How to Write a Review of an Online Video
Have you ever been asked to review an online video? Well if it is your first time it will not be easy. Sometimes when asked to do a review, they want your opinion, other times they want a comprehensive review, but no opinion, rather allow the reader of the review to decide.
It is not easy to write an online video review because you are taking something that is 3D and reducing it into words. Here is a sample online video review (w/opinion) that might help you understand how to write an online video review:
Interview Format
Ari and another gentleman were being interviewed by LawLine. The interviewer was interviewing both his son (David Shurman) and Ari. Ari is a former full-time practicing lawyer who always enjoyed the interesting information that he learned and interesting people he got to meet due to his profession, but not the paper work so much, there was always tons of it to go through and he did diligently. He recalls lamenting his days at work with his wife and telling her of the interesting people he got to meet each evening.
The interviews main theme was the increasing usage of Lawyers to use the Internet and informational marketing or rather using the Internet as a way to propel "expert status" using such technologies as Blogs, iPod Casting, SEO (search engine optimization) and writing articles. Both interviewees put forth various relevant strategies in this venue to help lawyers market their services better.
Indeed the interviewer (old school lawyer) was simply amazed at the potential and the new technologies and how this changed the game. One interesting example was a Chicago Law Firm that was able to capitalize on "Key Words" such as "I hurt my leg" in order to drive Internet Surfers to his website and then convert them to clients.
The Interview showed the importance to have Internet Presence and how this is the new paradigm and law firms must adapt in this new technologically changing environment. Other examples of future technologies were interwoven into the interview to demonstrate that the future is now, the train has left the station and law firms must move forward if they are to stay competitive.
Issues with that interview
Ari touched his face too much especially his ears. His body language suggested to me, that he was severely holding back his high energy and was being overly conciliatory to the other interviewee, who also happened to be the son of the interviewer. It seemed like Ari, was more qualified to discuss the issue, but had to pretend that the son of the interviewee was his equal, he was nothing of the sort. The son responded by several statements lending credibility to Ari and yet Ari, although playing it well, gave himself away as he knew he was well beyond the son's knowledge base.
What I Conclude:
It is problematic that lawyers have dominated every sector of the economy, bureaucracy, military, companies and everyday life in America, now they are training other lawyers how to take over the Internet. This is typical of the self-serving profession of law and how it provides little if any productivity and costs our economy trillions each year in exaserbated costs.
Interestingly enough as Lawyers begin to Blog they will hold themselves above the population in their content and sue anyone who disagrees with them. Thus will ruin yet another industry or sector. In this case the greatest communication system ever created in the history of mankind will be destroyed by lawyers, which have hijacked the Information Highway of the future. Now then the interview was valid in that these strategies can work for any type of business, consultant and therefore the panel discussion/slash interview was worth watching.
Ari Kaplan has the right patrician looks and would be much better in a single interview or with someone who is his equal, if someone can be found to promote various topics as an expert. He needs someone to interview him who is wise and can keep up. He is holding back his flow of information and his ability to speak at 165 words per minute. He needs more time to talk and someone who can guide the flow of his knowledge base in an interview. People could learn a lot from Ari. The question is only, is the world ready to discuss things at the higher level?
L. Winslow is an Economic Advisor to the Online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entreprenuer. Currently he is planning a bicycle ride across the US to raise money for charity and is sponsored by and all the proceeds will go to various charities who sign up.
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