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Sunday, February 17, 2008 

Donate Your Blood - And Smile

Have you ever stopped to think what would happen if you needed a blood transfusion and none was available for your blood type?


I have a rare blood type along with my children and many other people. It hit me right in my heart when my daughter needed a blood transfusion. Thankfully, the hospital was stocked with her blood type and end of problem. If the hospital and Blood Bank would have needed blood, I was available to donate my blood.

But what if an emergency happened and there was not any blood available for you? What if there were not any family members available with your blood type? What happens then?

I receive phone calls and post cards weekly from the Blood Bank reminding me to donate blood. I try to donate my blood when it is possible.



(1) You are on a medication that is not allowed to be taken when donating blood.

(2) You had recent surgery and not fully recovered.

(3) You had a minor procedure and not fully recovered.

(4) You get very weak and pass out.

(5) You can't tolerate a needle stick.

(6) You have a disease that can cause harm to others.

(7) Your iron level is low.

(8) You have the flu, sore throat or cold.

After reviewing this list it should make you uneasy about depending on the Blood Bank and hospital always to be available for you. But for the majority of people the Blood Bank is usually stocked with your blood type unless there is a disaster. If this occurs, the Blood Bank will actively ask for people to step forward and donate their blood.


If you are a person that can donate blood to the Blood Bank or Hospital, you should feel proud. It is a special honor to donate blood and save lives.


I know every time I donate blood, I feel happy inside and my self esteem soars. If you can't volunteer your time and energy for other projects consider this your pet charity.

I hope, you have enjoyed this article. Please feel free to check out my other articles and leave a comment. I would love to hear from you.

I'll catch you later on my next article, I am on my way to donate my blood at the Blood Bank. See you there!

Copyright 2006 Linda Meckler

Linda has a rare blood type and gladly donates her blood whenever possible. Currently she has written her first children's Adventure book, "Ghost Kids Trilogy." This is 3 complete books in 1 book. Love, Family Values, and Charity burst off the pages. (Book 1) Ghost Kids: 2 children and 2 Ghost Kids team up to reunite them with their parents. This is for children ages 8-14 to adult.(Book 2) Blue Vase Mystery: Uncle Charlie the villain of the books wants to be release out of a magical blue vase. He will tell the children where Pirates' Treasure is hidden. (Book 3) Pirates' Treasure-the hunt. Join the children on a treasure hunt.

Check out my website http://www.lmeckler.com my email lmecky@tns.net. To purchase Ghost Kids Trilogy http://www.amazon.com or http://www.buybooksontheweb.com With a purchase of 5 books=40 discount, with a purchase of 20 book no postage and handling ISBN 0-7414-2273-5