketing Superstars"!
Make the most of your retirement. You know you want to...
(c) 2007 Karen Cook
Let the reaping begin at...
Karen Cook works at a Public Library and can't wait for retirement. In the meantime, she loves researching information for her retired patrons.